under air supremacy, what difference does it make whether air units need supporting land units to fire in opening-fire if enemy land units can’t hit them anyway?
++++++Air units need land units to attack territories and land units cannot gain from the bonus +1 with armor… I think that if air units alone attack a territory they should have modified combat values ( prob fighters attack at 1, bombers attack at 2 ) after one round of this nonsense the land units can retreat. This would be my proposal to solve this.
how do you like my proposal of a low chance of land units forcing air units (without supporting land units) to retreat? This is to solve the “1 FTR attack and kill 10 ARM” and the “1 INF attack forcing 10 FTR to retreat” situations in the latest rules. It represents land forces rounding up their airfield or preventing them from relocating their moible airfield.
++++++Ill come back to this is a second post…
Quote from: Imperious Leader on June 24, 2006, 11:15:05 AM
During Ground Combat, for amphibious assaults, all surface warships with a primary combat value of two or higher have one preemptive “shore bombardment†attack.
So destroyers can bombard now without technology upgrade?
I guess thats reasonable. Their guns would have enough range.
++++++ on shore bombardment only BB, CA and DD get a shot, but again its one shot for every 4 land units in the opening invasion combat round
Warships that participate in Naval Combat may not shore bombard or provide infantry support for amphibious assaults.
I question this OOB rule.
I understand its so a unit don’t fight twice.
But what does this map to in reality? Ships ran ot of ammunition/fuel?
+++++ no not at all. it represents the reality of playability and abstraction:
- it allows the defender to lessen the effects of a major military invasion with the threat of naval conflict… in 1940 hitler feared the british fleets ability to intercept the landing craft and pound the escorting warships. In the game we simulate this “fear” by declining some abilities of the invaders as supporting the invasion by instead moving away to engage the defending warships.
- the sea zone is very large so in this game we have to key on the big picture with a token idea to demonstrate the loss of support albeit temporarily.
From other thread:
Quote from: Imperious Leader on June 22, 2006, 12:46:49 PM
IMO each turn = 6 months… each round of combat is say 1 month?
What do you think of limiting combats to 6 cycles?
This would get rid of “1 FTR attack and kill 10 ARM” situation.
+++++ i am not sure why that is such a big deal. Just limit the whole affair to: 1)fighters cannot attack land forces w/o your own land forces or
2) fighters can attack land forces alone with a modified attack of (1 for fighters, 2 for bombers) or 3) air forces get one free attack alone against air forces after which point they retreat after one combat round.