I think the bomber bid is balanced, and it would be my usual. But that is a set bid, where you really have to agree up front that both players want to try that sort of game, because otherwise no one would use their 12 ipcs that way! haha. They’d use it for UK
For just 6 ipcs to UK, you can screw Germany pretty hard. A sub in the Mediterranean makes it so that Germany has no good use for their battleship on G1. Anywhere they go it dies, and if they go nowhere it dies too, unless they build destroyers for blocking maneuvers, which is a pain. And this before you even run any attacks, just by its existence, the sub here starts messing with the Axis opener. Marine Iguana made some posts a few months back that show some of the merits of the UK sub bid for the med.
I’ve changed my views a bit in the intervening months, on which specific bid units are best for overall balance, but I still come back to the same basic range in IPCs. I used to play this map with sz16 closed to surface ships, but now I don’t play that way anymore. I don’t use either of the optional rules these days. Sz 16 closed is just kind of boring, and I’m just not a huge fan of escorts/intercept the way 1942.2 has them formulated, since I find they just neutralize bombing all together with the people in my playgroup (people hate risking fighters on both SBR attack and defense, has been my experience) so I basically ditched both those, and stick to the vanilla ruleset now. I’m not a big fan of low luck either, unless someone really twists my arm off about it, so there’s that too haha. All with a grain of salt basically.
Going up to 12 ipcs, eg 2 submarines for UK and things get a lot more distorted. I think the board starts to tip in the Allies favor. Not so much for the direct line on Moscow (since that’s kind of a foregone conclusion if Axis are committed), but the double sub bid does make it very hard for the Axis to overcome the Allies on the water, which is critical for the deep endgame, post center collapse.
I’d say somewhere between 8 and 11 ipcs is optimal, if you’re not going to restrict the bid. High enough that you can purchase 2 hitpoints, but still low enough that you can’t spam 4. If you want to go higher or lower, that’s cool, but its more an indication of a disparity in player skill then I think. Between two people who know what they’re doing you shouldn’t have to go higher than 12 ipcs, or lower than 6.
10 ipcs is probably the sweet spot for expert play, where both sides still have a challenge, but the Allied underdog doesn’t get so much of a boost that the Axis are all bitter about it haha. That’s like a sub and an artillery piece. Or perhaps 2 inf and an artillery piece, or even a fighter, which can make a big difference.
My fav is the Russian bomber though. The big Red Bomber really gives the Soviets a leg up. Most players I’ve gamed seem to enjoy the Bomber once they start flying it around. Even if they wouldn’t spend their whole bid on a single unit if given the option, it seems to do the trick in terms of balance, and the sense of balance in the mind of the player, which is what the bid process is really all about anyway. I like it because it’s a high value unit, and so players are less likely to just throw it away in the first round, you know to gain some slight edge in an opening engagement. So it has a way of paying for itself over time. Each round its used in combat, that Allied player thinks to themselves, “Damn, good thing we got that Russian bomber in the back pocket!” hehe
And then of course, if you feel that a bid is still necessary beyond that, there’s nothing to stop you. Russian bomber +3 ipcs, or 4 of 5 etc. I think it should have been part of original set up, but alas, the Russians are always nerfed :-D
Some people add an American destroyer, and then bid from there in a similar fashion. But I like the Red bomber best.