Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread

  • Maybe the Commander unit gives bonus attack/defense to all units in the area or represents a mobile capital (Kill the “President” variant/scenario/National objective bonus)?

  • @FieldMarshalGames:


    This is why I asked if the picture reprsented three seperate photographs merged together. Because if the sizes are in direct proportion to one another, then I would definitely say that the Tank needs to be bigger.

    They will all be the same size.  WOTC pcs are NOT to scale.  Look at the Infantry vs the Tank, or the Bomber.

    I always hated the “dinky” little trucks from AABOTB  or the Halftracks from AA40 Series.

    same i always loose them in the carpet or on the map even!

  • TripleA '12


    They will all be the same size.  WOTC pcs are NOT to scale.  Look at the Infantry vs the Tank, or the Bomber.

    I always hated the “dinky” little trucks from AABOTB  or the Halftracks from AA40 Series.

    Ah, that’s a shame. I for one would prefer the Tank unit to be slightly larger than the Halftrack and Truck units but oh well, they’re still great. Obviously I appreciate that the Infantry, Bomber and Tank would not be to scale. But there you have different types of units. I think that units of similar type should be fairly accurate in proportion. Sea units are. Shouldn’t land vehicles also share this same format?

  • How are the Sea Units accurate in proportion?

  • :roll:the bismark is defintley not that small comparred to a sub and destroyer!

  • Customizer

    I agree with Lozmoid.  Of course, a battleship is not going to be on the same scale as a tank, an infantry or a bomber.  That would be impossible to play this game.  However, units within the same category (vehicles, air units, naval vessels) should be somewhat close to scale. 
    I also understand that it won’t be 100% perfectly to scale also, like cminke mentioned about battleships vs destroyers and submarines.  Yes, in real life a battleship was much larger than a destroyer or submarine and in the A&A world, if subs and destroyers were in actual scale to battleships, they would be like straight pins and barely an inch or less in length.  That would be impossible to play with.  However, even in the A&A world, a battleship is bigger than a cruiser, a cruiser is bigger than a destroyer, a destroyer is bigger than a submarine.
    It’s the same with air units.  Strategic bombers are largest, tactical bombers are mid size and fighters are the smallest.  It’s probably not in perfect scale, but they are still noticably different in size for easy recognition and works for our gaming purposes.
    Vehicles should also follow this rule.  A truck or a half-track should NOT be as large as a King Tiger tank.  That would look absurd.  Making them this big is dangerously moving into Table Tactics territory (with Shermans the same size as Tigers, etc.).  All the land units, NOT including infantry or artillery, should be at least close to proper scale.
    On a personal note, I LIKE the trucks from BOTB and the half-tracks from Europe 40.  I think they make the board look better and I like that they are smaller than tanks, even the light Japanese and Italian tanks.  You really need to reconsider this FMG.

  • I second what knp said.

    I know Italy is already molded - what is done is done. But the next countries should have accurately scaled pieces.

  • are italy’s tamls teh same size as their trucks?

  • TripleA '12

    Thank you knp7765, you have summed up perfectly what I was trying to say. And I never said sea units are accurate in proportion. I said sea units are fairly accurate in proportion. I agree with knp7765 in that the sizes of the sea units shoud be in this order:

    Battlship/Carrier, Cruiser, Destroyer/Transport, Submarine. Each one a little larger than the last. That would be perfect.

  • @FieldMarshalGames:


    This is why I asked if the picture reprsented three seperate photographs merged together. Because if the sizes are in direct proportion to one another, then I would definitely say that the Tank needs to be bigger.

    They will all be the same size.  WOTC pcs are NOT to scale.  Look at the Infantry vs the Tank, or the Bomber.

    I always hated the “dinky” little trucks from AABOTB  or the Halftracks from AA40 Series.

    The other tank piece is a Panzer III ?

  • Customizer

    Here are some examples for the scale of the vehicles.  I have 1/35 scale models of a King Tiger, Panther and SdKfz 251 Half-Track.  Afraid I don’t have one of an Opel Blitz Truck.  I took some pics.
    First is a pic of my half-track next to my King Tiger.
    Next is a pic of my half-track next to my Panther.
    Last is a pic of WOTC truck, half-track and Panther.  Notice that WOTC actually came pretty close to scale with the vehicles.  In my opinion, this is more what FMG’s vehicles should look like in size comparison.

    Halftrack with King Tiger-sm.JPG
    Halftrack with Panther-sm.JPG
    Truck, Halftrack and Panther WOTC-sm.JPG

  • The units should not be in scale:

    three examples why this is a horrible idea

    Artillery will be too fragile if in scale with armored vehicles.

    Planes will be too large compared to tanks

    Infantry will be too small compared with tanks

    Just keep them in AA sizes and don’t sway from the original idea and don’t do the Table Tactics thing either.

    The sizes of units are not supposed to be pulled into this historically accurate roundels style of argument. They are just pieces that we play with and need to be a certain size so its easy to pick up and see on the map. It is no problem if the halftrack is the same size as a tank, though they are not and are a bit smaller than tanks.

  • in other words FMG do what youve been doing it seems to have been working out so far

  • @Imperious:

    They are just pieces that we play with and need to be a certain size so its easy to pick up and see on the map. It is no problem if the halftrack is the same size as a tank, though they are not and are a bit smaller than tanks.

    Precisely. It’s a game that needs manipulating, not a scale model display for show.

    One word: functionality. 'Nuff said.

  • @knp7765:

    Last is a pic of WOTC truck, half-track and Panther.  Notice that WOTC actually came pretty close to scale with the vehicles.  In my opinion, this is more what FMG’s vehicles should look like in size comparison.

    While I can appreciate the desire for a semi-accurate scale between a particular class of vehicles those WotC trucks and half tracks are entirely unweildy when playing the game for many of us which renders them almost unusable.  In order to have them more usable yet still be in “scale” the tanks would then end up being larger than WotC tanks … and then we’d end up in the same debate and uproar that was going on in the Table Tactics thread about the varying sizes of their tanks and non-comformity with OOB pieces.

    I guess the only thing to really say is … you can’t please everyone.

  • r@inverted:

    …Precisely. It’s a game that needs manipulating, not a scale model display for show.

    that’s what the bath tub is for :wink:
    or the pool. (i have a ton of 1-350th scale ships )

  • i think people have not been asking for scale but keeping the pieces close to Wotc constancy, with having land vehicles related to one another. meaning trucks and half tracks being smaller than tanks. but if FMG’s italy trucks and armored car are already the same size as their tanks how would they go and fix them?

  • Customizer

    YES!!  Lunarwolf hit the nail right on the head.  I was ONLY talking about the size difference between LAND VEHICLES.  Not infantry or artillery and certainly not ANY of the air units.  I know that an infantry can not be in scale with the tanks, way too small.  I also know that a bomber can’t be in scale with the tanks, way too big.  I’m just saying that trucks, half-tracks, armored cars and tanks should be at least close to scale.  I’m not even saying make it perfect, 100% exactly to scale, just at least come close.  Don’t make a truck be as big as a King Tiger tank, make it a little smaller.

    As for the already crafted Italian units, I see two reasons that there isn’t really a problem with their land units:
    1>Like reloader said, “What’s done is done”.  No reason to go back and try to change it now.  What I’m trying to accomplish is to avoid any FUTURE errors.  ASSUMING that there is any errors in size difference between the Italian vehicles, we don’t want FMG to continue said error with Germany, USA, Japan, etc.  If we do see any kind of error with the Italians, we need to correct that now before the Germans get finalized.  This way, we all help to make each set better and better.
    2>Historically, Italian tanks, SPGs and armored cars were physically pretty small, especially compared to German tanks.  Therefore, I don’t think any discrepancy in size difference between pieces vs. between the actual vehicles is really that big a deal.  As I stated before, I’m not looking for 100% accuracy.  I just don’t think a truck or half-track should be as big as a King Tiger tank.  Either make the truck and half-track a little smaller or the King Tiger a little bigger.

  • like many have said make it clear that a king tiger is bigger. 1-2 mm is good enough

  • '10

    I am sorry but I don’t see the scale we have chosen as “errors”.  My goal is to FIX the errors of the WOTC pieces.  The trucks and Half-tracks looked “dinky” and were much to small.  We CORRECTED that.

    Regardless of the argument on scale, these units will look 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% better than the WOTC parts on the game board.

    These were very hard decisions to make…  but after much consideration, this is the direction we are going.  We don’t want to COPY anything, we are making units for WW2 games that are vastly superior to any that currently exist.  AAA is our inspiration but we do not want to copy their scale or their mistakes.

    And in the end, as stated…  “We will never be able to please everyone” That is impossible.

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