But I’ll just have to do a map with authentic heraldry and England represented correctly…
But why? This game covers a huge period of History including the war of the roses and many others. I do like the molds and i guess you can make Rio De Oro and the correct roundels for 1066-1300 and even change them every year as it was accurate.
I read and understand the rules. It is a very innovative system. I was going to add some leaders for each fief and some replacement mercenaries using Zveda 1/72 knights. Currently the game uses the spearmen/pikemen for these and they cost +1.
I would like to add siege machines and some other finished castle defenses that can be upgraded and technology, but i will have to see the cards that may address these concerns first. I want to introduce the plague in the game somehow as part of some special event.
I got 4 on pre-order. I really think it will be one of the years best new games of its type.