The pandemic was awesome for Youtube with all the Youtube wars going on.
would any people like to join me in a new version of Youtube wars?
Total noob learning to play TripleA online. I want to start with PBEM or PBF. I think I understand the “save file”.
Any takers? School me.
Any other noobs?
Pretty much any variant of WW2, v2,3,4 (not global)
anyone intrested 3.9 triplea global 1940 game
gaza, i’m new to triplea and to this forum, but if you’re willing to work with me just a bit, i’d play a game (not new to global at all)
anyone in for a game of global? tripleA, old or new enemies :D I live in Europe and I’m usualy free on the evenings on weekdays
I’ll play if you want. Do you still not care which side?
Yes absolutely! I have to learn both sides anyway :) what side do you prefer?
I prefer Axis.
But I would feel guilty if I didn’t give you some bonus units for the Allies because most people I’m playing with prefer bid games (and also feel that the Allies are harder to play).
Yeah I saw something with bid systems… How does that work exactly? I put a value of 7-8 IPC’s somewhere with the edit tool?
Basically. There’s one restriction though. Bid units can only go in Sea Zones or territories that already contain units belonging to the same power as the units you are adding.
I’ll start a game thread.
Anyone want a game of A&A Revised. Sorry thats the last game I’ve played, havent played for a fair while and would like to have a game of that to get used to it again before playing some of the new variants.I prefer to play by forum, am in the process of downloading Abattlemap etc, just have to remember how it all works again, unless someone has the time and patience to walk me through the set up and gameplay of a new variant.
Anyone want a game of A&A Revised. Sorry thats the last game I’ve played, havent played for a fair while and would like to have a game of that to get used to it again before playing some of the new variants.I prefer to play by forum, am in the process of downloading Abattlemap etc, just have to remember how it all works again, unless someone has the time and patience to walk me through the set up and gameplay of a new variant.
Have you found someone? Im down for a good old 2004 revised with an axis bid. Let me know, i can play abattlemap or tripleA
So… I’ve been grazing here and over at Harris for about a year. Now that the Alpha +3 ruleset has been finalized into “3.9” and, it would appear, is going to be the OOB ruleset for G40 2nd edition, I’m looking to pop my play-by-forum cherry. The major obstaces being 1) I have absolutely no idea how to get started with the whole Forum/TripleA/dice server mechanics and 2) I would need an opponent, obviously. I’ve playtested a handful of strategies on both sides and I think I could give somebody a competitive game. Takers?
Click by click instructions for monkies is there.
It appears complicated, but it’s only because each click is explained.
Basically download the program, check it out.
You can play it online LIVE, or if you want to play by forum, you basically find an opponent, make a thread, post the thread number (game ID) your/your opponents email address, and your forum login information into tripleA, and BOOM, you are good to go!
Thanks, Garg!
Your welcome.
But don’t think we are friends. I’ve been told I’m not allowed to take any more of those on right now…
Is there a limit on the number of friends a man can have, Garg?
What is it? I have 5. Must I stop collecting?
And tell me, did I make it before your cull? Please say yes! (You are number 5.)
would like to play a few games. have my days wide open i need alot of experience playing. any body interested?
Hey searching for an Opponent in 1940 Alpha+3, Volunteers?
@Kabloom: Still days wide open?
hey, im back……trying to get used to AAA and playing some aniversary 41 games with computer…after i practice up i may be ready for a pbem/forum game
looking to play some global 40, Europe 40, Pacific 40, or A&A 42 for the first time!!! :mrgreen:
i would like to play a game with anyone. any board