• Ok so I have a couple of questions about airplane rules not mentioned in the 1942-second edition rules. Can airplanes continue to attack with land units after the first battle? Or do they have to land. (Same goes for defense).Also can airplanes hit land units when there are still defending airplanes or do they need to destroy those first. Basically can you use airplane hits on your infantry to save your planes. And then for submarines, can ships hit by surprise strike return fire or are they removed immediately. Thanks

  • Airplanes continue to attack for the entire land battle, unless you’re retreating your entire (nonamphibious) attacking force. Planes can and usually do hit land units when the other side has planes. Ships hit by a sub’s surprise strike don’t get to fire back, unless they were undamaged (before the sub strike) battleships.

  • Hello Bigtasty, and welcome to the forum.

    • When saying “after the first battle” - do you mean “after the first round of combat”? Attacking Airplanes attack as long as the battle continues. That means until the attacker decides to either retreat or to continue the attack. Defending planes defend until they are lost or the attacker retreats. In either case, surviving planes land in Noncombat Move. When airplanes score hits, the opposing player decides which units the hits are assigned to. So you can of course assign Airplane hits to Infantry.

    • Ships hit sunk by submarine’s surprise strikes are removed immediately, except enemy submarines. They have a surprise strike, too, if no enemy destroyer is present.

    HTH :-)

  • Ok thanks

  • Follow up question. If airplanes are the only units in a territory and they are attacked by land units or land/air combo do they stay and fight or do the retreat to an adjacent territory

  • If they are attacked they have to fight! Defending units never retreat.

  • Official Q&A


    Ships hit by submarine’s surprise strikes are removed immediately, except enemy submarines.

    To clarify, ships sunk by submarine’s surprise strikes are removed immediately, except enemy submarines.  A battleship still takes two hits to sink, and can return fire if hit only once.

  • For sure! I edited my above answer accordingly.

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