Seems pretty good. Looks like a lot more money for the Allies. Might be required since the UK is so busted up. Seems like you’d always J1 given that the US is already making 5 bucks off Japan anyways.
IL's new KISS AA50 and AA42 House rules 1.1
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Mar 14, 2010, 7:35 PM Mar 12, 2010, 1:28 AM
Inspired by the recent threads regarding a KISS approach for AA50. I took my own posted ideas from my house rules of 11-8-08 and reduced them into something more simpler. I am sure many of these ideas will work for AA42.
These rules are meant to be used as players may want to pick and choose. You can feel free to add some or all of them for various balancing issues in games or just for more realism. I suggest players use the standard rules together and add optional rules for balancing, strategic options, and increased historical realism. These would also work for AA42.
Standard Rules:
Alternative bidding system: The axis player starts with a cash fund of IPC which grows by the rate of one IPC each turn. It can be used once and when that occurs it’s used in its entirety and the fund stops growing. The fund can be used at any time even if it’s not your turn and you immediately place pieces equal to its value in any controlled territory. Unspent IPC are lost.
Dice challenge: During the course of combat rolls, each side is allowed a number of re-rolls for either a poor dice result as the attacker or defender (costs one point), or a re-roll of an air unit hit from a defending AA (costs two points). The total number of assigned points is to be determined before start of play. Players can choose how they allocate results during each turn. This is done to help alleviate some bad rolls that may occur.
Anti-Air rolls: These are now done according to Low Luck rules with any fraction still being rolled. Multiple AA guns have no effect. AA guns only fire during the combat phase and not during NCM. Only Bombers can be targeted by AA guns.
China: The Soviet player controls China starting with its own turn. The flying tiger’s fighter can be rebuilt if destroyed if the US player spends IPC for this. The American player simply buys a fighter and its placed in China during placement phase. If the total Chinese controlled territories equals an odd number, round up for the purpose of determining the placement of new infantry.
Burma Road: If Yunnan and Burma are under allied control the Chinese gain one additional infantry for free.
New Victory Cities:
Cairo and Polesti are added as Victory Cities. The original VC requirement is still in effect, but these are added to symbolize the strategic and historical importance of these localities.Infantry Placement at VC: Infantry only may be placed at any originally controlled VC for the cost of 4 IPC each limited to the production value of the territory. Captured VC locations can also produce Infantry, but only one each.
Tanks: All tanks now cost 6 IPC.
Conduct Convoy Disruptions: Each Axis submarine, or surface raider (Battleship or Cruiser) located outside the Baltic and Mediterranean can potentially disrupt Allied shipping. American and British submarines only may disrupt Axis shipping and this requirement would be outside the Baltic.
Procedure: Each submarine or warship that ends its turn adjacent to the enemy controlled land territory can cause damage up to and equal to the total value of the adjacent territories. Submarines cause 1 point of damage, while Surface raiders can cause 2 points of damage. Example: Japan has 3 subs adjacent to India and takes 3 IPC from the British player’s total IPC total.
Revised Tech Tree:
Procedure: Same as AA50 except you assign your researcher to one of the following FOUR categories: Land, Sea, Air and Production. You can only assign up to one researcher per category at a time and no more than two different categories.Research & Development Sequence:
1. Buy researcher tokens
2. Roll research dice
3. Roll breakthrough die
4. Mark development
Step 1: Buy Researcher Tokens
Each researcher token costs 5 IPC’s.
Step 2: Roll Research Dice
For each researcher you have, roll one die.-Success: If you roll at least one “6”, you have successfully made a technological breakthrough. Discard all your researcher tokens and continue to step 3.
-Failure: If you do not roll a “6”, your research has failed. Keep your researcher token and continue to the Purchase Units phase of the turn. On each subsequent turn the success becomes easier and is reduced by one each turn: 6, 5,4,3,2, and eventually it is automatic.
Step 3: Roll Breakthrough Die
If you succeed on any research die, you choose any technology within the 1st tier. Additional technology research applied to the same tech category can go to a higher technology as long as you got at least one tech. For example: If you want a technology that is 3rd tier in land technology, you must have at least one 1st tier and one 2nd tier tech in that same category.Step 4: Mark Development
If your research was successful, place one of your national control markers inside the appropriate advancement box on the research & development chart. Your development becomes effective immediately. Any number of powers may develop the same technology, but powers cannot share their technology.Land Technology:
Tier #1:
• Paratroopers- Each bomber can now carry one infantry in combat or two infantry in non-combat and drop them within normal flight range. If used during the combat move, the drop of airborne troops can not be further than two spaces from your nearest land unit.
• Mobile Warfare Doctrine- Mechanized Infantry attack at 2 on the first combat round.
Tier #2:
• Self Propelled Artillery- Your Artillery now moves 2 spaces.
Tier #3:
• Heavy Tanks- Tanks attack at 4 on the first combat round.Sea Technology:
Tier #1:
Naval ASW- Cruisers are now ASW units and have the same rules as destroyers with regard to submarine interactions.
Tier #2:
• Improved Carriers- Carriers now take 2 hits and have a 3 fighter capacity. Damaged carriers can still defend with planes, but cannot launch attacks on naval units until repaired. They can launch their planes for land attacks only if damaged.
• Super Battleships- your existing battleships attack and defend at 5 and they always fire preemptively in combat each turn (loses removed before they fire back) for either attack or defense.
Tier #3:
• Super Subs- Your subs now defend at 2 and attack at 3.
• AA Cruisers: If your Cruisers roll a one on defense, an attacking plane can be selected as a loss.Air Technology:
Tier #1:
• Radar- any fighters you have defending and not under attack can assist adjacent territories prior to the start of combat rolls. They act immediately in these battles.
• Torpedo Bombers- your tactical-bombers can make a selected first round attack against naval units. If they hit the selected unit is damaged or sunk.
Tier #2:
• Long Rang Aircraft- Aircraft now moves 2 extra spaces.
• Air ASW- Aircraft can now attack submarines without the need for a Destroyer or Cruiser.
Tier #3:
• Heavy Bombers- roll two dice = pick the best result and apply to SBR. Also, Bombers also now attack at 5 or less and defend at 2 or less.
Tier #4:
• Jet Fighters- The attack value of your fighters is now 4 and the defense is 5.
• Rockets- Your antiaircraft guns are now also rocket launchers. In addition to its normal combat function, during the strategic bombing raid step of your Conduct Combat phase each turn, each of your antiaircraft guns can make a single rocket attack against an enemy industrial complex within 3 spaces of it. This flak level for this is not regarded and each AA gun gets one roll.
Tier #5:
• Atomic Bomb- Each Atomic Bombs costs 10 IPC and only one can be made each turn. When dropped no AA roll is made. Effects: 3 dice of variable damage and one die of permanent damage. The first turn this can be developed is turn 7. Prerequisite: Heavy Bombers technology.
Production Technology:
Tier #1:
• War Bonds- add one die to IPC total each turn.
• Lend Lease- You may now give IPC to your allies. Each transport you own gets you one D6, which is rolled and the income transferred to a friendly player on the following turn. For each enemy submarine on the map, subtract one from this total. The final result is subtracted from the giving players IPC treasury for his current turn. This transfer is made at the start of your turn before purchases.
Tier #2:
• Underground factories- SBR hits count at ½ value rounded down.
• Infrastructure Efficiency- (one IPC allocated removes two points of damage)Tier #3:
• Shipyards- subs, transports, destroyers cost one less IPC, all other ships cost two less IPC.
• Total War- The first land or air unit built (by type) costs -1Procedure: allocate researcher to develop a tier #1 technology in any of three categories. Once you have developed a technology you can choose one of the two choices. If you elect to develop further research in the same category and succeed, you may then either elect to choose a Tier #2 technology or pick something from a LOWER tier technology.
Eventually, you can get to a tier #3 technology and chose any lower tech.
These are optional rules that apply to Technology:Spies: These cost 10 IPC each and can be assigned in secret to any specific enemy player’s technology category (land, sea or air). If that player decides to develop a technology in this category and it succeeds, the spy may be revealed and the spy gets to roll obtaining technology on a roll of 4-6. Note: the Soviet player is the only player that can send spies to his own allies and they cost 5 IPC.
Counter Spy: Each player may buy a super spy which can be used to eliminate the enemy spy but this is also assigned to a specific technology category (land, sea or air) to any technologies that can be developed.
Optional Rules:
Mechanized Infantry: Any nation can now build Mech. Infantry that attack at 1 or defend at 2, move 2, and cost 4. They are considered infantry for transport purposes. Each Mechanized Infantry paired at 1:1 basis artillery raises its attack value to two.
Tactical Bomber: Any nation can build them for 11 IPC and they attack at 3 and defend at 3 and move 4 spaces. They can be placed on carriers at same capacity as fighters. These have a special ability on attack: If they fight with a tank or another fighter they have a modified attack rating of 4 at a 1:1 basis.
It defends preemptively at two rolls of 3. It does not move and costs 8. It must be manned by at least one infantry and this infantry also defends. Only Artillery or Bomber hits can destroy a fortification and the fortification takes 2 hits to kill. Infantry inside cannot be destroyed until the fortification is also destroyed.Unit Summary:
Unit Move Attack Defend Cost Notes
Mech. Infantry 2 1 2 4 +1 attack w/Art
Tactical-Bomber 4 3 2 8 SB at 50%
Blockhouse - - 3+3 8 Only 1 per space, 1st shotMinor Factory: These cost 12 IPC and may only be placed in territories with an IPC value of three or higher. They produce only 3 units each turn. You can upgrade a minor factory to a major factory for a cost of 20 IPC. Minor factories cannot be built on Islands with Australia, England, and Japan as exceptions.
Naval Ports: These can be purchased for 8 IPC and placed in your controlled territories that contain a Victory City and is adjacent to a sea zone. They protect ships in port from naval attack, but not from air attack. If air units attack it is for one round and the naval port has an implied defense of 1 against each plane that attacks and this is rolled prior to the first combat round. Loses are removed immediately. If the land territory is captured, the naval units are considered dislodged and must be placed in the sea zone. If any enemy ships pass thru the sea zone adjacent to the port they cannot be intercepted. New units built can also be placed in ports rather than the open sea zone as long as the territory contains a factory. During Strategic Redeployment one naval ship may move from one port to another during NCM.
Soviet-Japanese non-aggression pact: The Soviet player cannot attack Japanese territories until Berlin falls. The Japanese player can do as he pleases. But if he chooses to attack Russia, the Russian player gets an additional fund equal to 50% IPC of the current Soviet production (rounded up) to be used immediately to fight the Japanese. The units chosen may be of any type, but must all defend against the first Japanese attack and can choose if Japan attacks at different locations.
Soviet Factories: The Soviet player can move 1 factory per turn to any other originally controlled territory. The same factory can never be moved more than once per game.
Stalin Xenophobia: NO USA/UK units of any type allowed in Soviet territories. NO mixing of any units with Soviet units (including naval). Soviet Units can liberate Japanese occupied Chinese territories and that’s the only time they can enter China. Soviet units can also ‘liberate’ any Axis occupied territories and keep them as their own even if they were previously owned by Allied nations.
Either player can retreat: Either player can retreat in land combat after any full combat round. Retreat can be in full or in part. The declaration is made before the start of combat. The attackers retreat must be to at least one of the territories the attacker can from. The defender can retreat to any controlled space. If one side causes additional hits on the other, then the additional hit allocations are taken from retreating units. Units that declare retreat at the beginning of the round do not fire in that same round.
Naval Repair: Battleships, or Improved Carriers (with technology) are no longer are repaired for free. Repair must be done by moving these units to a sea zone adjacent at any controlled or allied factory. You only have to “touch the sea zone” in order to repair. If you have movement points remaining you can continue to move past.Scorched Earth: A player can destroy a factory after any complete combat round providing he still has units remaining after at least one round of combat.
D-Day: once per game the British and American player can make a joint attack in any one combat situation. It can be during either players turn. On the next UK or USA turn those units will still be able to be moved again.
Axis Aid: Germany gets 1 IPC each from Spain and Sweden while they are neutral.
Turkey: Conquest of Turkey allows a land bridge from Black sea, so land units can move across.
Gibraltar and Malta: Malta is added to the map ( see my files). In both cases they cannot be invaded by the axis. The allies can maintain no more than 2 units of any type on these territories. The allies can build a port but must observe the 2 unit rule at all times. These areas can be attacked only by air.
Denmark/Turkish straights: No naval units can cross unless both sides are under control by the same player or his ally.
Neutral forces: all neutrals have a value of 1 IPC, except the following:Spain: 3 IPC
Turkey: 3 IPC
Sweden: 2 IPC
Saudi Arabia: 2 IPCProcedure: roll ONE D6 for each IPC= equals starting forces. Until you conquer the nation it is an ally of your enemy but they don’t collect IPC. Only direct occupation and conquest awards IPC to the player. Each turn these activated nations can build new units according to its own capacity and place one unit of any type per turn.
Note: Sahara, Afghanistan, Mongolia, and Himalayan territitory cannot be entered by any units.
Historical Starting Technology:Each player starts the game with this tech:
Germany: Paratroopers
Soviet Union: War Bonds
United Kingdom: Radar
Japan: Torpedo Bombers
Italy: Mobile Warfare Doctrine ( if playing AA42, add this to German starting Tech)
USA: Lend Lease -
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Mar 12, 2010, 1:31 AM
Here is the ‘pretty version’
A little bit more than “kiss”
but good none the less -
The optional rules are half of the text.
Two of the Soviet optional rules are being reconfigured as NA’s
Each player and Italy will get 6 NA’s
great I love na’s. I think China should get some maybe not six but two or three would be nice.
China: The Soviet player controls China starting with its own turn. The flying tiger’s fighter can be rebuilt if destroyed if the US player spends IPC for this. If the total Chinese controlled territories equals an odd number, round up for the purpose of determining the placement of new infantry.
You need more details on how this works
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Mar 14, 2010, 7:33 PM
You need more details on how this works
Well thanks for your reply!.
The flying tiger’s fighter can be rebuilt if destroyed if the US player spends IPC for this.
ON the US players turn, they buy a fighter and its placed anywhere in China just as if a factory existed ( like how china does infantry)
Under these rules the Soviet player has full control of the Chinese forces.
Whew… a lotta stuff I need to read here… BLoCKHOUSE! BLOCKHOUSE! (I like 'em… but on a global scale - eh, I’ll check it out…)
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Mar 15, 2010, 1:02 AM
Here is my new NA list for AA50: ( semi final status)
Soviet Union National Advantages
1. Partisan Resistance
Once per turn you may end a battle after first round of combat and stay in the same territory as the enemy, whether on attack or defense, in any original Soviet controlled Territory (ones with a symbol in them). These units are locked in combat and can not move out of this territory before the opposing force is destroyed.2. Red Army Conscription
Once per game you may declare a mass conscription during the purchase units phase of your turn. Your infantry have a reduced cost of 2 IPC’s during this turn only; The alternative is you can buy up to 2 infantry units at a reduced price of 5 IPC. Additional cost normal price.3. Scorched Earth
You may remove your industrial complexes during your mobilize new units phase in order to prevent them from being captured by an opponent.4. T-34 Tanks
Once per turn you can build a maximum of two tanks for 5 IPC’s each. (Remember now tanks cost 6 IPC)6. Trans-Siberian Railway
In the NCM phase, up to 15 IPC worth of land units map move anywhere between any original Soviet controlled territories.Germany National Advantages
1. Dive Bombers
Tactical bombers or Fighters (if not using Tactical bombers) attack at 4 against land units in the first combat round.2. Atlantic Wall
During any amphibious assault against France, North-Western Europe, Germany or Norway, all your infantry and artillery defend on a 3 during the first cycle of combat.3. Africa Korps
The German player may place one land unit in Africa without a transport and this unit can be controlled by the Italian player for the rest of the game. Exchange the unit with Italian piece if playing AA50.4. Wolf Packs
Your submarines attack on a 3 if there is two or more than one of them at the start of the combat cycle. When there are less than two submarines at the start of a combat cycle, this ability is lost. Wolf Packs do not improve defending submarines. Enemy destroyers do not affect this National Advantage. The submarines may come from different sea zones, but they must attack the same sea zone.5. Blitzkrieg
When your tanks attack along with fighters, the tanks and fighters attack on a 4 or less. This pairing is on a one-to-one basis.6. Panzer Grenadiers
Mechanized Infantry can blitz two spaces even if not matched with a tank. They also attack at 2 in the first round of combat.
United Kingdom National Advantages
1. Radar
Your antiaircraft guns at factories now fire on a 1 or 2 instead of just a 1.2. ANZAC
British Infantry defending in pacific territories defend at 3 in the first combat round. These areas are defined as any territories east of and including India.3. Fighter Command
Your fighters on any original British territory defend at 5 in combat.4. Commonwealth Troops
During your mobilize new units phase, you may place one of your infantry built in England to any other location you own on the board.5. British Commandos
Your infantry attacks on a 2 in the first cycle of the land combat portion of an amphibious assault.6. Colonial Garrison
You begin the game with one free minor industrial complex in any original UK territory with an income value of at least 3.Japan National Advantages
1. Tokyo Express
Each of your destroyers may act as a transport for one infantry. These destroyers follow the same rules for loading and offloading units as transports do. Destroyers are still allowed to conduct combat when transporting and unloading.2. Trained Pilots
Your carrier based planes get a +1 in combat versus naval units in the first round.3. Long Lance Torpedoes
During the first cycle of combat only, your destroyers attack and defend on a 3. In succeeding cycles of combat, your destroyers fire as normal.4. Kamikaze
Japan may make up to 6 special attacks per game in any sea zone adjacent to a original Japanese controlled territory or island. Any plane can target any one ship and if it hits both units are destroyed. If the plane misses, it can try again a second time, but only one attempt by the same plane is possible and a maximum of 6 attacks of this type per game.5. Fukkaku Defenses
All your infantry on islands (including Japan) defend on a 3.6. Banzai Attacks
When you move only infantry into a contested space during the combat move phase, you may at that time declare the intended attack to be a banzai attack (for an amphibious assault you may also include offshore bombardment support). If you do so, all those infantry attack on a 2 for the first round only. You may not withdraw from any banzai attack, regardless of whether it is amphibious or not.Italian National Advantages
1. Frogmen
Any Allied surface naval ship that enters the Mediterranean can be attacked at 1 for one round.2. Kesselring
One Infantry can be placed in any Italian controlled territory in Africa each turn.3. Minor Axis Allies
One free Infantry can be built and placed in one of the following each turn: Finland, Romania, or Hungary.4. Pact of Steel
The Italians can receive up to one D6 worth of aid from Germany each turn. (income is deducted from German totals)5. African Empire
Two infantry can be placed in East Africa for free and British control is revoked. Any British units are moved to an adjacent territory.6. Gustav Line
Infantry in original Italian territories defend at 3.United States National Advantages
1. War Economy
During your collect income phase, roll one die and collect that many additional IPC’s.
(Note: This is in addition to any Technology roll under “war bonds”)2. Pearl Harbor
You may place one naval build in Hawaii even if it has no factory nor could have.3. Essex Class Carriers
Your carriers now have a 3 plane capacity (still take only one hit unless you got special technology).4. Mechanized Army
Your infantry and artillery have a move of 2 during NCM phase. The combat move of your infantry and artillery remains at 1.5. Marines
Your infantry attacks on a 2 in the first cycle of the land combat portion of an amphibious assault.6. Super fortresses
Your bombers add +2 to the die each when conducting a strategic bombing raid. -
Your UK NA’s are a little lame IL
I like the loss of joint strike, because its boringFighter command should work like a scramble
Colonial Garrison should be “2” IPC territories, so you arent just limited to India and E Canada
Radar is a tech…get that out of here…you can be more original than thatI like the new german blitzkreig
Soviet Railway is a “little” over powered, perhaps make it 12 IPCs (2 tanks or 4 Infantry, etc.)
What happens if you get dive bombers and Blitzkrieg?Italy should just GET a free infantry for Minor Axis Allies, or it should be something to do with spain. Perhaps. Place a german or italian NCM on spain for each National Objective completed by that power this turn. If ever there are 10 Tokens on Spain, Spain joins the Axis. Place 3 Italian infantry, 1 artilery, and a Victory city token. Spain is now a 3 IPC territory. At any time instead, Italy may exchange present tokens for IPCs at 1:1.
African empire should just start the game with italians there, not “at any time”
Gustav line is pretty crappy, what about something a little more flashyUS war economy should be “mass production”
Two of the same non infantry unit can be bought for s 2 IPC discount. 2 tanks are 10, 2 fighters are 18, etc. -
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Mar 15, 2010, 3:34 AM
OK. I will work on them.
Soviet railway will go to 12 IPC
Colonial garrison will change, but it has to be simple and the rules don’t allow minors at 2. It would be an exception to the minor factory rules which i don’t like. It was meant for Australia or India
If you got Commonwealth troops you can already place one unit in these areas anyway right?
Radar will be removed.
Blitzkreig apply as a bonus for tanks, and i also see the problem…i will fix
African empire is weak admittedly… will change it
Italy does get an infantry under minor axis allies. Its under their control even if it is placed in a German area
Gustav is weak…yes
I will change the American to “Arsenal of Democracy” but remember i have a technology that covers cheaper units.
Just my opinion but Sea Tier 2 seems FAR more powerful than Sea Tier 3. Carriers bumped that much would trump anything with that much offensive and defensive power and it seems unlikely that anyone would bother with Sea research 3 after getting access to either of those.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Mar 15, 2010, 6:53 PM
Ok looking into this.
I would prefer to have two choices for each tier, so land tech is quite shallow currently.
I will work on these and other issues tonight and if anybody has some new tech suggestions, please post them
as you know my UK ones are weak and admittedly so. :-(
IL, My UK NA’s if you need any sugestions
1. Night Bombing Raids
Due to their inability to provide fighter cover for their bombers the British used the darkness to their advantage, though this proved detrimental to their accuracy.
British bombers may choose to conduct a night bombing raid. The strategic bombing run may not be subjected to the “interceptors” rule but may still be targeted by AA guns as normal. In addition, strategic bombing raids conducted in this way roll two dice and choose the lower result. Heavy bombers roll one die only.2. Joint Strike
The most powerful strike of the war was in the joint allied assault on Normandy. The planning required to launch this simultaneous invasion has never been equaled.
Once during the game at the start of a British turn, you may declare a joint strike. That round, you complete your turn as normal, except you must skip your combat move, and conduct combat phase. You may conduct non-combat moves as normal. On those phases of the U.S. turn, the U.S. Player uses your units in his or her combat move, and conduct combat phases, together with his own units. You and the U.S. player must agree on attacking casualties and on who takes possession of any captured territories, or the opposing player gets to choose. Antiaircraft fire is rolled separately against each nationality of air units; all anti-U.K. dice are rolled before any anti-U.S. die is rolled. A joint strike may not be called off once it is declared.3. Enigma Decoded
The cracking of the German ‘Enigma Code’ by the British offered the allies an ace up their sleeve that could turn the tide in a key battle; however Germany would likely change its codes shortly thereafter.
Once per game, after Germany finishes its combat move phase, but before its conduct combat phase, you may make one special move. You may move any number of your units from one space into an adjacent space that was an empty sea zone or under the control of the Allies at the beginning of the turn. This movement must be either into and/or out of a space being attacked by Germany (Germany moving sea units to an empty sea zone does not count). If moving out of an attacked space, you must leave at least one unit behind in the space.4. The Great Liberation
The United Kingdom was safe harbor to the exiled governments of multiple nations under axis domination, these oppressed peoples were eager to help the war effort, if given the chance.
If the United Kingdom player controls one of the following territories: Norway, Northwestern Europe, France, Poland, or Balkans, they may, during their collect income phase, opt to convert the IPCs of these territories directly to units. Units placed in this way mobilize in their parent territory; remainders from this transaction are forfeit to the bank. In the case of Northwestern Europe, infantry cost only 2 IPCs when purchased in this way.5. RAF Fighter Command
The Royal Air Force had been hard pressed to defend the British Isles with limited resources. Only by utilizing a network of radar stations, and early warning centers did the RAF hold off incoming enemy attacks.
On British territories containing an AA gun, any fighters present may perform a “Combat Air Patrol”. British fighters may choose a sea territory adjacent to the territory they began their turn in. Place the fighter in the chosen sea zone during the United Kingdom’s “combat move phase”. This fighter will remain there until the next United Kingdom “purchase-units phase”. The fighters will participate as defenders in combat as normal but may do so for only the first two rounds of combat and then must land provided they were not removed as a casualty. In the event of a strategic bombing raid, fighters on CAP may elect to “follow in” any bombers en route to the adjacent British territory and are treated as if they were already on that territory and may act as interceptors.6. Colonial Power
During World War II the British Empire was at its peak of global power, by the end of the war however the commonwealth would be a shell of its former self.
The UK player may mobilize two infantry or any other one land unit at as many victory cities as he wishes per turn as per House Rule 2. (One Victory City you control may mobilize one infantry per turn) -
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Mar 15, 2010, 9:27 PM
new list…
Soviet Union National Advantages
1. Partisan Resistance
Once per turn you may end a battle after first round of combat and stay in the same territory as the enemy, whether on attack or defense, in any original Soviet controlled Territory (ones with a symbol in them). These units are locked in combat and can not move out of this territory before the opposing force is destroyed.2. Red Army Conscription
Once per game you may declare a mass conscription during the purchase units phase of your turn. Your infantry have a reduced cost of 2 IPC’s during this turn only; The alternative is you can buy up to 2 infantry units at a reduced price of 5 IPC. Additional cost normal price.3. Scorched Earth
You may remove or move your industrial complexes during your mobilize new units phase in order to prevent them from being captured by an opponent. If you choose to move them it must be done in NCM. You can remove them, and this is done only after at least one combat round has occurred and Soviet units remain in the territory.4. T-34 Tanks
Once per turn you can build a maximum of two tanks for 5 IPC’s each. (Remember now tanks cost 6 IPC)6. Trans-Siberian Railway
In the NCM phase, up to 12 IPC worth of land units map move anywhere between any original Soviet controlled territories.Germany National Advantages
1. Dive Bombers
Tactical bombers or Fighters (if not using Tactical bombers) attack at 4 against land units in the first combat round.2. Atlantic Wall
During any amphibious assault against France, North-Western Europe, Germany or Norway, all your infantry and artillery defend on a 3 during the first cycle of combat.3. Africa Korps
The German player may place one land unit in Africa without a transport and this unit can be controlled by the Italian player for the rest of the game. Exchange the unit with Italian piece if playing AA50.4. Wolf Packs
Your submarines attack on a 3 if there is two or more than one of them at the start of the combat cycle. When there are less than two submarines at the start of a combat cycle, this ability is lost. Wolf Packs do not improve defending submarines. Enemy destroyers do not affect this National Advantage. The submarines may come from different sea zones, but they must attack the same sea zone.5. Blitzkrieg
When your Tanks attack along with Tactical bombers (or fighters if not using Tactical Bombers), the Tanks attack on a 4 or less. This pairing is on a one-to-one basis.6. Panzer Grenadiers
Mechanized Infantry can blitz two spaces even if not matched with a tank. They also attack at 2 in the first round of combat.United Kingdom National Advantages
1. Free French Forces
The British player can place 2 infantry anytime the allies capture France, and 3 more infantry placed in any French African territory that is under UK control.2. ANZAC
British Infantry defending in pacific territories defend at 3 in the first combat round. These areas are defined as any territories east of and including India.3. Fighter Command
Your fighters being used to defend against SBR attacks now defend at +1 in all original British territories.4. Commonwealth Troops
During your mobilize new units phase, you may place one of your infantry built in England to any other location you own on the board.5. British Commandos
Your infantry attacks on a 2 in the first cycle of the land combat portion of an amphibious assault.6. Colonial Garrison
The British player can build minor factories in any territory with a value of 2 or greater rather than 3, and receives one free minor factory to be placed in same.7. Pathfinder Force
Your bombers cause one extra IPC of damage when performing SBRJapan National Advantages
1. Tokyo Express
Each of your destroyers may act as a transport for one infantry. These destroyers follow the same rules for loading and offloading units as transports do. Destroyers are still allowed to conduct combat when transporting and unloading.2. Trained Pilots
Your carrier based planes get a +1 in combat versus naval units in the first round.3. Long Lance Torpedoes
During the first cycle of combat only, your destroyers attack and defend on a 3. In succeeding cycles of combat, your destroyers fire as normal.4. Kamikaze
Japan may make up to 6 special attacks per game in any sea zone adjacent to a original Japanese controlled territory or island. Any plane can target any one ship and if it hits both units are destroyed. If the plane misses, it can try again a second time, but only one attempt by the same plane is possible and a maximum of 6 attacks of this type per game.5. Fukkaku Defenses
All your infantry on islands (including Japan) defend on a 3.6. Banzai Attacks
When you move only infantry into a contested space during the combat move phase, you may at that time declare the intended attack to be a banzai attack (for an amphibious assault you may also include offshore bombardment support). If you do so, all those infantry attack on a 2 for the first round only. You may not withdraw from any banzai attack, regardless of whether it is amphibious or not.Italian National Advantages
1. Frogmen
Any Allied surface naval ship that enters the Mediterranean can be attacked at 1 for one round.2. Kesselring
One Infantry can be placed in any Italian controlled territory in Africa each turn.3. Minor Axis Allies
Italy receives 3 IPC as long as the Axis controls Romania.4. Pact of Steel
The Italians can receive up to one D6 worth of aid from Germany each turn. (Income is deducted from German totals)5. Regia Marina Italiana
One Cruiser is upgraded to a Battleship. In AA42 add 8 IPC to be used for naval purchase.6. Franco’s helping hand
Italy gets use of the condor legion consisting of one infantry and one mechanized infantry, plus 1 IPC a turn in the form of aid.United States National Advantages
1. War Economy
During your collect income phase, roll one die and collect that many additional IPC’s.
(Note: This is in addition to any Technology roll under “war bonds”)2. Pearl Harbor
You may place one naval build in Hawaii even if it has no factory nor could have.3. Essex Class Carriers
Your carriers now have a 3 plane capacity (still take only one hit unless you got special technology).4. Mechanized Army
Your infantry and artillery have a move of 2 during NCM phase. The combat move of your infantry and artillery remains at 1.5. Marines
Your infantry attacks on a 2 in the first cycle of the land combat portion of an amphibious assault.6. Super fortresses
Your bombers add +2 to the die each when conducting a strategic bombing raid. -
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Mar 15, 2010, 9:42 PM
Really like this and will add it…
1. Night Bombing Raids
Due to their inability to provide fighter cover for their bombers the British used the darkness to their advantage, though this proved detrimental to their accuracy.
British bombers may choose to conduct a night bombing raid. The strategic bombing run may not be subjected to the “interceptors” rule but may still be targeted by AA guns as normal. In addition, strategic bombing raids conducted in this way roll two dice and choose the lower result. Heavy bombers roll one die only.I like this too but thinking a bit.
6. Colonial Power
During World War II the British Empire was at its peak of global power, by the end of the war however the commonwealth would be a shell of its former self.
The UK player may mobilize two infantry or any other one land unit at as many victory cities as he wishes per turn as per House Rule 2. (One Victory City you control may mobilize one infantry per turn)Joint strike is already in the rules ( optional section under D-day)
Pathfinder is too much like the American superfortress… its gone…
fixed a number of others.
Will look at technology tree again ( sea) if that carrier one is too strong i may make it a 4th tier tech, but definatly a 3rd tier and not 2 tier.
need more techs too. would like 2 under each tier.
two for each tier? Try this, 4 tiers for each.
Tech level 1 is complete when you have at least 1 tech from that tech tree, tech level 2 is complete when you have at least 2 techs from that tech tree. so on and so forthLand Technology:
Tier #1:
• Paratroopers- Each bomber can now carry one infantry in combat or two infantry in non-combat and drop them within normal flight range. If used during the combat move, the drop of airborne troops can not be further than two spaces from your nearest land unit.
• Mobile Warfare Doctrine- Mechanized Infantry attack at 2 on the first combat round.
Tier #2:
• Self Propelled Artillery- Your Artillery now moves 2 spaces.
• Heavy Artillery- Your Artillery now support two infantry on the attack.
Tier #3:
• Heavy Tanks- Your tanks attack at 4 on the first round of combat
• Marines- All infantry attack at 2 during the first round of Amphibious Invasions
Tier #4:
• Mechanized Battalions- Your Mechanized infantry may move 2 spaces with one Infantry at a 1:1 ratio.
• Tank Hunters- When defending against enemy tanks, your tanks may select an enemy tank as their target if they roll a 1 to hit at a 1:1 ratioSea Technology:
Tier #1:
• Naval ASW- Cruisers are now ASW units and have the same rules as destroyers with regard to submarine interactions.
• Naval Gun Computers- Any sea unit that is conducting a bombardment may re-roll misses
Tier #2:
• Improved Carriers- Carriers now take 2 hits and have a 3 fighter capacity. Damaged carriers can still defend with planes, but cannot launch attacks on naval units until repaired. They can launch their planes for land attacks only if damaged.
• Sonar- ASW naval units fire preemtively at subs at a 1:1 ratioTier #3:
• Super Subs- Your subs now defend at 2 and attack at 3.
• AA Cruisers: If your Cruisers roll a one on defense, an attacking plane can be selected as a loss.
Tier #4:
• Q-Ships- One transport you control each turn may become a Q-ship if attacked, replace it with a destroyer if attacked.
• Super Battleships- your existing battleships attack and defend at 5 and they always fire preemptively in combat each turn (loses removed before they fire back) for either attack or defense.Air Technology:
Tier #1:
• Radar- Your AA guns fire at 2 or less
• Torpedo Bombers- your tactical-bombers can make a selected first round attack against naval units. If they hit the selected unit is damaged or sunk.
Tier #2:
• Long Rang Aircraft- Aircraft now move 2 extra spaces.
• Air ASW- Aircraft can now attack submarines without the need for a Destroyer or Cruiser.
Tier #3:
• Advanced Bomb Sights- Your Bombers and Tactical Bombers may re-roll misses, bombers may re-roll during strategic bombing.
• Rockets- Your antiaircraft guns are now also rocket launchers. In addition to its normal combat function, during the strategic bombing raid step of your Conduct Combat phase each turn, each of your antiaircraft guns can make a single rocket attack against an enemy industrial complex within 3 spaces of it. This flak level for this is not regarded and each AA gun gets one roll.
Tier #4:
• Jet Fighters- The attack value of your fighters is now 4 and the defense is 5.
• Heavy Bombers - Your bombers are immune to AA gun fire, and roll a 1 to hit if intercepted.Production Technology:
Tier #1:
• War Bonds- add one die to IPC total each turn.
• Lend Lease- You may now give IPC to your allies. Each transport you own gets you one D6, which is rolled and the income transferred to a friendly player on the following turn. For each enemy submarine on the map, subtract one from this total. The final result is subtracted from the giving players IPC treasury for his current turn. This transfer is made at the start of your turn before purchases.
Tier #2:
• Underground factories- SBR hits count at ½ value rounded down.
• Infrastructure Efficiency- (one IPC allocated removes two points of damage)
Tier #3:
• Shipyards- subs, transports, destroyers cost one less IPC, all other ships cost two less IPC.
• Total War- The first land or air unit built (by type) costs -1
Tier #4
• Research Grants- All future research dice may be re-rolled.
• Atomic Bomb- Each Atomic Bombs costs 10 IPC and only one can be made each turn. When dropped no AA roll is made. Effects: 3 dice of variable damage and one die of permanent damage. The first turn this can be developed is turn 7. Prerequisite: Heavy Bombers technology. -
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Mar 15, 2010, 10:52 PM
Naval Gun Computers should be renamed “advanced fire control”
Tank Hunters should be called “Tank destroyers”
Q- ships is fine but kinda strange, why not just allow transports to defend at 1 against sub attacks?
Also, improved carriers was considered a really strong tech, should be 3rd tier?
Advanced Bomb Sights- is a bit strong. perhaps its just for bombers and its just one re-roll a turn or combat
Research grants is too strong, because it will allow the techs to occur with double the frequency. Right now its a 6,5,4,3,2,automatic, system . That should not change.
Perhaps it could be that the cost goes down to 4 rather than 5 or you can get a third researcher rather than a maximum of two. But this must be a 3rd tier tech.
well I envision your techs as a tiered system, and a coin flip of what tech you get on each tier
Production, being the weakest (only because of its limited combat potential) got the A-Bomb. If you get to that teir and dont already have heavy bombers, then you automaticly get the scientists one
Yea Q-ships was a bit out on a limb, maybe just “armed transports” or something like that
though i dont want to mess with the defenseless nature of transportsSwitch advanced bomb sights and heavy bombers perhaps?
A good way to divide them is have the first two teirs techs that had been acheived by at least two powers early in the war, and have the 4th teir techs “close” to 1950’s techs
The first teir techs should be tech that some nations had before 1939, maybe even each nation starts with a tier one tech in a field (or maybe even 2 techs for Germany and US) (perhaps even no tech for USSR & Italy)
US - Lend Lease (and paratroopers)
UK - Radar
USSR - Mobile Warfare (or none)Germany - Paratroopers (and ???)
Japan - Torpedo Bombers
Italy - Advanced Fire Control (or none)This way each nation gets a head start in its field that it excelled in during the war
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Mar 16, 2010, 1:25 AM
looking into this, right now its my Badminton time…so latter
Yea Q-ships was a bit out on a limb, maybe just “armed transports” or something like that
though i dont want to mess with the defenseless nature of transportsI didn’t think that Q-ships were particularly effective. While a sneaky idea that forced countries (Germany especially) to adopt unrestricted submarine warfare, they were still vulnerable and only able to defend themselves when a sub was foolish enough to try and capture the ship or force evacuate it, rather than sink it outright. The few that were in operation by the US I thought were either or never engaged.
As for carriers - How about split the tech? Two hits is an easy tier 2 (especially when they’re still allowed to launch/land to defend themselves per your original wording). It’s the 3 fighters that makes them brutal IMO, which could be tier 3. One tech for Torpedo Belts, one tech for Steam Catapults (shorter runway, more cargo)?
And as opposed to heavy bombers being immune to AA, how about just taking two hits instead? It gives the AA a snowballs chance to work with the interceptors? Although maybe that’s too strong if in a true combat phase.Other tech that might be fun:
Tier 2 land: Ranged artillery - Art can fire from an adjacent territory (could replace Self Propelled Art) but cannot be taken as a casualty and cannot remain in combat alone.
Tier 4 Air: Guided missiles (ala germany’s attack on the italian fleet) - Bombers can choose surface targets during combat if they roll a 2 or less.
Tier 2 Sea: fast attack: Destroyers and Cruisers can move an additional space.
Tier 1 Sea: Armed transports- transports defend on a one when alone (but still cannot be taken as casualties until all other legal targets are destroyed) and attack on a 1 for the first round of combat in an amphibious assault.