• Conquest of the Pacific is probably down lower on the list because it’s just 2 players.


    I had a tough time finding a good “all encompassing” place name for the Northumbria fief (because there isn’t one that I could find). But, we needed that fief to reach as far southward as it does so that it could be “adjacent” to the Champagne fief. I tweaked the shape of pretty much every historical area to fit the map that we had been test playing for a decade*, which was originally a total abstraction not based in any real historical period. But it was fun for gameplay, which always trumped historical accuracy. Warlords is not a simulation, but an abstraction that does somewhat fit into the fractured 1200AD political landscape (for instance, there were obviously a lot more than 12 castles in Europe…the number that comes with the game). We hope the gamers will agree that it plays well, and we hope the historians can suspend their disbelief for a few hours to enjoy a game.

    When you do tweak the map yourselves, I suggest you try to keep the same fiefs adjacent to each other as in the original. A lot of care went into making sure the most common starting castle fiefs for the 4 corner kingdoms are spaced fairly, up/down/left/right/diagonally. Though the map is a visual rectangle, the movement spaces make more of a logical square. This way top/bottom players would not be encouraged to fight each other more than left/right players simply due to map imbalance.

    *When I say fit, I really mean match the adjacencies of the old paper/pencil posterboard, and not the actual shapes.

  • Not to sidetrack this discussion, but on your Barbarossa game the site talks about optional rules but these are not found. Can you reprint them here or in another thread?

    I play that game and i find it really fun. I hope you can redo that game next using FMG pieces ( they are redoing the entire line of AA style pieces)

    A nice map of the 1941-45 conflict on thick cardboard and nice tokens… people would pay big bucks for that.

  • Customizer



    make the proper roundels for these nations based on 100 years war.

    I am making them and they will look like shields ( coat of arms)

    Make one for each section ( total 6)

    I know you have some knowledge of this period. re-naming the territories offers nothing because the map is already done.

    I am gonna make some nifty house rules:

    1. black death
    2. adding kings
    3. fleets
    4. alternative mercenary rules
    5. crusades
    6. neutral armies
    7. ?

    I’m fooling around with adding my “Age of Mythology” miniatures to the base set of this game. Not sure what angle to take yet but it should be interesting.

  • @allworkandnoclay:

    I’m fooling around with adding my “Age of Mythology” miniatures to the base set of this game. Not sure what angle to take yet but it should be interesting.

    Are you going to paint those too.

  • Customizer



    I’m fooling around with adding my “Age of Mythology” miniatures to the base set of this game. Not sure what angle to take yet but it should be interesting.

    Are you going to paint those too.

    It’s #8 on the list heh. ‘War of the Rings’ is next.

  • @allworkandnoclay:

    It’s #8 on the list heh. ‘War of the Rings’ is next.

    Have you seen the collector’s edition of War of the Ring?

  • Customizer



    It’s #8 on the list heh. ‘War of the Rings’ is next.

    Have you seen the collector’s edition of War of the Ring?

    Yea - my paint job will be better than those. I also plan on sculpting my own figures for the game (Gollem, Gandolf the White, etc) and a few of the cities/strongholds from the game.

    …But back on topic - Warlords of Europe: awesome game.

  • Customizer

    By Hundred Years War, I assume you mean the period circa 1337 to 1453.  A lot changed in this period, for example the Kings of England quartered their arms with those of France when they claimed the French Crown.

    It’s really anachronistic to describe these powers as “nations” at this time, as they were really more like extensions of Royal Courts, which frequently cut across ethnic and language boundaries.

    I appreciate the need for game balance in map design, but my interest in history and board games go hand in hand, and for me as primarily a historian there should always be a way to accommodate historical accuracy into the game without ending up playing on a chessboard.  I live in Northumbria, and the idea of it bordering Champagne to me is rather like Iowa bordering Japan.

    Attached an example of the heraldic flags I draw relevant to the HYW, though you’ll be aware that WOE is set in a rather earlier period.

    For me the depiction of this era as an elaborate Risk variant misses out the most interesting element of medieval politics - you couldn’t just walk into a neighbour’s territory and take it over by force.  There had to be some kind of legal claim, usually one based on blood, i.e. hereditary descent.  This is what my Warriors of the Roses system does; it provides a justification for violence.  A European version would be possible; the nearest I’ve seen to this is Blood Royal, but that involved too much paperwork.


    My system tracks the dynastic side of things purely with cards.


  • these are only English. need all the others including Russia and italy

  • Customizer

    Mmmm, problem is - what is “Italy” at this time?

    The Italian nation didn’t exist until 1870.

    Castille and Aragon didn’t unite (note: a dynastic union, not a conquest) until the 15th century, long after this game is set.  Of course for game purposes it’s convenient to retro-create modern states, but it’s impossible to create accurate heraldry for fictional entities.

    The modern arms of a united Spain quarter the arms of the various constituent Kingdoms, but quartered arms won’t show up too well on smallish shieldels.

    France changed it’s arms circ 1400 from azure semee of lilies or to azure 3 lillies or.

    Some old French flags of mine - need redoing.

    Note that these are 15th C, so only 3 lillies and the flags are now square.

    Or would you prefer 3 croissants or?  :wink:


  • Customizer

    This is a reasonable map of the period when the HYW began - you can see the problem with “Italy”.


    You could reasonably use Castille for Spain, i.e




    (use yellow instead of the rather silly “gold”.)

    Germany (HRE):


    (note the Eagle became double-headed after 1368)

    Russia at this time was a host of petty kingdoms; but the genesis of the Russian state lay in the Rulers of Muscovy whose arms were:


    or if you prefer Kiev take your pick of these:


    Hungary, House of Arpad is barry of 8 gules and argent:


    As for “Latin Empire”; this is presumably the late Byzantines, barely clinging on to Constantinople:


    In the game officially (as it’s in an earlier period) this may refer to the Crusader Empire:


    For Italy maybe the Kingdom of Sicily, but this was a variant on the Aragonese arms since Sicily was ruled by a junior branch of Aragon:


    Charles of Anjou founded the Kingdom of Naples, but the arms were again those of a junior branch, this time of the French house. He later impaled these with the arms of Jerusalem to form this:


    But it really isn’t remotely Italian.

    Lastly you might consider the arms of Savoy, whose Duke founded the modern Kingdom of Italy:


    Bear in mind that there is a difference between “national” flags and the “arms” of the Kingdom; for example the FLAG of England is the Saint George Cross, while the ARMS of the Kingdom of England are the 3 gold lions on red (though in fact they’re actually derived from the lions on the arms of Normandy, Aquitaine and Anjou from where the medieval Kings of England originated, so they are really French lions.)


    Do you know what the figs you intend to use are, or are there pics of them anywhere?

    I might be able to do some flags for the Warlord pieces to match the shieldels, or maybe to fly from the castle tops.

  • Each castle should have a flag on top and each “kingdom” would get some NA’s that give it flavor and not just another risk set of pieces.

    The flag would be for the starting castle and id like to use tokens rather than leaving a garrison ( like risk). BY the term Italy, i just mean the locality of what existed in that area, though like the holy roman empire, it was probably a fragmented assortment of fiefdoms.  Perhaps at some points in the game players would have to send troops to fight the crusades and Italy or another might control this expedition.

  • Hey Russ,

    I am curious, do you still have any copies of High Ground available? By the way I love Warlords & I think you guys at Conquest Gaming did some great things with the basic A&A turn system.

  • Customizer

    I know the game is called Warlords of Europe, but I’d also be tempted to extend the map to include the entire Mediterranean seaboard with 3 or 4 Muslim Kingdoms added.  You could always make these areas off-limits if it makes the map too big.

    I would also tend to make Poland a Kingdom, rather than the very fragmented Russian states, unless extending the map further east.  Especially so for a “100 Years War Period” game, where it can be merged into Poland-Lithuania:

    Poland’s arms are of course:


    Reading through the rules I seem to have missed something:

    If a player without a castle captures a Warlord, do they

    1. Carry him around in a wicker cage,

    2. Behead him in the market square,

    3. Send him home to Mom riding an a** backwards.

    For expanding with plastic figs HaT’s El Cid series are looking pretty good, especially if wanting to add Muslim players:






    These sets are just being produced; there really haven’t been reasonable figs for this period until now.

    Edit: Apparently I’m not allowed to say “ass”, by which of course I meant a horse/donkey crossbreed.  Perhaps this means something else to you Americans.

    Italy really should not be a player Kingdom, just a collection of independent Feifs.  Even Aragon would be more viable as a major power.

  • Customizer

  • working on it. Good info.

  • Customizer

    Just a few more thoughts on the board;

    I’d prefer an icon donating Gold value on each province; I know you can tell by terrain type, but numbers are more convenient.

    Also, I would be pretty confident of finding appropriate arms for each province on the map.  Decoration, perhaps, but it would add to the medieval flavour; and can be used in custom rules such as assigning Warlords or Knights as “Governors” of particular fiefs as per Blood Royal.

    Incidentally I can 't read all the names on the map, does anyone have a complete list?

    Has anyone playing the game thought it may accommodate more players?  That is, eliminate all the mopping up of “peasant” fiefs and get straight to the player v player action.

    My own inheritance rules could be utilised in a simplified form here, but it would need each player to add a “King” piece to his set.

    You’d have to stomach the idea of arranging marriages as part of a wargame, though…

    And Italy really shouldn’t be a player Kingdom.  As Metternich said, Italy is merely a geographical expression.  See it as a group of rich neutral provinces for the others to fight over.  Historically correct, anyway.

  • @Imperious:

    Not to sidetrack this discussion, but on your Barbarossa game the site talks about optional rules but these are not found. Can you reprint them here or in another thread?

    We always play Barb with the standard rules. While we invited folks to send us their house rules, almost no one ever did. The ones we got were really generalized, but we put them up in anticipation of adding more as they came in; it just never happened so that page is pretty sparse.

    We have no High Grounds remaining, and no plans for more.

    I’ve got links to the maps I (ab)used while making the Warlords map here.

    The number of cities in a fief is equal to the fief’s gold production and to the number of peasants to fight, if empty. Originally the cities were just going to be map flavor, but then we got the clever idea to make them represent gold/peasants and do away with big ugly numbers (a real plus for the game board’s rustic map aesthetic, IMO).

    I’m actually working on a complete list of fiefs/cities this week. Should have it ready soon-ish. Will post a link when it’s up.

    We test played it with 5 and 6 fairly regularly until we got our first production quotes, then realized to get a reasonable MSRP it would have to be 4 players. We really hope that high demand will allow for expansions/extensions.

    I personally enjoy the peasant phase for several reasons: it forces strategic use of warlords, it gives an exploratory vibe, it gives you some cards before player conflict, it discourages monolithic armies early on, and it gives new players a chance to get familiar with the combat system prior to important battles. There’s also occasionally some really tight peasant fights that add tension early on. Big wins/loses can shape early informal alliances. You can execute 2 diagonal player turns simultaneously to speed it up.

    Our perspective on Warlords was always more of a “what if” a few of the many existing minor powers could have really pulled things together and tried to create a broader hegemony than ever really existed in history. The reason our “kingdoms” start out empty instead of full of your troops is because they were not unified political entities; you make them into that through conquest. Though you could even (very loosely) interpret the peasant phase as expanding your hegemony through non-violent methods (when you hit and the peasants miss entirely, maybe that represents a successful marriage deal). Don’t think of our “kingdoms” as anything but empty shells, or progress markers if you will…broadly generic people groups that perhaps could have been united in such a way that together they were far better than the sum of their parts (hence our kingdom bonuses in spearmen and gold).

    If Warlords has a prayer of scratching the true historian’s itch, it will be in the purely theoretical realm. Maybe if the Normans had taken all of Italy instead of just the southern half, they would have achieved a Roman-Empire-esque synergy and gone on to dominate all of Europe. And maybe they still can with you/me/player3 at the helm calling the shots. Warlords definitely has a different design philosophy than a historical simulation, even a rudimentary one like A&A (different being neither inherently good nor bad).

    While I’m trying to describe some of our design thinking and processes, I’m also trying hard to not come across as hyper-defensive of our particular implementation of medieval themes applied to Warlords. I am really interested to see what you guys end up doing with all the mods you’re talking about. It’s really gratifying to see folks take a look at our stuff and say “Cool!”, then see the light bulb go on with an “I can do this with that and something else with that other thing…”

  • I like the idea of also using those pieces for a tang Chinese based game with the battles against the Khitans and old day Korea. Dae Jo Young is one of my favorite shows with plenty of great battles. Check it out on you tube. I watched the entire show on KBS ( subtitles in English)

  • Customizer

    Another thought on Warlords:

    The Feudal System

    Instead of “buying” Knights and Warlords, the number you have depends on the number of fiefs and castles you own.
    There is no need to pay for these units as they fight by feudal service.

    Each fief needs it’s own knight piece (with heraldry to match that of the fief). When you take over a fief you get the relevant piece as it is now bound to you by knight’s service.  Control of these pieces is indicated by colour of the foot units with it; unaccompanied knights are automatically captured.  A Knight/Warlord gets a combat bonus defending his fief/castle.

    Also, shouldn’t mountains impede movement?

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