Review of first draft for phase one rules

  • I thought we said we’d hold off on new units until after phase 1? Some of the rules you posted were my old ideas I came up with. I’ve updated some of those old rules with better ones. I gotta work on some finishing touches of interceptors and escorts and get back to you on this.

  • OK right… the new units are for phase 2. Yep i need your updated info on this. Just trying to get stuff organized

  • I am actually looking into the production limit. Not unlike the OOB’s production limit total number of units limited to the income number of the territory. The sugguested total number of IPCs limited to 4 times the income number of the territory is still largely abstract mean of modelling.

    The now variable cost of IC is another breakthrough in realism.

    There is also that thing I said earlier about imitations on WHERE IPCs can be spent and how to deal with income of isolated/blocked-off territories. (Maybe use the certain SZs representating certain convoys thingo from lend-lease solutions.)

  • Post those rules… On the SZ idea i could easily add convoy boxes if thats what is needed. It could solve some other issues for the ability to interdict (sink income) from lend lease and otherwise destroy a nations economy. I figure that 1/3 of UK’s income is based on sea trade so they have 30 IPC start and thats 10 IPC in sea produced income= about 3 boxes… Japan would be about 2 boxes, While Italy stands at 1 box (in medd). Soviets should have two boxes (lend lease) to archangel and persia. USA would be about 3 boxes. Each box is worth 1-3 IPC roll one d6 1-2=1 IPC, 3-4=2 IPC 5-6=3 IPC lost for each attacked box.

  • I figure that 1/3 of UK’s income is based on sea trade so they have 30 IPC start and thats 10 IPC in sea produced income= about 3 boxes

    Sounds good. A solution to my worry of collecting income from isolated regions.

    But we got to be careful not to model flow of IPCs based on ideas from normal economy. 1/3 economic income or 1/3 war material (IPC)? I understand they are closely related though.

    With the connected IPC idea……I understand the reasoning that ICs with connected IPCs has less reliance on sea transport but destroyed IPCs are still destroyed and should be reflected. Or not destroyed IPCs but blocked transport path, in which case maybe it can’t spend IPCs not reachable by land…but no thats bad you can transport war material via sea to a clear area and then transport by land to the IC.

    The main thing I am thinking about is the flow of IPCs on the map. If we model it locally (eg. connected IPC) rather than globally we get strange situation where one can be double punished for the same thing, or punished for a path of IPC flow it did have to take.

    How about we just don’t collect income from a territory totally blocked off by enemy by land+sea. But happened historically? Do production or income generation stop? Should the IPCs be stockpiled? Should it be then capturable by enemy?

    1. Cannot collect IPCs from territories totally blocked off by enemy via land and sea.
    2. Cannot spend IPCs on ICs totally blocked off by enemy via land and sea, except for IPCs of its own territory.

    Then again, are there air convoys  :? to worry about…

  • Oh thats a rule from one of my games ill post…

    Island “Hopping”
    Each island that is held or captured for receiving IP or as a port/airfield must be in and next to an adjacent sea zone that is controlled by a friendly player. Control includes all islands or land as well as a sea zone free of enemy ships. That is to say your conquests must be “supplied” by a “chain” of supporting territories or no planes or ships can land/dock there (land units can however hold the island) or you do not receive any economic benefit (IP) from these conquests.

  • Cool.
    Great to see its not to radical and has been made before.
    I would love it.
    Hope its not too complicated when applied to the both sending (IPC generating territory) and receiving (IC territory) end.

  • Its very easy to manage… its like an old supply rule with the ZOC. If the enemy controls the SZ how is it possible to get any income from it?

  • I have started to take what basic stuff we have for phase one and touch up the grammer and such… at least in a manner that is more formal.

  • We’ve made many changes and added many new stuff.
    Are you writting it up as a standalone document or add-on for OOB or LHTR?

    I mean, even our phases are different.

  • Back to the income issue and supply chain again…

    If you don’t mind complexity I would love such details…

    1. To store the IPC it must be able to go to your capital.
    2. To spend the IPC it must be able to go to the IC, from capital for stored IPC or from territory for newly produced IPC.

    Collect income and purchase units may need to be merged though.  :cry:

  • VCP = population, IPC = material, IC = production, not to be mixed up

    IC only builds non-infantry units.
    –-> I think cost of IC should not be dependent on VCP. Or are you are thinking VCPs means more accessable labour?

    Why does IPC reduce cost of IC?
    With the “4 times IPC” limit we have bigger and smaller ICs.
    —> I think an IC at a territory with high IPC income should in fact cost more!

    Non-infantry units still needs manpower. Tanks require crew.
    But to what degree?
    —> If insignificant compared to infantry units, then all is fine. If significant then VCP should affect production limit by number of units.

    All ICs that were present at the start of the game are permanent (i.e. ICs that were never purchased can never be destroyed). Purchased ICs can be destroyed at the defender’s discretion when the attacker wins the battle over that territory.

    Nothing is indestructible by policy or physics. USSR is happy to reduce their own cities to ground on retreat.
    Recall my other rule to allow IC to be selected for destruction in purchasing units phase.

    Total Victory: The winning team is the first to control every territory by the end of any US player’s turn.

    You need to update the victory condition wordings in accordance to your new turn sequence (replacing with “any US player” with “any player”) or the other way around update your turn sequence to show victory condition are checked per round not turn?

    Unit Placement phase:

    After reading this I think you should break it up Victory City Points into Victory City Points and Population Points or something. Its getting confusing.

    Commerce Raiding

    No comments for commmerce raiding and connected IPCs. I highly expect to be able to convince you to switch from “local” to “global” model of the supply chain.

  • Moderator

    If you guys want to for reference I can post some ideas that Kreighund, Defiance, and I came up with for AaA Advanced over at Harris Game Design… If you are looking at multi-leveled IC’s it is the best system I have seen (the other 2 developed most of it)…


  • Cool. Do post it, or a summary if its too long.

  • Moderator

    Producing new war units

    Industrial complexes are able to produce new war units. During the purchase units phase of a turn, a player will be able to spend their production certificates into buying new units.

    Besides increasing production values with the purchase of more industrial complexes, a player will need multiple complexes in a territory to enable the production of more technological advanced units. A player will need a more industrialized area to produce more advanced units.

    One complex in a territory will enable the production of the following units:
    • Infantry (you can change to your ruleset accordingly)
    • Artillery
    • Anti Aircraft Units (if included as a separate piece)
    • Transport Vessels

    Two complexes in a territory will enable the construction of:
    • Halftracks (mechanized infantry) (if included)
    • Fighters
    • Dive Bombers (if included)
    • Destroyers
    • Submarines

    Three complexes in a territory will enable the construction of:
    • Armor
    • Bombers
    • Transport aircraft (if included)
    • Cruisers
    • Battleships (building it takes two turns)
    • Aircraft Carriers (building it takes two turns)
    • Nation specific units (if included)

    A territory needs a naval port to be able to construct naval units. The naval units will be placed in an adjacent sea territory with a naval port symbol. Naval ports will also provide repairs for damaged naval vessels, and provide extra defense for the sea units in the same sea zone.

  • Moderator

    1. Industrial complexes

    Each player will be able to construct Industrial complexes (IC’s) in territories they control. During the purchase units sequence of the turn, players can upgrade their economy by spending money into constructing new industrial complexes. To construct a new Industrial complex costs 8 production certificates and the player must say in which territory the industrial complex is to be placed upon building.

    Unlike in former A&A editions, in Advanced A&A**(Revised Historical Varient)** it is possible to have multiple IC’s in one territory. For each IC in a territory, that territory’s production value is increased by 1. Also, a territory cannot have more industrial complexes than the production value (the IPC number printed on the map) of the territory. Also, only one IC can be constructed per turn in one territory.

    For example: England has a production value of 6. So a maximum of six industrial complexes are allowed in the England territory, to give it a total of 12 production points to be received during the collect income phase.

    To found a new industrial complex in a territory which doesn’t has a complex yet, it will take two turns before the complex is finished building. So for starting a new production area, it will take extra time.

    In your game you will need to place chits under IC’s to represent multiples… You can also “Reduce” Factories by SBR…


  • These are good, but we is introduced is essentially 3 stages of factories. I suppose in order to not clutter the board with these pieces you introduce plastic chips under so you know what each can build. We have allready got a good system for establishing the cost of IC. I think its a further chore to have to now invest more money just to build tanks. If a hybrid system was introduced with major and minor factories ( only 2 types) with each costing and having different abilities… then that would be acceptable for our intentions. So again we seek some basic treatment for each problem that we find in revised in a historical manner.

  • 1st Russian armor per turn costs 3 (-2)
    1st and 2nd German subs per turn costs 6 each (-2 each)
    1st UK DD per turn costs 10 (-2)
    1st and 2nd Japanese fighter per turn costs 8 each (-2 each)
    1st US CV per turn costs 14 (-2) or 1st US bomber costs 13 (-2)

    That might even out all the units among both sides, right? Should the US unit be a bomber or CV?

    National Units:
    Russian T-34s: Russia only pays 3 IPCs for the first armor unit purchased every turn
    German Type VIIs: Germany only pays 6 IPCs for the first sub unit purchased every turn
    RAF Spitfires: UK only pays 8 IPCs for the first fighter unit purchased every turn
    Japanese Zeros: Japan only pays 8 IPCs for the first fighter unit purchased every turn
    American Liberty ships: US only pays 6 IPCs for the first transport unit purchased every turn

    Axis Advantage: Italian Forces
    During the Collect Income Phase of the German player’s turn, the IPCs for Southern Europe and Lybia is double-counted (it’s worth a total of 14 IPCs instead of just 7 IPCs), however, all 14 IPCs must be used to place units in Southern Europe IC.

    Allied Advantage: Lend-Lease
    At the end of every US player’s turn, the US player collects 10 extra IPCs and determines how to allocate those IPCs between the UK and Russian players. None of the 10 IPCs may be used or deducted from the US player’s IPC totals. Specific rules to come later as to how these 10 IPCs will be vulnerable to attack by the Axis players. However, the rules will be made so that most of the IPCs will be lost every turn that German subs are present in the Atlantic and consequently allow the Axis and Allied Advantages to balance each other out in approx. value.

    possible 4 IPC in aid to germany. 2 from sweden, 1 from spain, 1 from switzerland aid from sweden can be ended if allies take norway and finland.

    ON the units id add a second tier of cheaper units:

    BB’s cost goes down to 20 IPc
    CV takes two hits
    destroyers are at 10 IPC
    germany and russia can get 2 infantry for 5 IPC? each rolls one d6= number of these buys per turn… so you roll 4 you can spend 20 bucks and get 8 infantry.This represents historical balance because the soviets and germany were able to get more infantry in the war than other nations.

    another idea is two new units per nation:

    National Units: list two -3 PER UNIT
    Russian shock armys: Russia only pays 5 IPC for two artillery units
    German panzercorps: Germany only pays 7 IPC for two tanks
    British Bombers: UK only pays 12 for one bomber
    Japanese Kwangtung army: Japan gets one free infantry per turn
    American essex class carriers: US only pays 13  IPCs for the first carrier unit purchased every turn?


  • @Imperious:

    So again we seek some basic treatment for each problem that we find in revised in a historical manner.

    Yeah I think the variable IC cost is good enough.


    Japanese Kwangtung army: Japan gets one free infantry per turn

    Only if they hold Manchuria/Manchuko.

  • “Japanese Kwangtung army: Japan gets one free infantry per turn”

    well… that would seem right… the idea was to make it easier to protect the islands so i just used Kwangtung as a name ( didnt know what to call it)

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