Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    Just keeping watching this thread. As soon as the factory finishes the test sculpts of the remaining Italian pieces, I’m willing to bet that FMG will begin the pre-order process for the Italian set. Other sets to follow after that, but so far, no Canadians planned.

  • '10

    The “Extras” set will be Grey like the classic ICs of most games.

    As for Canadians…  not in the plan at the moment.  We kinda have our hands full with the 9 nations we are working on.  Release should be in this order:

    “Extras set”
    ANZAC (Diff colour than UK and with a few specific units of its own)

    If all goes as planed;
    Tech Units???

    NOTE: ITALY is the first, and is taking the longest.  Once ITALY is complete the others will move much faster. This is due to set-up, factory experience and of course… funds.

  • just another side note: my play station name is cminke (add me

    What the hell??? :-D :-D

  • @Imperious:

    just another side note: my play station name is cminke (add me

    What the hell??? :-D :-D

    Must be for online gaming.

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    The “Extras” set will be Grey like the classic ICs of most games.

    As for Canadians…  not in the plan at the moment.  We kinda have our hands full with the 9 nations we are working on.  Release should be in this order:

    “Extras set”
    ANZAC (Diff colour than UK and with a few specific units of its own)

    If all goes as planed;
    Tech Units???

    NOTE: ITALY is the first, and is taking the longest.  Once ITALY is complete the others will move much faster. This is due to set-up, factory experience and of course… funds.

    Yes, but what color should Canada be (yellow-green, green-yellow, light blue?)?  Should India be a separate color (tan [in between UK and ANZAC light and dark tan], yellow, black)?


    Turkey? (black?)

    Or should all neutrals be white?

  • As far as neutrals i dont see ( other than me buying the standard 6 copies) why they need to make dedicated neutral units.

    Rather alternative colors from existing units:

    Finland= German in White
    Romania= German in green
    Bulgaria= German in light grey
    Hungry= German in Dark Grey

    Spain= German in yellow or Italy
    Turkey= Russian in light brown?

    or just do axis neutrals: light Grey
    Allied neutrals: light brown

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    For simplicity sake, I like IL’s idea of

    Axis Neutrals = Light Grey
    Allies Neutrals = Light Brown

    For the “Light Brown”, I’d like to see the off-white from AADD used, unless we plan to use this for the Canadians…

  • FMG’s big marketing gig is quality plastic.

    whatever color they choose, I don’t think it will be just copies of existing units.

  • @cminke:

    any one have any pics of the pieces??
    :? :? :? :-D :-( :-) :-D

    My friend… A little bit of searching would have shown you thread that is two below this called “FMG Pieces Project”

  • @Upside-down_Turtle:

    Yes, but what color should Canada be (yellow-green, green-yellow, light blue?)?  Should India be a separate color (tan [in between UK and ANZAC light and dark tan], yellow, black)? 
    Turkey? (black?)
    Or should all neutrals be white?

    No India seperate color, no Canada, no Spain, no Turkey, and I would like :

    Axis Neutrals = Light Grey
    Allies Neutrals = Light Brown

  • '10



    Yes, but what color should Canada be (yellow-green, green-yellow, light blue?)?  Should India be a separate color (tan [in between UK and ANZAC light and dark tan], yellow, black)? 
    Turkey? (black?)
    Or should all neutrals be white?

    No India seperate color, no Canada, no Spain, no Turkey, and I would like :

    Axis Neutrals = Light Grey
    Allies Neutrals = Light Brown

    These are good ideas should we be able to do the Neutrals in the future!

  • Canada had how many troops in WWII? The British Empire is already represented with UK/ ANZAC / India, and Canadian Roundels.

    Other than rah-rahing your own particular country, what major impact would adding Canada as a country provide to Axis & Allies? It would break up the UK’s power even more, (a country that can sorely afford that), and strengthen the Axis.

    Or are you suggesting we break up the Axis to include the Germans, Italians, Romanians, Hungarians, etc?

    Look, I love Canada as much as anyone else does, and they did provide a lot of support in WWII and WWI, but they are definitely not a major power.

    And no, I am not mentally insane.

  • Btw, Cminke, I am not opposed to using different colored pieces for units built in Canada - they would add a little “flavour” to the game, and you could see Canada’s impact in the different fronts (Pacific, Atlantic). They would, however, not be any different than British units and move along with the UK units.

    See, I’m not too insane!  :-)

  • @reloader-1:

    Btw, Cminke, I am not opposed to using different colored pieces for units built in Canada - they would add a little “flavour” to the game, and you could see Canada’s impact in the different fronts (Pacific, Atlantic). They would, however, not be any different than British units and move along with the UK units.

    See, I’m not too insane!  :-)

    But, I am. :-o 
    I am okay with different molds, I guess, but I don’t want any more powers added to the game.
    If this makes me insane so be it, I am brain damaged, as you know.

  • Don’t get me wrong, I love variety in plastic miniatures. But, we must remember that we are not only loosely replicating the fighting forces at the time, but also the economy to field such forces. If the major powers keep getting divided into increasingly smaller subsets, then none of the subsets will ever have income to field enough units to carry on the war.

    Just my two-cents on the subject….

  • For all you people who want more than Italy, Japan, Germany, USSR, UK, USA, China and France, you had better buy some Italians when they come out because if they don’t sell, I don’t think that we will get anything more. Tell all your friends, get the word out. Buy FMG Italian pieces in mass quantities.

  • x40000 to what Brain Damaged said - plunk down as much as possible for the Italian pieces - if we all plunked down for $100 worth of pieces, FMG could have the capital necessary to produce as many addt’l sets as you like (assuming “all” of us is at least 500 or so people  :-))

  • Ι am sorry but it is difficult to search over 80 pages so if it is already answered please forgive me: These miniatures are hard plastic like A&A games, or soft like Warlords of Europe?

    As for the proposal of Turkey for release? Yeah, right after Sweden and Switzerland, you can make Turkey, Peru and Vatican City armies :lol: They fought so hard during WWII it would be a pity not to be represented. :-D

  • @cminke:

    yes u are :-D. and i dident say that i wanted them included in the axis and allies europe game :-P.  i just stated that thay wolud be a kick A** power is they were to be included in any major way :evil:. 8-)

    i aggre that they would break up britans income to much and not allow for enogh units to keep germany away from london :-(, but they would still be kick A**. :evil: 8-)

    I would love canada to be represented in the game but not as a major power. All I want is for Canadian IPCs be spent in the Quebec Factory. Just split income in Europe. In fact this is how I will play the game  when it comes out. :mrgreen:

  • I am not FMG, but I can pretty much guarantee they will be hard plastic like A&A - otherwise detail in the pieces would pretty much be impossible to see!

    Guys, lets be honest about Canada - even making a couple pieces would cost a few thousand dollars, and really you would end up with the exact same UK/India/ANZAC pieces.

    As powers in Axis & Allies, we already have:


    That is a HUGE investment, in terms of money and time to make pieces. If FMG makes all those, and they sell out succesfully (a big if!), then maybe additional countries could be made. However, if new units will be made, most probably it should be a neutral set, with a pro-axis and a pro-allied neutrals and they would probably include some “cast-off” or “early-war” units, such as Panzer II’s for Spain/Portugal etc, and T-26’s for Mongolia/Turkey etc.

    After those have been made, perhaps FMG can make some pieces for Canada - there are a couple ways they could do this, one is by selecting a few pieces from the UK/US selections and just molding them in different colors, or they could make a couple unique land pieces and mold those in a new color. In any case, I do think it will make sense for FMG to do a “Canadian” unique infantry eventually - but much patience will be necessary!

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