• @rohr94:

    so in other words, keep track of all territories taken by Russia, and any strategic resources they may possess, but they don’t collect that income until they roll up to 48.  so Russia does NOT collect N.O. bonuses until they have rolled to 48?  or have had war declared on them by an axis power?

    I think you still collect the money fro what you conquer, just it does not count to rolls on how close you are to declaring.

    You conquer EPL and Baltic for 3, you roll 13, you make 16 ipcs but the roll is still 13.  Next round you roll 8, your income is 24 but your war thing is 21.

  • yeah that’s what i was thinking but it doesnt say it explicitly.  and the answer Tigerman gave was a little vague.  it wouldn’t make sense to conquer things if you didnt make any money for them, other than to deny german them.  also territories like iran and iraq are useless if you dont get the money until you roll to war.

  • We use Soviet gains toward their income but they are kept separate from the rolls in terms of declaration of war.

  • @ghr2

    Eventually Russia does lose Leningrad. However, often Russia can take Leningrad back. I’ve found that Russia is really only defending 2 Victory Cities at a time. One is always Leningrad, and the other is Moscow or Stalingrad. Russia keeps 15 infantry in the east but basically lets Japan do what they want. The implied threat of 10 infantry in the Eastern fortress is actually worse than actual threat itself. Russia now keeps the eastern artillery in the east but moves the tanks to the west 1st turn.

    Russia always goes heavy into Finland. Half the casualties with Germany and Russia in our games is over Finland/Leningrad. Now that Russia has their NO in Finland it will probably draw the UK into Finland now instead of Europe, but good or bad rolls can change strategy fast. Germany has a good bonus in Norway and now that Russia does too it makes it even more important. It’s actually pretty historical too so it’s more fun. You need Leningrad to get Spain so Germany basically doesn’t have a choice. Stalingrad is too far away. Germany sends 50% north and 25% center and 25% south.

  • @billcallaway:


    Eventually Russia does lose Leningrad. However, often Russia can take Leningrad back. I’ve found that Russia is really only defending 2 Victory Cities at a time. One is always Leningrad, and the other is Moscow or Stalingrad. Russia keeps 15 infantry in the east but basically lets Japan do what they want. The implied threat of 10 infantry in the Eastern fortress is actually worse than actual threat itself. Russia now keeps the eastern artillery in the east but moves the tanks to the west 1st turn.

    Russia always goes heavy into Finland. Half the casualties with Germany and Russia in our games is over Finland/Leningrad. Now that Russia has their NO in Finland it will probably draw the UK into Finland now instead of Europe, but good or bad rolls can change strategy fast. Germany has a good bonus in Norway and now that Russia does too it makes it even more important. It’s actually pretty historical too so it’s more fun. You need Leningrad to get Spain so Germany basically doesn’t have a choice. Stalingrad is too far away. Germany sends 50% north and 25% center and 25% south.

    In the games I have played, usually russia ends up stacking leningrad and trying for baltic states if possible. Russia sends the novgorod slow east and uses it to pressure japan and support china (does not declare right away).  The fast units get in position to take persia and attempt to hit Iraq.  Russia also leaves some units in the south to deal with the minor axis armies.  Germany ends up building either mass tanks to ram into baltic and pskov to kick russia out, or(more recently), gets 3-5 transports and dumps tanks n such into finland which ends up stacking vipuri and baltic/pskov.  So now, germany can transport units, attack from finland/vipuri, and attack through pskov(italian bombers kill block).  With the Special german east front ability to choose a battle to kick ass in, russia is forced to back out of leningrad in both scenarios.  On top of all of this, russia has a large axis force in the south to deal with (20-25 inf + artmech & tank).  Russia is forced to pull back in the north and south.  Germany then walks into leningrad and super stacks in westukraine.  He can then walk into stalingrad since russia does not have nearly enough punch to deal with the extreme amount of infantry on the defense and the many tanks.  When germany can lose it’s entire airforce in an attempt to kill the western allied transport fleet, and still be strong, you know they game is screwed up.

    Even if russia sent more up north, I don’t see how things could of changed much.  Cairo & Calcutta both fell due to UK being unable to keep up with Japan and Italy (italy alone makes more than UK once he clears the med and get get 4-5 transports of units every 1-2 turns into africa + mass planes.  FEC never made more than 23 a turn, and went down fast after turn 2 & 3.).  Japan lost half of his fleet on UK round 2, but was still able to dominate india and south east asia(air scrambling from carriers to defend adjacent seazones and land territories is very strong here).  The US managed to get some fleets going, but it can’t economically afford to make a critical difference in either theater unless it ignores one completely.  The US and UK were able to get 20-30 ground & 6-8 UK air into france but germany was able to send enough to paris to deter the allies from reclaiming it. And now, since Italy has Cairo, he can can-open rheims which will make things a lot more difficult.

    The axis had 13 vcs in their sight (Rome, Berlin, Paris, Warsaw, Leningrad, Stalingrad, Cairo, Calcutta, Singapore, Manilla, HK, Shanghai, Tokyo).

    I really do think that the Axis are still too strong.  It does not seem the allies could of done anything different that would of changed much.  Some minor errors, sure, but nothing big.  My belief is that the best shot the allies have is if they focus on killing 1 side first, before dealing with the other.  Or, the US just lendleases all game and their is a change to the lend-lease rules so that the allies can at least slightly improve their odds at not losing all of it.

  • @ghr2

    Statistically 2/3 of the time 50% or 100% of lend lease money makes it into the allies hands.

    Basically we play the Allies as putting 80% of everything against the West.

    We found the key is fortresses filled up with maximum Infantry and lend lease is the best strategy. US ends up being for support only and never does enough to really matter until around turn 10 when their presence begins to be strongly felt instead of being like China/Anzac where they are just an Axis annoyance. Getting into S.A. and Africa neutrals right away with the UK is very important to for the extra 10 - 15 IPC a turn.

    It sounds like some people were playing wrong because they weren’t collecting IPC’s that Russia gets starting on turn 1 until in the war. At this point we are Allies 4 wins vs. Axis 1 win. Although 1 of the 4 Allied wins was due to luck.

    Every game we have played has Finland on defense until turn 5 or 6. We never have enough IPC’s for German transports. We probably have different rule interpretations. We never play with Tech or optional rules either.

  • We make the special +1/-1 ability of Germany in our games worthless. As soon as Germany is ready to be in the war Russia retreats everything except 1 infantry in each territory Germany can attack (except Leningrad but they have the fortress stacked with infantry so it’s fine. Russia can make major counter attacks or withdraw because they have the space.

    I should say we’ve got pretty good at making Japan’s sneak attack much less powerful by simply retreating all ships within range of Japan. Basically we make Japan use their sneak attack the 1st 3 turns while they are still somewhat weak. Generally they go after the money islands. and They usually use on their sneak on round 2. I’d like to play where they use their sneak on round 5 or 6 but no one waits that long.

  • @billcallaway:

    We make the special +1/-1 ability of Germany in our games worthless. As soon as Germany is ready to be in the war Russia retreats everything except 1 infantry in each territory Germany can attack (except Leningrad but they have the fortress stacked with infantry so it’s fine. Russia can make major counter attacks or withdraw because they have the space.

    I should say we’ve got pretty good at making Japan’s sneak attack much less powerful by simply retreating all ships within range of Japan. Basically we make Japan use their sneak attack the 1st 3 turns while they are still somewhat weak. Generally they go after the money islands. and They usually use on their sneak on round 2. I’d like to play where they use their sneak on round 5 or 6 but no one waits that long.

    Baltic states falling under the same rules as East Poland does help a lot in Leningrad’s defense.

  • @Tigerman77:



    I will playtest this package, but I still don’t see nearly enough for Russia.

    Russia starts with HALF of Germanies starting units,  has no income until declared war on, and when war finally is declared, Germany + her minors earn nearly double Russia.

    It’s a forgone conclusion everytime.Â

    Stalingrad, and Novgorod upgrades are good, so are $6 german tanks instead of $5.  But I don’t know if I’d call this optically balanced.

    Play test will tell!

    Garg….you know at the end of every Russian turn when you roll the 2 d12 for decleration of war that you collect that as income.  This may be why Russia is so weak in your games.

    For the record, we do roll for Russia’s income.

    But since that was a laugh, we just give Russia it’s full income straight from the start, and that seems to give them a pretty good fighting chance, and gives Germany a reason to act quickly, and sometimes more uncomfortably.

  • It seems like people here have vastly different experiences with Axis strength. This game is for die hards only so I assume everyone has played a few hundred games of A+A.

    The only thing I can see is that people are probably misinterpreting rules. Either we are or others on this board is. Or maybe people like to play historically instead of exploiting weaknesses?

    The game was 60/40 for Axis and now its 40/60 for Axis, maybe even 35/65 with the 7.1 clarifications.

    We going to read the rules and dissect to see if we misreading. No one can ever drop Moscow now but it seems like everyone says it’s easy to take.

    Even in 6.1 we only dropped Moscow 1 time in 10 games.

  • I don’t think moscow is easy to take, but the axis dont need to take it if they get the other 2 russian vc’s.

  • @Tigerman77:

    Global 7.1v will be on BGG this weekend but i’m giving it out through these links for those who need them for Friday and Saturday games.



    Have been looking on boardgamegeek, and cannot find the setup or the rules. Am I missing something??

  • @Larrie:


    Global 7.1v will be on BGG this weekend but i’m giving it out through these links for those who need them for Friday and Saturday games.



    The latest rules are 7.0 on boardgamegeek. Tigerman77 says 7.1 setup and rules won’t be on there until they finalize the clarifications, but you can view the links to them on the first page of this thread.

    I hope that helps. :-)

    Have been looking on boardgamegeek, and cannot find the setup or the rules. Am I missing something??

  • Hi All,
    Really hoping someone can help me out.
    If I purchase the map from HBG here: ‘historicalboardgaming.c0m/Global-War-1939_c_170.html’
    Am I getting the most up to date map/board?

    I own both Pac and Eur 1940  edition 2 games, what do I need in addition to the pieces from those games to play the 1939 game?
    If anyone could put together a list or direct me to an existing list that’d be wonderful!

    Thanks in advance for the help/guidance!

  • you should be good to go.  the only thing i use in addition to the pieces from 1940, are the german pillboxes from dday to represent fortifications

  • @cwglee:

    Hi All,
    Really hoping someone can help me out.
    If I purchase the map from HBG here: ‘historicalboardgaming.c0m/Global-War-1939_c_170.html’
    Am I getting the most up to date map/board?

    I own both Pac and Eur 1940 � edition 2 games, what do I need in addition to the pieces from those games to play the 1939 game?
    If anyone could put together a list or direct me to an existing list that’d be wonderful!

    Thanks in advance for the help/guidance!

    You need the 1939 Global Supplement Pack for all the other countries that HBG sales. It is on their website. I would provide you link, but I’m not good at that sort of thing.

    It has all the pro allies, pro axis and neutral countries involved as well as the roundels, you need. :-)

  • cwglee,



    Hi All,
    Really hoping someone can help me out.
    If I purchase the map from HBG here: ‘historicalboardgaming.c0m/Global-War-1939_c_170.html’
    Am I getting the most up to date map/board?

    I own both Pac and Eur 1940 �� edition 2 games, what do I need in addition to the pieces from those games to play the 1939 game?
    If anyone could put together a list or direct me to an existing list that’d be wonderful!

    Thanks in advance for the help/guidance!

    You need the 1939 Global Supplement Pack for all the other countries that HBG sales. It is on their website. I would provide you link, but I’m not good at that sort of thing.

    It has all the pro allies, pro axis and neutral countries involved as well as the roundels, you need. :-)

    **––When you are on the Historical Board Gaming website,…look at the menus in the top, left margin and click on the one labelled “HBG Global War Exp. Sets”. At this moment the “Global Warfare Supplement Set” that you need is the only listing.
    ----You can also download (free) all of the “HBG CUSTOM MARKER RULES”. These will help you know everything you’ll possibly use in the game. I hope this helps. You will probably want to buy some of the “roundels” for the new UNITS and COUNTRIES available.
    ----The complete “Global Warfare-1939” Rules can be downloaded (free) from the Board Game Geek website. The Rules are presently undergoing another up-date which will be made available (free) here on A&A.Org
    ----IMHO this “Global Warfare-1939” is the BEST varient and probably the FUTURE of Axis & Allies gaming.

    Tall Paul**

  • Thanks that helps…any “nice to haves” that are worth the cost?

    On another note, any A&A fans in or around Raleigh NC?

  • @Tall:




    Hi All,
    Really hoping someone can help me out.
    If I purchase the map from HBG here: ‘historicalboardgaming.c0m/Global-War-1939_c_170.html’
    Am I getting the most up to date map/board?

    I own both Pac and Eur 1940 �� edition 2 games, what do I need in addition to the pieces from those games to play the 1939 game?
    If anyone could put together a list or direct me to an existing list that’d be wonderful!

    Thanks in advance for the help/guidance!

    You need the 1939 Global Supplement Pack for all the other countries that HBG sales. It is on their website. I would provide you link, but I’m not good at that sort of thing.

    It has all the pro allies, pro axis and neutral countries involved as well as the roundels, you need. :-)

    **––When you are on the Historical Board Gaming website,…look at the menus in the top, left margin and click on the one labelled “HBG Global War Exp. Sets”. At this moment the “Global Warfare Supplement Set” that you need is the only listing.
    ----You can also download (free) all of the “HBG CUSTOM MARKER RULES”. These will help you know everything you’ll possibly use in the game. I hope this helps. You will probably want to buy some of the “roundels” for the new UNITS and COUNTRIES available.
    ----The complete “Global Warfare-1939” Rules can be downloaded (free) from the Board Game Geek website. The Rules are presently undergoing another up-date which will be made available (free) here on A&A.Org. 
    ----IMHO this “Global Warfare-1939” is the BEST varient and probably the FUTURE of Axis & Allies gaming.

    Tall Paul**

    Thanks Paul for the link. :-)

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