Nominations for A&A Revised Strategies

  • @Feds10:

    Best Strategy for Germany on G1 is

    1AC - 16 icp
    8 Inf - 24 icp

    Orly.  :-P

  • @newpaintbrush:


    So there you have it, a 99.9999999…% guaranteed win strategy for the axis in a short game in only one turn.

    I want to see your figures.  :p

    95% of all figures found online are made up anyways.


  • @djensen:

    I’ve almost finished the new main website. Now I need some good new content.

    Please nominate members that have posted good strategies for Axis & Allies Revised (2004) or somebody who would formulate a good stratgy for the main site.

    If you want to nominate yourself, you can. If you want to send your nomination privately for yourself or another person, then please send my a private message via the board.

    If you are nominated and do not wish to contribute, please indicate in this topic or send me a private message.

    Our gaming circle has found an easy win strategy for the Allies in an infinite game(no VC- world domination).  It takes advantage of the destroyer bombardment strategy.  It works on two easy goals-  gain naval superiority in the Atlantic, and develop destroyer bombardment if you are the US.

    If you are the US, you spend 10 IPCs every round until you develop destroyer bombardment.  The US should purchase 2 destroyers every round, and use the rest to build inf in L.A…  The second round, repeat the previous, moving the inf to West Canada.  Eventually, the US will develop the destroyer bombard, usually by round 3.  I have never played a game where it went beyond round 7.  The US should continue to buy 2 destroyers every round, and load the inf in West Canada.  Once the technology is achieved, start a small stream of inf into GB.  The US will only need the 2 trannies- one to put troops in GB from E. Canada, one to invade germany from GB.  Keep in mind, by round 7, the US should have at least 16 destroyers.  This means the US will be able to bombard (on average) 8 german units off the map by round 9.  They will be bombarding 10 units off in round 11, etc.  Since there is no risk to the US destroyers, this metric only builds.  If the US is worried about a Japanese invasion, they can build one DST every round after the 7th, and use the rest to stack infantry in the West.  The US will also have 25 inf on the ground by round 8 in Canada.  Japan won’t be able to mobilize fast enough after breaking Russia, to make a successful invasion of the US.  Eventually, the US will be bombarding untits off the map faster than both Germany and Japan can build them.

    GB merely needs to get the German Navy out of the way, and not get invaded in the first 3 rounds(realtively easy goal for the UK).

    I know this sounds weird, but it works in the infinite game always.

  • @wilkinson1974:

    Our gaming circle has found an easy win strategy for the Allies in an infinite game(no VC- world domination).  It takes advantage of the destroyer bombardment strategy.

    Wouldn’t ANY allies strategy  :-P win most of the time in a complete domination game?

    Certainly the odds are 80% win for the allies under these win conditions

  • @ncscswitch:

    Hey Wilk…
    As far as IC’s…
    To be honest, forget India as a place for one, Sinkiang too.
    If you want to get forces to South Asia, then have UK build up a tranny fleet and start shuttling troops to northern Europe.  If done well, this will allow Russia to bleed off forces via their Caucuses factory since UK will be pressuring Germany AND helping to defend Russia.

    If I am playing the allies, with restricted russia, I always move ONE fighter to india and I ALWAYS build an industrial complex there.  This relieves pressure from japan in the east of russia and also gives the british 9 IPCs to earn from Japan.  Plus, its not to far for british units to get online against germany from there as well.

  • 2007 AAR League



    Hey Wilk…
    As far as IC’s…
    To be honest, forget India as a place for one, Sinkiang too.
    If you want to get forces to South Asia, then have UK build up a tranny fleet and start shuttling troops to northern Europe.  If done well, this will allow Russia to bleed off forces via their Caucuses factory since UK will be pressuring Germany AND helping to defend Russia.

    If I am playing the allies, with restricted russia, I always move ONE fighter to india and I ALWAYS build an industrial complex there.  This relieves pressure from japan in the east of russia and also gives the british 9 IPCs to earn from Japan.  Plus, its not to far for british units to get online against germany from there as well.

    Restricted Russia ?!?!
    Sounds like Classic to me this is Revised version.

  • true, my bad.  But  its still what I do.

  • :-o
      Ok, here is a new strategy for the Allies;
        But not new really, the Allies did it in WWII, (my dad told me, he was there. B-17 belly gunner).
    Anyway, I see ( as they did) Great Britton is an unsinkable AC for bombers! So I buy a bomber for UK every round as well as one for the USA. And strat bomb the Nazi bastards to Hell. Sure I will be slowed up building my invaion fleets, but there will be far fewer troops to deal with when I do get there. PLUS, there will be less for the Germans to throw at the Soviet scum. Er, I mean our Dear Allies the Russian people.
    Then when Germany falls, Oh ya, Japan is going to rue the day and the night too.
      Now this is with no tech. But if tech is on, spend 10 IPC a turn until you get the dreaded "heavy bombers", this will end Germanys pain all  the sooner.
    Still, I reccomend getting the Germans out of Africa, and putting some sort of a threat for the Japanese to stay honest about in the Pacific, but I’ll let you figure out just how to accomplish that, geese, want me to do everything for ya?
      Crazy Ivan :roll:

    Mankinds greatest achievements are usually a direct result of War. Too bad huh?

  • Hmm no fans of the Two ICs for Japan on round one? I find this hard to overcome if done correctly.

    The most effective way to do this sends everything through India to Caucasas, as it is only 3 spaces from FIC, however if there is a buildup in the South which threatens FIC on turn 2, both ICs go north of FIC. Combine this with massive pressure on Cauc from Germany. If India builds an IC, Waste it with everything you have. Russia will have to try to send tanks down there to take it back. All three east China spaces are 4 away from Moscow, only FIC is three spaces from a capturable IC.

    Japan can hold off the US for 3 turns with ease, If you are attacking south, US help in the North will mean little. If the US wastes money on West Coast crap, this helps Germany tremendously. Only buy Infantry for Japan if by some miracle the US can invade with force.

    If the Lone Japanese transport survives turn 1, this makes the whole process easier. The russian stack on the pacific is no attack threat, take China with everything you dont need in the south, just in case they build a factory there (they wont with six tanks on their doorstep on turn 3 Japan.) If you Capture a factory in India, build there and in FIC, making six tanks able to get to Persia per turn.

    Defend Eastern Europe with as many guys as possible (build a few each turn with your tanks), slow down invasions with a single ship blockading Gibraltar and where ever else you can slow them down a turn. Keep up as much pressure on Southern Russia as possible, trying to prevent Russia from supporting India. If by some miracle Russia doesnt invade on turn one, an IC next to the Caucasas works well, but only if you never lose possession of it, If it is taken once, it is a waste of money. If the Allies take the Bomb the ___ out of Germany route, you may need to consoliodate INF to your factories and give up west Europe, but only if Japan is less than three turns from wiping out the remaining Russians.

    If Russia buys all INF on any of the first three turns, crack a beer, you’ve alreadly won.

  • @BigPapaSmurf:

    Hmm no fans of the Two ICs for Japan on round one? I find this hard to overcome if done correctly.

    The most effective way to do this sends everything through India to Caucasas, as it is only 3 spaces from FIC, however if there is a buildup in the South which threatens FIC on turn 2, both ICs go north of FIC. Combine this with massive pressure on Cauc from Germany. If India builds an IC, Waste it with everything you have. Russia will have to try to send tanks down there to take it back. All three east China spaces are 4 away from Moscow, only FIC is three spaces from a capturable IC.

    Japan can hold off the US for 3 turns with ease, If you are attacking south, US help in the North will mean little. If the US wastes money on West Coast crap, this helps Germany tremendously. Only buy Infantry for Japan if by some miracle the US can invade with force.

    If the Lone Japanese transport survives turn 1, this makes the whole process easier. The russian stack on the pacific is no attack threat, take China with everything you dont need in the south, just in case they build a factory there (they wont with six tanks on their doorstep on turn 3 Japan.) If you Capture a factory in India, build there and in FIC, making six tanks able to get to Persia per turn.

    Defend Eastern Europe with as many guys as possible (build a few each turn with your tanks), slow down invasions with a single ship blockading Gibraltar and where ever else you can slow them down a turn. Keep up as much pressure on Southern Russia as possible, trying to prevent Russia from supporting India. If by some miracle Russia doesnt invade on turn one, an IC next to the Caucasas works well, but only if you never lose possession of it, If it is taken once, it is a waste of money. If the Allies take the Bomb the ___ out of Germany route, you may need to consoliodate INF to your factories and give up west Europe, but only if Japan is less than three turns from wiping out the remaining Russians.

    If Russia buys all INF on any of the first three turns, crack a beer, you’ve alreadly won.

    So Jap blows 30 IPC on factories and Russia buys all infantry, with no other fixed moves, and the Axis win?


  • Um no, Japan spends 30 on IC’s wisely, not blows. And I clearly said, IF Russia buys all INF on any of the first three turns, they will lose.

  • @BigPapaSmurf:

    Um no, Japan spends 30 on IC’s wisely, not blows. And I clearly said, IF Russia buys all INF on any of the first three turns, they will lose.

    it seems like tenks for inf, as i see it

    i would like to try this strategy, sounds interesting, i mean i would like to counter it

    up for a game

    a league one?

    i ll use triple a , you can use whatever program you like

    what say you

  • I have used the 2 IC tactic with japan several times, with great success. The 30 Ipc’s spent will soon turn in to profit when the Japanese tanks start rolling through Asia. This also frees up all excess Japanese  transports for attacks on Australia, the Middle east, Africa, or fodder in the pacific showdown.

    If left uncontested in the pacific, i will usually build an extra IC in India or Sinkiang, enabling Japan to throw up to 9 tanks on Russia every turn!

    As always you, you will have to respond to R1 and UK1. If the TRN in ss59, and the sub in ss45 is taken out, and the fighter moves to Hawaii, you might reconsider the strategy. If not, You will have a solid base for rapid expansion in Asia.


  • @Skeletor:

    I have used the 2 IC tactic with japan several times, with great success. The 30 Ipc’s spent will soon turn in to profit when the Japanese tanks start rolling through Asia. This also frees up all excess Japanese  transports for attacks on Australia, the Middle east, Africa, or fodder in the pacific showdown.

    If left uncontested in the pacific, i will usually build an extra IC in India or Sinkiang, enabling Japan to throw up to 9 tanks on Russia every turn!

    As always you, you will have to respond to R1 and UK1. If the TRN in ss59, and the sub in ss45 is taken out, and the fighter moves to Hawaii, you might reconsider the strategy. If not, You will have a solid base for rapid expansion in Asia.


    do you refer to 2ICs build on turn#1 or

    if so i would like to try to counter your strategy

    up for a game?

  • 1 IC every turn for the first 3 rounds can work well for japan, especially when you have close to 50 tanks knocking on stalin’s door  :evil:

    however 2 ICs on J1 seems a little bit much. Your going to be spread awfully thin J2 trying to push advantages and consolidate gains.

  • @Crazy:

      Ok, here is a new strategy for the Allies;
        But not new really, the Allies did it in WWII, (my dad told me, he was there. B-17 belly gunner).
    Anyway, I see ( as they did) Great Britton is an unsinkable AC for bombers! So I buy a bomber for UK every round as well as one for the USA. And strat bomb the Nazi bastards to Hell. Sure I will be slowed up building my invaion fleets, but there will be far fewer troops to deal with when I do get there. PLUS, there will be less for the Germans to throw at the Soviet scum. Er, I mean our Dear Allies the Russian people.
    Then when Germany falls, Oh ya, Japan is going to rue the day and the night too.
      Now this is with no tech. But if tech is on, spend 10 IPC a turn until you get the dreaded "heavy bombers", this will end Germanys pain all  the sooner.
    Still, I reccomend getting the Germans out of Africa, and putting some sort of a threat for the Japanese to stay honest about in the Pacific, but I’ll let you figure out just how to accomplish that, geese, want me to do everything for ya?
      Crazy Ivan :roll:

    Mankinds greatest achievements are usually a direct result of War. Too bad huh?

    Amen to that. Bomb the Germans into submission with bombing raids. That will make the Germans in a tight bind with little IPC’s to defend against D-Day. It may be costly to bomb, but it is worth it.

  • I also consider a 2IC 1st turn build for japan to be a strong move in many instances.  And you can focus on land support and worry less about allied fleets earlier when not relying on transports.

    japan is paying a premium to get guys to the mainland one way or the other.  front-loading that cost is no big sacrifice.

  • I’ve been a fan of A&A since the early '90’s. Play the revised version with mates a lot. We seem to exclusively play with all national advantages, and recently I have devised a new combined axis strategy.

    I find ppl often ignore the German fleet and don’t defend it well enough. First turn build is usually straight navy: 1 BBS and an AC. These go to support the fleet in the baltic. I then attack the brit BBS in Gib with 2F, 1B and the BBS and trannie (load the trannie with 1 man). I send 2F against the DD in Egypt, and 90% of the time casualties do not effect Germany’s standing long term. I then land the troop in Gib and capture it so allies can’t attack the BBS, sub and trannie effectively.
    I push to reclaim some land in europe, usually belorussia and arkangel, and then focus on leaving most of my air superiority in WE. This leaves me with strong attack opportunities on GB turn two, after all - 2xBBS, plus max airpower = bad sitrep for UK.
    I find the german fleet can hold off any atlantic invasion force long enough for Japan to take most of the allies mid map holdings and secure the game. After t1 i generally build 10 men and a fighter, afterall Germany’s blitz ability leaves its tanks in the rear after an attack and not susceptible to loss.

    I figure my build revolves around whether or not the trannie is sunk round one:
    If it is:
    Build 3 trannies, 2 inf
    If not:
    Build 2 trannies, 4 inf, save 2IC.

    First turn i hit the US fleet in Hawaii with sub, F from Caroline, DD, B from Japan.
    Only other attack is China which i hit with all Inf from MAN and KWAN, plus 2F from EI carrier, 1F from FIC and 1F from MAN, 1F from JAP, both atatcks should win with limited losses.
    I then ship the tank, arty and two inf over from JAP if i have 2 trannies, or a tank and a man if only one.
    This leaves me on round 2 with approx. 3inf, 1 Tank, 4F to attack ssingkiang, and a second assualt force of (if 3 trannies purchased) 5inf in JAP, plus 2 Inf from PHIL, plus one from OKI, and the one in MAN = 8 Inf, 2BBS, 1bom, 2F to attack butyralia. I find this is a necessity to rid the yanks from the mainland, weaken INdia’s support, and break Russia’s back by round two.

    It leaves the allies with too many battles to fight, and not enough resources to fight any. Russia has no troops to bear down on Japan as they are committed against Germany, America cannot place anywhere near enough to hurt Japan, and Britian has to decide between India and GB by end of the first or second round.

    There are contingencies of course for slight things the allies can try to do, but the aim for Germany is always holding on for long enough that Japan can win the game. Works a lot of the time, but is obviously a strategy to employ when people are using the advanced rules with National Advantages.

    Anyway, that’s a contribution from New Zealand lads. Enjoy.

  • There are some good strategies/tactics at the following. Just scroll down to the A&A forum (A&AR).

    The caspian sub articles on strategies for A&AR should be required reading.

    Here they are:

  • Check this strategy out

    It is the KAF

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