hoffman, see my thread in the player help section.
Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread
specking of this, are the tiger 1 and 2 the same size? is that why its up for revision? if not what is the reason.
They made it just a bit to small. I wanted it slightly larger as it was a HUGE monster of a tank in real life.
do you get to keep the uncoloured ones?
and if you do can i buy them off you? -
Oh Hell Yeah!
I’m so impressed! Beyond my expectations!
Great job you guys….great job!
do you get to keep the uncoloured ones?
and if you do can i buy them off you?I keep all the samples. The are FMG “artifacts”.
I think it would be a good idea to make a family picture of all the Italian and separately German units, then lastly with the OOB pieces side by side so we can see the differences in size and the possibility of using some from both sets. Its hard to visualize them if they are not next to something we already know the size of for comparison.
g-g-g-great idea
Bismarck escorted by Graf Spee
Badass ships. I’ll build them and I’ll be pissed when they quickly get sunk. :-D
They made it just a bit to small. I wanted it slightly larger as it was a HUGE monster of a tank in real life.
Damn straight it was! That behemoth will be menacing on the game board.
So the 2 tanks sculpts are Tiger I and Tiger II? No Panzer III? Aw shucks.
Bravo FMG.
I’m surprised you went with the Stuka and Me109 (since WOTC went with those models).
I’m not surprised. I am extremely pleased however.
Still, YOUR Me109 looks incredible. The current ones will look like blank generic planes next to them.
That’s why I’m not surprised.
Usually to get what I want, I have to do things myself. In this case, FMG is making all the right moves for me. This is sweet!
Hey FMG,
You said the pieces in the back were meant for some revisions. What was wrong with the artillery piece? It looked okay to me.Also, I still want to know why you decided against the heavy coat for Infantry #1. The current one is fabulous and I’m very happy with it. I just am curious why the long coat was omitted.
By the way, I withdraw my arguments on the size of the truck and half-track. They look great here. I still miss getting the Panzer III. Now Germany will have both heavy tanks. I was looking forward to one of them being a light/medium tank.
if this and most ww2 games(other than homemade) start 1940-1942 arround when heavy tanks were beeing developed and field tested.although the tiger were A little later(1943)
do you get to keep the uncoloured ones?
and if you do can i buy them off you?I keep all the samples. The are FMG “artifacts”.
Hey! In the long term we can expected minor powers like Romania, Hungary and Finland? I will buy 3 set for each of them! :-D
They look fantastic! I’m glad you went with the Tiger 1, even though Pz III would have been fine too.
What about colors? Do they only come in grey to begin with, and then black after all the other sets?
The German infantry unit with the Great Coat is not abandoned. But it will not be part of this set.
We are saving that for something SPECIAL and TOP SECRET in the future. I accidentally posted it out of excitement.
I think it would be a good idea to make a family picture of all the Italian and separately German units, then lastly with the OOB pieces side by side so we can see the differences in size and the possibility of using some from both sets. Its hard to visualize them if they are not next to something we already know the size of for comparison.
These pictures are being done. As soon as the Final samples arrive (now I’m told next week :x ) We have a professional photographer that will do these units justice… including comparison shots for this forum.
The German infantry unit with the Great Coat is not abandoned. But it will not be part of this set.
We are saving that for something SPECIAL and TOP SECRET in the future. I accidentally posted it out of excitement.
A good hint could be different campaing units… like Operation Barbarossa (germans invernal units, hungarians, romanians, finnish, alpine troops for Italy, siberian troops for Soviet Union) and North Africa… :-)
The German infantry unit with the Great Coat is not abandoned. But it will not be part of this set.
We are saving that for something SPECIAL and TOP SECRET in the future. I accidentally posted it out of excitement.
Let me guess… pieces for the GIANT HEADS variant?
I am new to this forum but I have been reading you guys posts for years. I must say this piece project looks awesome. I have already ordered the Italians and by the looks of the Germans I know I will be ordering them as well. FMG stick with it your hard work will be rewarded.
Dave T
Welcome to the forum, GoSanchez6, nice to hear from you. FMG, I’m just about dying and going to heaven right now… Brrring on ze Germansss! :-D
Thanks for the nice words Lozmoid I appreciate it. Too bad on the German infantry with the greatcoat I think that has been my favorite one so far. Can’t wait for the Russians. How about a KV-85 or Js 2 armor piece. I am up for that.