Note that english isn´t my native tongue
The following may been heard before. I think there is time for more units and models in A&A and I want to hear what you think about the idea. I haven’t played the game as much as you guys and haven’t played all editions. In fact I have only played 1940 Europe, Pacific and global. Both with “box-rules” and with alpha 2 or something (in which I consider superior to the “box-rules”).
Now to the point, new units and models.
First; Veteran infantry. A:2 D:2 M:1 cost: 5.
This unit is supposed to represent elite soldiers of each power. They are better trained, equipped and have a higher morale then the normal infantry. For example the SS Stormtroopers, British Commando or U.S Rangers. Special rules for the Veteran infantry is that if teamed up with a arty the attack value will rise to 3.
The second unit is Heavy Tank. A:3 D:3 M:2 cost: 9.
This unit will represent the heavy late-war tanks. Examples are the Soviet Josef Stalin tanks, British Churchill and German Tiger tank. Aside that it function as a normal tank it will rise it’s attack value to 4 if it’s combined with a mechanized infantry OR tactical bomber.
Now comes another “new” rule. To represent some historical accuracy you cannot buy these units before turn 4. As for all I know every turn represent six months of war. By doing so there will be no hevy tanks or veteran infantry before autumn 1941. To make it even more complicated one have to buy a separate “upgrade” for your IC´s. 10 Ipc for Vet Inf and 15 for heavy tank. This will represent the special training for infantry and adjustment in factories to manufacture the new “goods”. The payment for this will be in the “buy your armies-phase” and take effect the next turn. At turn 3 you can buy this “upgrade” and get your new units by turn 4. This is a permanent “upgrade” and will after the payment make you buy Veteran Infantry and Heavy tanks.
Then comes the question; why would i use this crap? Well you don´t need to. There are just small benefits for using there units and in game terms they will problably do no use. But in an attempt to give more dynamic and depth to a great game
Whats your thoughts?