I’ve been playtesting a couple elite units. They both seem to work well. The first one is A1, +1 for amphib attack, +1 when paired with armor, D2, M1, +1 when paired with mech, may blitz when paired with mech and tank, BB may transport 1, 3 elites may M3 from AB as long as other ground troops attack, C4. Armor are -1 on all amphib attacks.
The other one is A1, +1 for amphib attack, +1 when paired with armor, +1 when paired with mech , D2, M1, +1 when paired with mech, may blitz when paired with mech and tank, BB and cruisers may transport 1, 3 elites may M3 from AB as long as other ground troops attack, C5. Armor are -1 on all amphib attacks.
Of the two I prefer the 4 dollar version. It gives some minor encouragement for BB buys. Depending on how things go the first rd Germany, UK and Italy could all have BBs along with US and JPN so there would be some usage but not excessive.
It has mech boosting movement and armor the attack which seems like it should be easy enough to follow. It makes for a nice minor factory buy with elite, mech, armor for A1 A2 A3 combo. You probably want to use the primitive terrain though or those things will be hauling ass all over China and soviet asia :). A simple +1 A would be the easiest way to go but triplea can’t do that.
The five dollar one is fun too though. The mech boost on attack makes for some different combinations. You can have a 9 PU combo that has A1 A2 vs a 10 PU one that has A1 A3. When in amphib mode you can have a A1 A3 for 9PUs (which is what armor/inf do currently) as opposed to the 10 PU A2 A3. It’s also easier to boost the airborne units. The 5 PU cost prevents spamming on CAs and mech/elite combos.
I think a playtest with a more OOB Cruiser (no AA defense, no M3) carrying 1 Marines in its weak version A1-2 D2 C4 can provides an interesting increase of naval action and amphibious landing.
Restricting to BB seems to be an indirect way to favor US, but with Cruiser the warships could be more scattered to invade more islands. Also, this can be an incentive to throw more Submarines at them.
For now, TP is still defenseless in TripleA file, so if giving such carrying capacity appears to be a little off balance, you can make TP cost at 5 IPCs. That way the 32 IPCs fleet is much more balanced:
2 (Cruiser+ Elite/Marines A1 D2 C4 combo) = C32, CA A6 D6 + 2 Elites A2 D4
A) 2 DDs + 1 TP c5 /1 Tk + 1 Inf = C30, DD A4 D4 + Ground A4 D5
B) 1 CA + 1 DD + 1 TP c5/ 1 Art + 1 Inf = C32, Warships A5 D5 + Ground A4 D4
C) 1 CA + 1 Sub + 1TP c5/ 1 Tk + 1 Ind = C32 Warships A5 D4 + Ground A4 D5
It seems better to use Cruisers and Marines.
You get 2 Offshore bombardment @3 and higher off/def in SZ.
A) 2 DDs are outmatched by 2 Cruisers but there is 2 IPCs left.
On land, you bring 1 Tank A3 each combat round but no Offshore bombardment.
But 2 Marines A1 D2 is weaker than Inf and Tank combos.
Though, Cruisers are much vulnerable to Subs attack.
B) On land, you get 1 Cruiser @3 1 shot support, DD protection against Sub and A4 D4 best combo, better than A2 D4 Marines.
C) You get 1 fire support @3, and a high attack factor and 1 Sub fodder against Sub, on defense.
Landing units have more punch A1 + A3 vs 2 Marines A1 + A1.
Seems a better balanced equilibrium point with TP5 vs CA12 carrying 1 Marines.
After all, no cost has been determined irrevocably for now.
Even if Marines A1-2 D2 C4 have no outstanding combat values compared to Infantry, carrying them on BB and Cruiser is still a very useful capacity since you don’t need to invest as much on escorting warships since BB and Cruiser have high defense values and provide a useful 1 shot bombardment.
By weak Marines/ or special Infantry, I’m still thinking, and still assuming no special bonus (Marines) or penalty (Tk) during amphibious assault :
The other way, still impressionistic, try to be more accurate at strategic and unit level to figure how 1 army group/division is different from a Marines group/division in combat value.
First, the army group is equipped with heavy infantry weapons like field artillery, grenade launchers, mortars, heavy machineguns etc etc that delivers a heavy punch, while the Marines and Paratroopers only have their rifles and must gamble on surprise and tactics.
Second, the army group got trucks and horses to supply them with ammo and stuff so they keep a good combat perseverance over long time, while the Marines and Paras only have food and ammo for 2 days of fighting.
To not ruin this very abstract game, I figure that Marines and Paras can only have special abilities in the combat move and first round of combat. After that they act like regular infantry.
About the Marines, I think they should roll 2 or less as standard during amphibious assaults, but shore bombardment from a Battleship or Cruiser can boost a matching Marine to a 3 or less as hit. Field artillery should of course not be allowed to boost any unit during amphibious assaults, since it takes a lot of time to move them ashore and get them working. Its not like a tank that just drive ashore and start shooting. Anyway I strongly believe in the A&A 1914 rules that let defending artillery fire one pre-emptive round at the landing party when they are swimming defenseless to the beach. Amphibious assaults against defended shores are actually very weak attacks, and it strongly favors the dug-in defenders in the bunker line. Its the Panzer blitzkrieg attack against surprised defenders in plain fields that are true strong attacks.
IMO, based on points bolded, it is clear that at army/division level Marines are weaker offense and defense.
I believe that we put high offense such as Attack 2 or even @3 in amphibious assault with Artillery or Battleship fire support based mostly on an individual comparison between soldier training and Marines training and some epic battle in Pacific islands invasion.
But using the principle that Marines unit is first carried on board warships (Cruiser and Battleship) and have smaller weapons due to this restriction space on board warships.
Such A&A unit at a strategic theatre of operation level, we give Marines, at most, the same combat values than regular Infantry.
In addition, since their training seems more complex and intensive and imply special movement with warships we can make it 1 IPC higher than regular Infantry.
On Paratroopers, assuming the Tech parameter linked to Air Base, dropping up to 3 TTs away in a TT already attacked by land units, carrying smaller weapons too and few ammunitions and supplys, it is already a stretch to give Paras the same combat values than regular Infantry. At least, we can say that surprise is a factor which make Paratrooper unit even to regular Infantry unit.
Again, we agree that their training is more intensive and complex compared to ordinary soldier, hence an additional 1 IPC higher than regular Infantry.
So, a solution can be, at least for a single type of unit for both Marines and Paratroopers:
Specially Trained Infantry (STI) /Marines/Paratrooper:
Cost 4
Attack 1-2
Defense 2
Move 1
Sea movement bonus:
1 STI unit can be carried on 1 Battleship or 1 Cruiser.
Transport can load 2 STIs or 1 STI plus any other 1 ground unit.
No combat bonus when making an amphibious assault.
Air movement bonus:
Up to 3 ST Infantry can start from an active Air Base to make a paratrooper attack drop up to 3 TTs away in an enemy territory which does need to be attacked by other ground units.
Must submit to pre-emptive AAA fire first.
No combat bonus when airdropped.
Gets +1A combined arms when paired 1:1 with Artillery.
No limit number on Specially Trained Infantry units.
OR, if we want an all purpose unit:
Elite Infantry/Marines/Paratrooper/Ranger/Shock troop:
Cost 4
Attack 1-2
Defense 2
Move 1-2
Sea movement bonus:
1 Elite unit can be carried on 1 Battleship or 1 Cruiser.
Transport can load 2 Elites or 1 Elite Infantry plus any other 1 ground unit.
No combat bonus when making an amphibious assault.
Air movement bonus:
Up to 3 Elite Infantry can start from an active Air Base to make a paratrooper attack drop up to 3 TTs away in an enemy territory which does need to be attacked by other ground units.
Must submit to pre-emptive AAA fire first.
No combat bonus when airdropped.
Land movement bonus:
Gets move 2 if paired 1:1 with Mechanized Infantry or Tank (blitz along with Tank, too).
Gets +1A combined arms when paired 1:1 with Artillery.
Gets +1A combined arms when paired 1:1 with Mechanized Infantry.
Maximum attack value remains 2.
No limit number on Elite units.