What is biding and is it neccasary.

  • @Jennifer:

    BTW, that was Avin, not 4thmac.  Got em mixed up.

    I’m sure Darth will be a slightly less push over with a 21 bid to Ukraine for me. .

    Me thinks Avin is no pushover at all . Me thinks you are.

  • Maddog: keep an eye out here for Agent Smith return in yet another form. Your the front line defence!

  • OKAY!! I’m carefully monitoring all newcomers. If I spot him, should I alert the authorities??

  • Nah, just humiliate him like you have been :-D


    OKAY!! I’m carefully monitoring all newcomers. If I spot him, should I alert the authorities??

    slacker!! you people make him seem llike hes as wanted as osma bin laden.

    Last Active: December 12, 2006, 09:13:42 PM

  • Cyan:

    This is most interesting post. I allways figured agent smith was SHP and that was some evidence of SHP trying to see if his account has been changed so he can post. The powers that be have made it hard for him to come back so i figure hes trying other sorts of tricks.

  • why doesn’t he just create a new account and use a differt email. that makes alot more sense than trying to reactiavte his old account. i still don’t get why your treating him like bin laden.

  • Moderator

    It’s a long story.
    I don’t think it would be that easy Cyan, he was IP banned by Yanny.
    He just burned too many bridges.

    I actually miss Agent/SHP.

    It wasn’t always easy to moderate but he was spot on, on some things and pretty funny at times.  Unfortunately, other times (which was probably most of the time) he was way over the top and led to numerous run ins with multiple users and Mods.  There were also problems in the PD and GD forums.

    I would have loved to read a trash talking thread between him and Maddogg.  That would have been comedy gold!

  • “why doesn’t he just create a new account and use a differt email. that makes alot more sense than trying to reactiavte his old account. i still don’t get why your treating him like bin laden.”

    He caused too many problems and his trash talking in the game forum was totally unjustified because he sucked. He could be defeated a thousand times and have every excuse why he left the game because he lost that game followed by telling the other guy that he was totally incompetent.

    In PD he never stayed on topic and allways tried to stear talking points to something he knew otherwise he would throw a tantrum and begin to attack the other posters.

    he allways went into Bush this and that even if the thread was about which sunglasses to buy… he would end up saying “Bush is the cause why people need sunglasses because Bushgate destroyed the ozone layer in 6 years”

    eventually their was no point to having such a POS.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    He could just have his router reset by the cable company or switch ISPs if it was THAT important. (Dunno if his company does it, but I request my provider do an IP reset on my unit every month or so.)

  • You assume too much. We have routers but he may not be too tech savy or not even own the equipment.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    If he has cable service, they gave him a router to rent or he had to buy one.  Anyway, all he would have to do, if he had Comcast anyway, would be to call the cable company and tell them his system was hacked and he wants his IP reset on the exit port on his router.  I do it all the time, even though I’m never hacked.  It’s just such a simple thing to do to prevent spyware from functioning accurately (some spyware can only report on what your IP address does) that why not?

  • Just use a proxy to log in… Not that hard…

  • Off Topic…

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Ya know, when you’re 8 pages in, I really don’t see the need to keep it on topic.  Discussions are fluid, they change over time.

  • I agree…back on topic…

  • pagan soldier :-D :-D 8-) :evil:

  • Kinda funny AS is getting in this topic all the time :P Must be like the 3rd time his name got dragged into the discussion :P

    Ok on topic!

  • What’s going on here? Why is Maddogg a guest user now?

  • It is from repeated board policy violations in PD.  The decision was made by the site owners.

    Though he had also deleted his own account a week ago before signing back up as “agent smith”

    Still off topic…

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