• '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Wow…cudos to newpintbrush, darthmaximus, jen, and ncscswitch. i’ve only faced a KJF twice…both were horrible attempts…and they failed in terms of killing japan first…b/c th german player was so horrible that it never even happened…(lost on uk4)

    great info…amazing counter strat’s and opinions

    id give you all medals…but i rele don’t wanna go through the trouble…

    i wanna face al of you in the near future

    feds 10

    Yea the major problem with debates like these are you end up with those off hand battles where Germany attacks a larger force but for somereason ends up wearing bulletproof armor becasue they get by unscathed.  So instead of a light strafe, it ends up in a route.  Or Japan lucks out and scores 6 of 8 submarine hits followed by 11 of 20 regular ship hits against a slightly more powerful combined navy pulling victory out of the jaws of defeat like I did against JSP.

  • @Jennifer:

    Bah, you’re not even a full round in at that point and you’re puffing your feathers.  Barring more insane dice, you’re going down hard!

    It’s not even USA 2 and I already have you out classed and out gunned in the Atlantic and the Pacific and I havn’t even gotten to burying you yet!

    You have the Atlantic… but only with PARITY to the Luftwaffe (and that is far better than is normal in a game).

    As for the Pacific… Japan still dropping units in Asia, and your teeth have been effectively pulled in the Pacific.  You can be annoying for a few turns while you continue to gear up in the Pacific, but by then it will be FAR too late…

  • Bla-bla-bla. Can someone summarize this thread? KJF is now considered a viable strategy or does one need to be a professor to execute it to have a chance?

  • Moderator

    Lol!  :-D

    IMO, yes it is possible and viable given the right circumstances.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    It’s very viable.

    Also, the threat of KJF is even MORE viable.  As you can see with my game with Switch, I managed to not only destroy 25% of his naval assets without a scratch (Pearl on J1 doesn’t count, you don’t get to do anything to stop it) but I forced him to blow 2 rounds of development to stop an assumed KJF tactic, all without loosing any assets I wouldn’t have lost anyway.

    It’s B > E > A > Utiful when a plan comes together!

    Meanwhile, the Luftwaffe does not have any say over the Atlantic at all.  It’s not shared.  It’s denied for anything but pleasure flights over unoccupied waters. :P

  • @Sankt:

    Bla-bla-bla. Can someone summarize this thread?

    You just did.

    Crack pipe!

  • @Jennifer:

    but I forced him to blow 2 rounds of development to stop an assumed KJF tactic, all without loosing any assets I wouldn’t have lost anyway.

    I would hardly call 1 SUB, 1 DST blowign 2 turns of production.

    And with the US pull-out of the Pacific, the extra Navy allows me to float TRNs wherever i want to, and with no real concern for counter-attacks :-)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    It was more then that.  You also pulled back your fleets which means you are a full two turns behind on clearing islands and your airforce is all concentrated.

    Does 1 destroyer, 1 submarine = invincible transports?  Only against British dice man!  Those brits havn’t caught a break all game.  Strategy’s sound, but the dice suck in your game…the rest of my games have been going pretty well, just your game I get the bad luck…

    Ah well.  I’ll look back and laugh at all this when I’m having Tea with the Kaiser in Berlin. (The Kaiser will be Kaiser Neville Chamberlain, the First.)

  • On J3 I am collecting $38 Jen.

    And you must not have seen most of my games… I USUALLY have most of my fleet in SZ60, and only 1 small task force raiding.
    In this game, thanks to the extra defense and fodder units (as protection against that US BOM in WCan), I have TWO raiding parties… one off India, the other clearing the southern islands…

  • In response to the KJF Bluff…

    NEVER change strats during a game.  If you are going KJF, STAY KJF.  Otherwise, just go KGF, and STICK WITH IT.

    Trying to bluff in the Pacific as the US leaves the Axis with economic dominance, and with USA and UK in NO position to assist a dying Russia.

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