• Customizer



    YG and Buran, thanks for the tip on the crude oil board game. I just got it in and it really has nice pieces. :-D

    **––Well, I went a different way. With my model railroad background I remembered a company named Campbell that had some really well detailed Oil Barrels that were a little smaller than those shown in the pics above and were turned wood. I wanted my Oil Barrels smaller and so I orderred 8 dozen (96) from Walthers.com and they only cost about $58.00 including shipping if I remember correctly. I’ll post some pics one day when they come in.

    Tall Paul**

  • Tall Paul, thats funny. I’m a model railroader too. I only live 30 mins from Walthers. I use to get my stuff at Standard Hobby out east. Might be New Jersey. If you have a local train hobby store near you they might be able to order barrels for you also. Took my full basement layout down to build 2  4’ x 8’  custom war game tables soon.
    I also have Crude oil game coming today.

  • Sponsor


    YG & others,


    Sorry Tall Paul, I hope my post didn’t come across as being defensive… not my intention. your opinions were awesome to read and they didn’t seem like criticism to me. Cheers.
    **––YG, there’s certainly no need for you to appologize,…It’s just that I realize that sometimes what I’m meaning to say might come across differently when it’s only typed. WE’RE COOL, Brother! BTW, I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while that I REALLY LIKE your new avatar.

    Tall Paul**

    Cheers TP, and thanks.

  • Tall Paul, thats funny. I’m a model railroader too. I only live 30 mins from Walthers. I use to get my stuff at Standard Hobby out east. Might be New Jersey. If you have a local train hobby store near you they might be able to order barrels for you also. Took my full basement layout down to build 2  4’ x 8’  custom war game tables soon.
    I also have Crude oil game coming today.


    And I’m a railroad modeller too…
    Ahhh…SS… 30 mins from walthers!!! Did you ever visit the warehouse?
    I sold a lot of walthers kit years ago…
    I have more Intermountain, Athearn, Atlas and Exactrail now.


  • Customizer


    Tall Paul, thats funny. I’m a model railroader too. I only live 30 mins from Walthers. I use to get my stuff at Standard Hobby out east. Might be New Jersey. If you have a local train hobby store near you they might be able to order barrels for you also. Took my full basement layout down to build 2  4’ x 8’  custom war game tables soon.
    I also have Crude oil game coming today.


    And I’m a railroad modeller too…
    Ahhh…SS… 30 mins from walthers!!! Did you ever visit the warehouse?
    I sold a lot of walthers kit years ago…
    I have more Intermountain, Athearn, Atlas and Exactrail now.


    **––Well, I’m not only a railroad modeller (HO, O, and 7 1/2" live steam soon) but a railroad collector, photographer, historian, and for about a decade, a conductor on the BNSF (see below). And I will hopefully soon be building my Railroad & Military Museum.

    Tall Paul**

    Paul-First Daylight Train (Temple, TX) 10-10-2001.jpg
    Paul-(Temple-Houston-01) 2003.jpg

  • Sponsor

    Wow! You really are TALL Paul.  :lol:

  • Well, I’m not only a railroad modeller (HO, O, and 7 1/2" live steam soon) but a railroad collector, photographer, historian, and for about a decade, a conductor on the BNSF (see below). And I will hopefully soon be building my Railroad & Military Museum.

    Cool…I’m not only a railroad modeller. (HO scale). I’m also a railroad collector, a railfan since the last 15 years and I work at part time in train hobby shop since 1995.
    My father work for CN and CP during 35 years. I have ‘‘rails’’ under my skin!


  • Customizer



    Wow! You really are TALL Paul.  :lol:
    **––Well while I’m about 6’-4" tall,…I am the SHORTEST man in my family!  :-o
    My Dad, a WW2 vet(see his pic at LEFT), is about 5" TALLER than me! Comes from the German (Prussia) side of our family. My sister is shorter than me, only 6’-0". She was a model years ago (Miss Shreveport).
    ----Anyway, I’m called “Tall Paul” NOT because I have an ego or anything, but usually in my life when I’m around friends there were usually two or three Paul’s,…so I was called Tall Paul and it just “stuck”.

    Tall Paul**

  • Customizer


    Well, I’m not only a railroad modeller (HO, O, and 7 1/2" live steam soon) but a railroad collector, photographer, historian, and for about a decade, a conductor on the BNSF (see below). And I will hopefully soon be building my Railroad & Military Museum.

    Cool…I’m not only a railroad modeller. (HO scale). I’m also a railroad collector,
    ––What do you collect?
    a railfan since the last 15 years
    ––Chased and photographed steam engines all over (Canada, Mexico and almost South Africa) since 1975
    and I work at part time in train hobby shop since 1995.
    ––My first job was full time at a leading Train store for 5 1/2 years
    My father work for CN and CP during 35 years.
    ––My uncle was an engineer with KCS for 30+ years
    I have ‘‘rails’’ under my skin!
    ––My Dad was a “railfan” and took me on my first steam chase/photograph trip (UP #8444 Boise, Idaho) back in 1965 when I was 7 years old. My Grandmother was a technition at the Louisiana State Museum and helped build all of the diaramas. So between all of them it was kind of a “Perfect Storm” that hit me and made me a Railroad & Military historan/collector, etc.
    Tall Paul

  • Hi guys,

    I know I’m a little late to the party with this thread,  but there is a great resource for oil barrels at you local game store you should know about. …


    It has little wooden oil barrels that fit in perfectly with the Axis & Allies board and pieces (and this rule set). It’s not overly expensive, around 40ish dollars. As an added bonus, it’s a pretty decent game. It’s actually one of the few games my fiance will play…. unlike A&A, which she makes a point of leaving the house if it’s being played.

  • Here’s a picture of a few of the Power Grid oil barrels with some OOB Russians and an oil derrick I picked up from HBG.


  • Making oil barrels?

    Why not just paint some capacitors?
    That way, you can get them in any color and size you want, and they are really cheap :)

    The oil concept seems cool will test it next time i have the chance….

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