• I find this strategy a good one because it hinders Japan from getting units off of Japan seeing as Japan has only one Trn now. Obviously you have to use the fighter on the AC.  Also, is putting a factory on India a good idea?

    thanks for any comments

  • Others may disagree with me, but when I play the Allies, I ALWAYS put an industry in India - I think it’s integral for the UK to start putting ground troops into Asia by round 2.  I also like taking out Japan’s transport in SZ59 with the UK fighter on the AC off India.  Lately I’ve been toying with the idea of landing that fighter in China…

  • As any country it is a good idea to attack undefended transports.  :evil:

  • @mrsoccerchessman:

    I find this strategy a good one because it hinders Japan from getting units off of Japan seeing as Japan has only one Trn now. Obviously you have to use the fighter on the AC.  Also, is putting a factory on India a good idea?

    thanks for any comments

    well, the attack on the SZ59 tra with your fig idea has its + and -

    i would try to elaborate

    you destroy a Japanese tra
    Japanese are limited for offloading in the first turn attacks

    you have to land either at Buryatia either at China( landing on UK AC leads you to destruction from the Japanese forces)
    there are still some realistic chances of your fig being taken down( rolls on a 3 agains a roll of 1)

    all in all the attack upon Solomon sub seems like a better solution if you ask me
    there, there is no chance of the sub taking your fig down and you can land on Hawaiian AC and improve overall defence of allies there much

  • @mrsoccerchessman:

    I find this strategy a good one because it hinders Japan from getting units off of Japan seeing as Japan has only one Trn now. Obviously you have to use the fighter on the AC.  Also, is putting a factory on India a good idea?

    thanks for any comments

    my advice would be dont, dont build an IC in India for the at least first few turns. You see ( altough i like seing you seing England in the Pacific front too- while the majority of players sees England only on Euroopean theatre )

    i wouldn advice this, since against an experiened Japanese player, that IC will soon be Japanese conqured

    there are some other alternatives as South African, Australian, Eastern Canadian IC

    the Indian IC can be good though, maybe you ll be able to contain the Japanese, maybe, but you ll spend many IPC there while being thin in the European theatre with no real results in the Indian Subcontient.

    Japan will seriously overpower you and smash your forces with a great difference.

    Even if adding USA to the Pacific strategy( altough that would put Germany unleashed- Moscow :(

    i still dont advise it

    Indian IC-yes in some cases, situations,

    but as a deafult strategy


  • In fact, Indian IC can be a too powerfull tool if is well used in coordination with USA and Soviets. If you played warhammer some time, Indian IC is as playing Wood Elves (dificult to master, easy to win with them if mastered) and KGF is as playing Chaos Knights (brute and effective, but repetitive).

    It’s a matter of tastes, I think. But even Indian IC can get boring. Better try all the options: India, Australia, S. Africa, lone USA z55 fleet and traditional non IC KGF. With allies, you only have to repeat your strat 1 of 5 games  :-)

  • Part of it all depends on your opisition.  My cousin and I used to play all the time and it got very repetive because he would stack troops in the same places that he knew I was going to go for. (Moscow)

    One day I had Germany hit England first caught him very off guard.

    The same thing can happen when up agienst the PC version.  (I know it is not the revised version) When I played it all the time I knew the opening moves the computer was going to play.  It got very boring so I stoped playing years ago for that reason.

    The point is I agree with the above you need to try it all because if you have a good oposing player that is what he/she/they are going to do.


  • Indian IC in R1 is a very bad idea. japan can easily push everything for it. Yes, you slow japan rush toward Moscow, but u cant hold it, giving Japan a free IC 2 spaces from caucus, and three from moscow. Meanwhile, you also slowed UK in europe, making Russia that much weaker, and Germany that much stronger.

    As for the japanese tran, I like using the destroyer to take it out. But if Russia has stacked Bury, the plane might be a good alternative, depending on what ur doing with the Indian fleet.

    I used to think killing that tran was a must do for UK, but now im trying toher things. I let it live, combine entire UK pacific fleet in the south, with 2 inf from Australia. Leaving that plane on the ac will protect the fleet from japanese attack. You can now land 2 more inf in india or africa. Or ….  attack FIC with 3 inf 1fgt r1. u r 50/50 to win. And i often take the territory doing this, whcih kills a japanese plane, and slows them down. It wouyld be unlikely Japan could take india by round 3 if played right.

  • send the destroyer instead. The fig is more useful.

  • I prefer to send the maximum fleet possible to SZ59…

    It ties up Japan forces on the J1 Counter, and makes the J1 movements far more predictable for the Allied moves in Round 2…

  • I like to use the fighter in a counter against Egypt. If that proves unnecessary, I’ll send it to Russia.

    As for an Indian IC, if I am the Axis, I squeal with glee if I see it on UK1. That means no Egypt counter, so Germany goes hog wild in Africa. As Japan, the IC will likely be mine by Round 3, even if Russia sends troops to aid the Brits, or the US built an IC in Sink…a full KJF might make me regret taking it as Americas navy approaches, but combined with Africa, UK will be heavily marginalized, leaving Russia standing alone against an income heavy Germany.

  • Egypt counter is not mandatory. There are many ways of fighting Africa without counter.

    Anyway, better if you conquer India in J4 (in J3 is unconquerable if Allies know what are they doing), or Japan is toasted with USA conquering islands. Soviets can survive with UK and USA sending their other forces to Europe (8 land units for USA in total, about 4-6 each turn for UK).

  • 2007 AAR League

    I agree with Petrucci08. Don’t risk the fighter when the DD is far less useful in the long run.

    Counterattacking Egypt with the fighter is always the right move if it is in your favor. Although, there are times when an Egypt counterattack is not a good move or even necessary, such as when Germany takes it with more than 3 units or doesn’t take it at all :? . Then, the fighter is free to be used in the Pacific if you so choose. Personally, when I can’t use it to retake Egypt, I prefer using it to try and hamstring Japan early as opposed to saving it for later use.

    I like the move where you attack the sz45 SS with it and land it on the US CV in sz52. It has the potential to really put the Japanese in a bad situation if they attack sz52.

    I also like the move Switch suggested. It is rarely used(most people try to save the CV by sending it toward Africa), but it can force the Japanese to spread themselves thin or not secure all of their first turn objectives. My biggest problem with it is that if the sz59 TP hits, then you’re stuck in a weak position with Japan capable of sending a decent amount of units(including a BB) and still have the units necessary to attack China and sz52.

    A move I’ve been considering is similar to Switch’s but leaves you with an out if the sz59 TP hits. Attack sz59 with the sz35 DD and fighter. That way, your entire force isn’t comitted if the TP hits. You can still land the fighter in China and send the CV/TP away from danger. But if the TP misses, you can send the CV to sz59 to pick up the fighter and use the sz35 TP to block the Japanese sz37 fleet by putting it in sz36.

    And for the record, the India IC is usually a bad idea because you don’t exactly know how UK1 will turn out. You could be immediately opening the game in a weak position if your UK1 attacks go poorly. And Germany is hard enough to contain without having to bleed off UK money every turn to support an IC.

    Plus, against the lone fighter or DD, the sz59 TP survives that combat about 1 in 6 times. It is such an important unit that if you are going to attack it, send 2 units and make sure it sinks.

  • @U-505:

    And for the record, the India IC is usually a bad idea because you don’t exactly know how UK1 will turn out. You could be immediately opening the game in a weak position if your UK1 attacks go poorly.

    But this is the magic of the ICs: if things go bad, you can still deploy the IC in South Africa or Australia. Any of them is good (maybe Australia more tricky, but also more powerful than S. Africa)

  • One variation on u-505 opening that i like to use. I dont think its been mentioned yet:

    dd to take out the tran. Sub to take out jap sub in sz45. tran from australia to take New gunea. Tran from india to take Borneo. AC to block retake of borneo by placing in sz 49. Your are only 2 to 1 favorite to take borneo with 2 inf vs 1, but when u do, it sure slows japan down. And with this open, they have so many targets, there no way they can pearl.

  • @AxisOfEvil:

    One variation on u-505 opening that i like to use. I dont think its been mentioned yet:

    dd to take out the tran. Sub to take out jap sub in sz45. tran from australia to take New gunea. Tran from india to take Borneo. AC to block retake of borneo by placing in sz 49. Your are only 2 to 1 favorite to take borneo with 2 inf vs 1, but when u do, it sure slows japan down. And with this open, they have so many targets, there no way they can pearl.

    What are you doing with the fighter? Leaving with CV?


    Attack the sub and land on US CV
    Help with one of the two land grabs, then land it on the CV
    Help with Transport attack then land it in China or USSR.


  • @dagger:


    One variation on u-505 opening that i like to use. I dont think its been mentioned yet:

    dd to take out the tran. Sub to take out jap sub in sz45. tran from australia to take New gunea. Tran from india to take Borneo. AC to block retake of borneo by placing in sz 49. Your are only 2 to 1 favorite to take borneo with 2 inf vs 1, but when u do, it sure slows japan down. And with this open, they have so many targets, there no way they can pearl.

    What are you doing with the fighter? Leaving with CV?


    Attack the sub and land on US CV
    Help with one of the two land grabs, then land it on the CV
    Help with Transport attack then land it in China or USSR.


    I usually position the uk fighter in caucus so i can retake india, when/if japan takes it light.

  • @Funcioneta:

    But this is the magic of the ICs: if things go bad, you can still deploy the IC in South Africa or Australia. Any of them is good (maybe Australia more tricky, but also more powerful than S. Africa)

    I’ve never actually tried an Aus IC, but I don’t think it’s a good option. Probably even worse than biting the 15 IPC bullet and just dropping an IC in Ind.

    SAf has been appealing for a while and I’ve seen it work ok, but never tried it myself. I think it’s about half as bad as a UK1 Ind complex. Yeah, it can help the UK contest Africa, but it costs 15. Right there it better save the UK 7.5 1IPC territories or it’s not even paying for itself. Then you gotta factor in the 6-8 (maybe more?) IPCs it sucks up every turn. Meanwhile, the TTs (triple IPC territories, if I’m getting the name right) are up in Europe. It’s usually not gonna be worth fighting over Africa.

    Oh, and a UK1 IC is hardly ever a good idea either. I maybe saw one game where an Ind and Sin ICs working in tandem with loads of Allied air were kicking butt. I need to find that game and study its genius.


    One variation on u-505 opening that i like to use. I dont think its been mentioned yet: dd to take out the tran. Sub to take out jap sub in sz45. tran from australia to take New gunea. Tran from india to take Borneo. AC to block retake of borneo by placing in sz 49. Your are only 2 to 1 favorite to take borneo with 2 inf vs 1, but when u do, it sure slows japan down. And with this open, they have so many targets, there no way they can pearl.

    The Borneo landing is basically as good as falling back to Kenya. You often put the ac in the way to prevent a J1 retake, but then you might get 4IPCs, and deny Japan the same! I prefer Kenya, but it’s close.

    But I don’t like the New Guinea attack. You take 2inf from the defense of Aus. You lose the transport. Japan will take that thing back by J3 at the latest. (+2, -2.) That’s it. Or you could (maybe even all of these in order): run east and then come back with your 2inf and put them back in Aus, thereby delaying Japan who was only read for 2inf in Aus (+2, -2); land the inf in Africa (+3/6); sail the trn up to UK just in time for transport overload (+8). So up to +13 for you, and up to -2 for Japan, just as a rough breakdown.

    Having to retake New Guinea is a headache, but at that point you’re giving Japan too much incentive. As Japan I’d normally ignore NZ, even if it was undefended. With NG to also take, Japan might as well throw a party and take NZ, too. Yet another mark against UK landing in NG.

  • @U-505:

    Plus, against the lone fighter or DD, the sz59 TP survives that combat about 1 in 6 times. It is such an important unit that if you are going to attack it, send 2 units and make sure it sinks.

    Funny how I see players in this forum NOT attack the SZ59 Japanese transport.
    That confuses me  :?  :?  :?

  • @hyogoetophile:

    SAf has been appealing for a while and I’ve seen it work ok, but never tried it myself. I think it’s about half as bad as a UK1 Ind complex. Yeah, it can help the UK contest Africa, but it costs 15. Right there it better save the UK 7.5 1IPC territories or it’s not even paying for itself. Then you gotta factor in the 6-8 (maybe more?) IPCs it sucks up every turn. Meanwhile, the TTs (triple IPC territories, if I’m getting the name right) are up in Europe. It’s usually not gonna be worth fighting over Africa.

    Leaving Africa to Germany while conquiring so called Triple territories still shift the IPC balance in favour of Germany, I think.

    Australian IC is an intersting idea because force Japan to divert forces from the mainland (ships, land units and aircraft) to take an IC the has a low usefulness. Also the one in south Africa is not so useful to Japan. IMHO an IC in India is a gift for Japanese player. But If you are going hard against Japan with a KJF it could be interesting.

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