I’d actually like the main XML file to represent the state of the game between turns. Purely a representation of the map after you finish your turn and before your opponent begins their turn.
I’m going to gather all of these suggestions and formulate an example.
I’m inclined to think there might be advantages to refining that time period from a turn to a phase given the mechanics of A&A. I know I’d want to see the combat moves and the non-combat moves.
I think the document should have a few sections:
1. An initial state (locations, unit quantities, players IPCs, turn number, phase of turn, etc).
2. An end state, again locations, unit quantities, players IPCs, turn number, phase of turn, etc.
3. The actions taken to get from the initial state to the end state. (Combat Move 3 Inf From Eastern Europe To Karelia)
(The initial and end stat should be discrete and well defined points. There is no need to create a snapshot in the middle a unit’s move. This helps eliminate a lot of the tiny bits of information that might be program-specific).
All this above should be placed into a parent node such that all of these “turns” (which is not a good name because it will actually hold info about less than turn) can be accumulated for the length of the game.Â
The goal should be to capture all the information in a generic way. Whether any current or new program can use that information doesn’t matter. They can ignore pieces that are not meaningful to them.Â
I think I’m up to 4 cents now ;)