I’d like cheap fighters and half/carriers.
For instance:
Carrier Squadrons could cost 8 IPC, attack at a 2, defend at a 3.
Half Carriers cost 8, carry 1 carrier squadron
Cruisers would be nice too. Reduce destroyers to cost 8, att 2, def, 2. Make cruisers cost 12, att 3, def 3, get shore bombardment without needing the technology for it.
Meanwhile, since we’re on the subject, I want to see changes to the standard units too!
Armor: Cost 5, Att 2, Def 3
Fighters: Cost 10, att 3, def 3, can land on newly conquered land if it was yours at the start of the game.
Bombers: Cost 10, att 4, def 2, SBR (1d6)/2 per bomber. Heavy bombers do 1d6 on SBR
AA Guns: 1 AA gun hits on a 1, 2 AA guns hit on a 2. No benefit for 3 or more AA guns.
Submarines: roll 1d6 before fighter attack, on a roll of 2 or less you can submerge before enemy fighters/bombers can attack you. (does not function when enemy naval vessels are present.)
Battleships: When damaged battleships attack at a 3, defend at a 3, cost 1d6 to repair