With direction of the project, historic details and accurate modelling…why would you abstract the antiaircraft guns?
We are introducing more than 1 new units anyway so we need not recycle. We need new or specially marked pieces either way.
++++++++ so your saying to use a new piece for AA guns? or use the same piece with a “mark” on the aa gun so it can be used as something else?
I think not only production regions had flak guns.
I think Germany deployed more antiaircraft guns in certain areas as Allies performed more bombing runs.
I think it is more dangerous to bomb fortified areas.
++++++++ well aa guns can be installed anywhere… i proposed before that in every home territory or in just VC territories their could be an aa gun defense during any flyover of enemy planes. we dont need some unit to represent this do we?
If you insist on abstracting on into IC then let put heavy flak (88mm-120mm) into ICs and leave the original piece to represent mobile flak divisions. In which case the heavy flak could hit with (1 on D6) 16.6% while light flak could hit with (1 on D6 followed by 3onD6) 8.3%.
++++++++I was think along the same lines except this would be the difference in factories vs. VC territories, one being a heavy concentration, while the other being lighter elements of AA flak batteries. I just dont know why these rules regarding aa guns need a damm PIECE, BECAUSE they are largely fixed deployments. the piece to me only represents the idea that the gun can be moved and i dont feel thats enough of a reason to commit to a “piece”
(And then we’ve still got your idea of damaging but not killing planes…)
The light flak could cost 3 IPCs.
The heavy flak should still be purchasable. It is shown as chips under the IC. Cost 5 IPCs. Up to 3.
I just think its overly abstract if antiaircraft density is left out.
++++++++++The trick is whether or not these flak battleries represent a major cost that can be (or should be) brought into the same level as say a “panzer corps” or a major fleet of destroyers… is the cost something that is on the same level as major military expenditures? this will take further reflection… the ideas you have brought up will be appropriate if the answer is YES. lets do some research to get to the truth…