• I was wondering what some new and useful solid strategies for Japan and the UK would be, including buys.

  • '19

    Japan:  Japan has a lot of potential in this game.  They start off with a massive air force and solid navy.  I usually like to attack turn 3 which allows me to have the transports to hit all my objectives.  Turn two is not bad also and turn one can work but I feel three is the best.  Turn four is to long of a wait and by then India has lots of men defending Calcutta.  Two minor IC on the Asian mainland will put China and India out of business.  I like them on Hong Kong and French Indo China.  Until China and India fall, I get two tanks and a mech for both factories.  I also like to add a aircraft carrier a turn for my remaining fighters and I usually post in the Philippines so I get the six kamikiezes and three fighters can also scramble.  Don’t forget to also have a destroyer next to Hawaii! That way USA doesn’t sneak in and surpise you in Japan! I caught my opponent sleeping one time and took Korea with the USA. Subs and destroyers are also good for cannon fotter when you eventually have the big navy clash with the allies.  You will needs transports also because the allies will try to take some of those money islands back to stop your objectives.  When you have only one more VC to go hit Australia.  Establish a beach head and keep the supply line coming and then strike at Sydney! If you played your cards right your navy should still be stronger than the allies and it should be game over for them.

    UK:  UK is limited in this game.  I like to buy men and if I’m lucky a mech or artillery.  If Japan hasnt attacked you early then take the money islands.  If Japan hasn’t attacked by round 3, then declare war and get the NO. A AA is also not a bad buy.  Maybe you will get lucky and shoot a few fighters down during the Calcutta battle.  That itself will benefit the other allies, especially the navy.  Anyways, have fun! This is a great game and I still enjoy playing it by itself

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