This site offers dedicated military flags that are placed on the table for each player.
After Japan will come France and then the commons set (bases, ICs, etc.), right? Are you going to do pieces for China?
After Japan will come France and then the commons set (bases, ICs, etc.), right? Are you going to do pieces for China?
I would guess after Japan will be Russia (to round out the primary 6) … THEN France, then the extras and China.
No, Russia is coming out BEFORE Japan.
Hey Jeremy, I couldn’t help but notice it is the end of the month. Have you taken delivery on the France and ANZAC combat dice yet? When you do, are you going to let us know that you are shipping them? Or will we just check our mail one day and SURPRISE!
I would guess after Japan will be Russia (to round out the primary 6) … THEN France, then the extras and China.
Then we will do USSR and JAPAN.
The implication is Russia before Japan, or concurrent. So knp7765 was not actually forgetting Russia.
I would guess after Japan will be Russia (to round out the primary 6) … THEN France, then the extras and China.
Then we will do USSR and JAPAN.
The implication is Russia before Japan, or concurrent. So knp7765 was not actually forgetting Russia.
My apologies. I missed the USSR part for some reason and only saw Japan (that’s what happens when you skim threads)
No, Russia is coming out BEFORE Japan.
Hey Jeremy, I couldn’t help but notice it is the end of the month. Have you taken delivery on the France and ANZAC combat dice yet? When you do, are you going to let us know that you are shipping them? Or will we just check our mail one day and SURPRISE!
Funny you mentioned it, I just sent a follow-up to the factory. They were on schedule last time I checked with them.
can you quick ly sumerize whats happend, what soon to happen and whats planed
happend: italy,germany,combat dice
soon to happen:(next dates of compleetion)
and whats planned:(order of countries)
can you quick ly sumerize whats happend, what soon to happen and whats planed
happend: italy,germany,combat dice
soon to happen:(next dates of compleetion)
and whats planned:(order of countries)
Im not giving dates anymore… was burned to many times.
I can tell you that New Combat Dice are in production now, The Italian mould is being re-made (due to the defect), the German mould is in production.
and whats planned:(order of countries)
I can give you this much:
is this confermed by fmg?
Ya just check out his last few posts
Fmg I don’t know if you have already decided on the UK sculpts just yet. If you haven’t I had a request. Since you are already doing 2 infantry sculpts. Do 1 English soldier designed for the Europe side of the conflict. It would be cool if he was wearing a beret like in a bridge too far. The other sculpt wearing more of what they wore in the south pacific. Not only would these pieces be nice eye candy but they could also be a way of differentiating the 2. You probably already thought of this but if you haven’t and it’s not too late it would be a nice touch.
Fmg I don’t know if you have already decided on the UK sculpts just yet. If you haven’t I had a request. Since you are already doing 2 infantry sculpts. Do 1 English soldier designed for the Europe side of the conflict. It would be cool if he was wearing a beret like in a bridge too far. The other sculpt wearing more of what they wore in the south pacific. Not only would these pieces be nice eye candy but they could also be a way of differentiating the 2. You probably already thought of this but if you haven’t and it’s not too late it would be a nice touch.
Not a bad idea.
Right, put some pants on them Brits. Just look funny with Brits in shorts in the cold snowy Norwegian mountains.
Also I want ANZAC infantry with slough hats.
Fmg I don’t know if you have already decided on the UK sculpts just yet. If you haven’t I had a request. Since you are already doing 2 infantry sculpts. Do 1 English soldier designed for the Europe side of the conflict. It would be cool if he was wearing a beret like in a bridge too far. The other sculpt wearing more of what they wore in the south pacific. Not only would these pieces be nice eye candy but they could also be a way of differentiating the 2. You probably already thought of this but if you haven’t and it’s not too late it would be a nice touch.
I agree. Maybe one infantry sculpt can be a paratrooper/commando style infantry with a sten. That would be cool. Question about the ANZAC units FMG. Are they going to be like WOTC in that they’ll be the same units as the Brits just in a different color? Also, what color are they going to be because I know you’re doing the Germans in Grey first and the ANZAC WOTC pieces look gray to me. And I know you’re sick of me asking but what units did you decide on for the US?
Fmg I don’t know if you have already decided on the UK sculpts just yet. If you haven’t I had a request. Since you are already doing 2 infantry sculpts. Do 1 English soldier designed for the Europe side of the conflict. It would be cool if he was wearing a beret like in a bridge too far. The other sculpt wearing more of what they wore in the south pacific. Not only would these pieces be nice eye candy but they could also be a way of differentiating the 2. You probably already thought of this but if you haven’t and it’s not too late it would be a nice touch.
I agree. Maybe one infantry sculpt can be a paratrooper/commando style infantry with a sten. That would be cool. Question about the ANZAC units FMG. Are they going to be like WOTC in that they’ll be the same units as the Brits just in a different color? Also, what color are they going to be because I know you’re doing the Germans in Grey first and the ANZAC WOTC pieces look gray to me. And I know you’re sick of me asking but what units did you decide on for the US?
The ANZACs will share some sculpts with the UK, but will also have some unique ones (infantry for example)
US List so far:
Tank 1 – M10 tank Destroyer
Tank 2 – Sherman
Transport – Liberty Ship
SS – Narwhal Class
DD – Somers Class
CR – Wichita Class
CC – USS Enterprise
BB – Iowa Class
Bomber – B-24 Liberator
Tac – TBM Avenger
Truck – Standard Army
Air Trans – Douglas C-47 Skytrain
Fighter – F6F Hellcat
Artillery - Undecided
Infantry 1 – Standard European theater Uniform – M1 Rifle
Infantry 2 – Airborne Uniform – Thompson
That looks like a really cool list.
So you’re going with the Sherman for one of the tank sculpts? I was kind of hoping for the Stuart. However, I bet your Shermans will have a lot more detail on them.
FHF Hellcat figher? That’s a surprise. I would have sworn you would be going with the P-51 Mustang or F4 Corsair.
Here’s an idea for your artillery. How about the 155mm Long Tom? That would be a cool piece.
Can’t wait to see them.
Awesome list FMG, thanks for the update! I cannot wait until I can get my hands on this set. For the Sherman, do you have a model in mind? May I suggest the M4A3? For the artillery I would suggest the M2-A1 105mm Howitzer. I like the Hellcat, but what happened to the idea of the US having 2 fighters? If that idea got nixed and you are going with only 1 fighter, I think a European theater fighter such as the P-51 or P-47 would be better suited seeing as the P-38 and Dauntless from WOTC and the TBM Avenger from your set were all primarily used in the Pacific. Finally, I think your missing an opportunity with the transport. WOTC has a liberty ship and although I know yours will have more detail and look better, I think an LCM-3 would be a welcome addition to anyone’s collection. Just ideas though, no complaints here! Thanks for posting the info, let us know when you have pictures!
Sounds like a great list, but if its not too late I’d like to once again lobby for the P-51 D mustang; (and contrary to popular belief mustangs were assigned in both european and pacific theaters.) In any case, thanks for the update. Keep up the excellent work FMG.