This is a variant of a Caspian Sub strat that was previously discussed on the forum.
The short version to block it (I may miss 1 or 2 details)
1. UK builds and AC, TRN and 2 INF. Moves fleet to SZ6, palces new naval units in SZ6, lands existing FIGs on SZ6 AC.
(Total UK fleet: 1 BB, 1 AC, 2 FIG, 2 TRN)
2. USA sends 1 FIG, 1 BOM, 2 INF, 1 ART, 1 ARM from EUS to UK (via TRN offloading from SZ8)
3. Russia sends their sub to join the UK fleet in SZ6 (or to SZ7, depending on where the Med Fleet is, but most likely to SZ6)
Net Effect:
UK now has some good land defense (6 INF, 2 ART, 2 ARM, 1 FIG, 2 BOM, 1 AA)
Baltic fleet has to fight its way to UK, and cannot link with the Med Fleet since the Med Fleet cannot reach SZ6
Many German TRN’s are going to be sunk as fodder in the naval battle, preventing an immediate landing in London… at least not with enough force to crack UK’s defenders.
Med Fleet, if it moved into the Atlantic, is now in range of US ships to be sunk in US2. 1 DST, 2 TRN, 1 FIG, 1 BOM against 1 BB, 1 TRN, 1 SUB.
By the end of Turn 3, with further naval/air builds by UK, and with second wave of US forces (2 more TRN, another DST, plust whatever AF and land units can be sent), the German fleets are pretty well gone, if not totally destroyed.
Meanwhile, with Germany diverting that much of their income West, Russia should be in Karelia, Belo and Ukraine, reducing Germany’s income by 7 IPC. Germany is also kicke dout of Egypt, and should ahve lost Libya, and be about to lose Algeria (if not already lost).
So the gamble is…
Can Germany fight past a joint UK/USA defense of London in G2?
If they fail, they are already down 25% of their income, plus the lost units that were built as Navy in G1 and are now sunk (plus their bid).
Russia has solidified their posiitons in German territories.
US and UK both have land units staged forward to UK that only need TRN’s to start large scale landings anywhere from Western to Norway (includign Germany and Eastern sicne the baltic Fleet was sunk in the North Sea).
Again, I may have missed some specific details, but if the UK player is awake on UK1 and sees the threat (kind of hard to miss) and unless the US player is incompetant, Geermany will blow their navy, amd a nice chunk of their AF, for a gain of only killing some Allied Fleet, after which, the Allies will hve uncontested control of teh seas and skies in and around Europe.