look at Websites that print vinyl banners. You can get them as low as $50. I printed my map using cheapbanners.com
Thanks… I’ll check it out.
Just pre-ordered Germany can’t wait for the Italians. Keep this thread going guys. More pictures for USA and a list of UK units would be nice. I hope Jeremy goes with my idea for the UK infantry with the Beret in Europe and the funny hat in the Pacific. Thanks for all you do Jeremy I hope you make a lot of money. You deserve it.
about o put my order in for my Italians. i cant wait
can someone support me in buying them even w/ the code ROMELL i cant spend that much….however i really would like to…
cminke, try doing stuff in your spare time - see if your neighbor needs help with the lawn etc.
At your age (10-14?) I didn’t have a LOT of money, but I had enough saved up to buy an occasional want. Remember, your time = money… figure out some way of actually making it INTO money.
he coulkd sall his Egnigma machinee?
he coulkd sall his Egnigma machinee?
He could not sell it because he spelled the for sale sign wrong and nobody could read it!
I guess not everyone has an Enigma machine to decipher his code.
lol srorry guys i dont mean to suck at spelling :P and im 16 not 14 i have a job yes, but not a well paying job.
Even Though we can now Pre-Order Germany, has anyone noticed FMG still has not given us a date on when Italy will start shipping.
Guys - chill. The way China works is you pay in advance, and then they produce the product. Obviously, FMG is being screwed by the factory here, they most probably are slotting larger orders in front of him.
It isn’t his fault the product hasn’t arrived… Do you really think he doesn’t want these pieces as badly as we do? For him they represent a money stream, he has a lot of funds tied up in the pieces (and pre-order funds as well) and the only way to recoup those is to get product in hand.
It would be nice to know if the Chinese have at least shipped them yet.
Personally I wont preorder the Germans until I get on my hands the Italian pieces first.
Got my Germans!
???what are you talking about ??? if you have germans then why dont people have itailins yet?
I think he meant that he pre-ordered them. :wink:
Just ordered 2 sets of the Germans….
Tomorrow is the 20th where do we stand on these pieces.
Very Good news…. FOR REAL this time… :-D
When will the italian units ship? Or wasn’t it very good news this time either?, for real!
Tomorrow is the 20th where do we stand on these pieces.
Very Good news…. FOR REAL this time… :-D
When will the italian units ship? Or wasn’t it very good news this time either?, for real!
The Good News is REAL. They are completed… They are REALITY… Not just a dream anymore… Not just a “maybe IF”… The factory actually pulled through.
We are just waiting on them to ship to us, so we can fill our pre-orders.
Not sure if you have ever shipped 6 full skids weighing over 1000 lbs from China? Not easy or fast. We are working with a Freight forwarding company to get them here ASAP.
6000lbs? Wow that is a lot of axis and allies pieces.