Nominations for A&A Revised Strategies

  • Best Strategy for Germany on G1 is

    1AC - 16 icp
    8 Inf - 24 icp

    this is w/o a bid…even so just save the extra 2 cp’s

    this strategy goes with the Soviets taking Belorussia and west Russia.

    attack British battleship of Gilbritar, destroyer in Panama…and take Egypt. in E Europe/Russia, take back as many territories as possible. You’ll probably end up having to settle for Belo…don’t overstretch yourselves…make sure that you have adequate forces to take more territory next turn. use airforce to help take out battleship

    as the conflict continues, be sure to build 2 more tranny’s
      - 1 for Baltic to move troops into rRussiaand norway
      - 1 for Mediterranean to contest afAfricand get valuable icp

    keeping a steady flow of infantry to combat your soviet counterparts is crucial…eventually Britainnd us will attack western Europe so be sure to cocontinuouslyut more and more ininfantn Western Europe.and keep your fighters there as long and often as you can.

    i wouldn’t count out getting rockets either…

    best idea for future turns would be 10 infantry($30 icp’s) 1tranny($8icp’s) save 4 on g2

    on g3 get minimum 10 infantry($30) 1tranny($8) and 1 tank($5) save 1

    anything beyond that would seriously depend on what is taking place on the board. but i can’t stress enough how you need to keep a steady supply of infantry. people who play as germany tend to forget about that, and end up getting outnumbered by infantry…only having a select number of tanks and fighers to defend.

    keeping as much pressure on Russia while fighting back the brits and yanks from W europe and norway is no easy task…holding w europe is more important then finland…so watch out…also, if they’re going after your new acquisitions in africa…GOOD that means they’re not putting as much pressure on your European holdings.

    Germany is playing Defense and holding out until Japan can clean out Asia and help them destroy Russia.

    i don’t know if i left anything else out…but i’ll post anything i’ve missed.

    Feds 10   8-)

  • I have a guaranteed win strategy in round one for the axis in a short game.  All you have to do is for the Germans send all troops in Norway, Eastern Europe, Belorussia, and West Russia as well as any tanks/planes that can make it into Karelia S.S.R. while moving all troops in Southern Europe and Germany into Western Europe and sending all the troops from the Balkans into Germany.  Also, purchase all infantry and place them all in Germany.  This should leave you with four victory cities, Berlin, Paris, Rome, and Leningrad, all of which would require extreme luck from the allies to take back any of these cities, and Rome should be impossible for the allies to take back because there are no ground troops in range of Southern Europe.  For the Japanese, destroy the British navy at India and then send all of your troops from French Indochina as well as any transport and plane that can make it into India.  Also send all troops from Manchuria and Kwangtung into China.  Even if you left Japan, Philippine Islands, and Kwangtung empty now, they should all be impossible for the allies to take back because they are out of range of any allied ground troop, and it should be nearly impossible for the allies to take back India which gives the Japanese the cities of Tokyo, Manilla, Shanghai, and Calcutta.  The four Japanese cities plus the four German cities should make eight cities, which is all you need to win in  a short game.  So there you have it, a 99.9999999…% guaranteed win strategy for the axis in a short game in only one turn.

  • Hasn’t anyone thought of the idea of building a aircraft carrier for Germany
    brillient defensive strategy, makes sure that baltic fleet isn’t wiped out
    and also prevents amphibious invasions in german territories

  • OK CS, what happened to your post count???

  • CrazyStaw == Caspian Sub ?

  • @djensen:

    CrazyStaw == Caspian Sub ?

    Apparently not.

    That was MY mistake.  I thought Caspian was CS when the Tournament Registration came in, and that error has perpetuated over several several discussions and to other people over the past couple of weeks.


    It’s long I know.

    I wrote it knowing that I was going to go against a specific player, but it’s still a good strategy as long as each nation gets 3 NA’s of it’s own choice.

    I haven’t addressed how I’m going to stop Germany, but bassically Russia and UK are going to play normally (russia defense, UK half defense, half offense) except for the UK’s begining Pacific purchases.

    Just read it.

  • @dakgoalie38:

    So there you have it, a 99.9999999…% guaranteed win strategy for the axis in a short game in only one turn.

    I want to see your figures.  :p

  • @Feds10:

    Best Strategy for Germany on G1 is

    1AC - 16 icp
    8 Inf - 24 icp

    Orly.  :-P

  • @newpaintbrush:


    So there you have it, a 99.9999999…% guaranteed win strategy for the axis in a short game in only one turn.

    I want to see your figures.  :p

    95% of all figures found online are made up anyways.


  • @djensen:

    I’ve almost finished the new main website. Now I need some good new content.

    Please nominate members that have posted good strategies for Axis & Allies Revised (2004) or somebody who would formulate a good stratgy for the main site.

    If you want to nominate yourself, you can. If you want to send your nomination privately for yourself or another person, then please send my a private message via the board.

    If you are nominated and do not wish to contribute, please indicate in this topic or send me a private message.

    Our gaming circle has found an easy win strategy for the Allies in an infinite game(no VC- world domination).  It takes advantage of the destroyer bombardment strategy.  It works on two easy goals-  gain naval superiority in the Atlantic, and develop destroyer bombardment if you are the US.

    If you are the US, you spend 10 IPCs every round until you develop destroyer bombardment.  The US should purchase 2 destroyers every round, and use the rest to build inf in L.A…  The second round, repeat the previous, moving the inf to West Canada.  Eventually, the US will develop the destroyer bombard, usually by round 3.  I have never played a game where it went beyond round 7.  The US should continue to buy 2 destroyers every round, and load the inf in West Canada.  Once the technology is achieved, start a small stream of inf into GB.  The US will only need the 2 trannies- one to put troops in GB from E. Canada, one to invade germany from GB.  Keep in mind, by round 7, the US should have at least 16 destroyers.  This means the US will be able to bombard (on average) 8 german units off the map by round 9.  They will be bombarding 10 units off in round 11, etc.  Since there is no risk to the US destroyers, this metric only builds.  If the US is worried about a Japanese invasion, they can build one DST every round after the 7th, and use the rest to stack infantry in the West.  The US will also have 25 inf on the ground by round 8 in Canada.  Japan won’t be able to mobilize fast enough after breaking Russia, to make a successful invasion of the US.  Eventually, the US will be bombarding untits off the map faster than both Germany and Japan can build them.

    GB merely needs to get the German Navy out of the way, and not get invaded in the first 3 rounds(realtively easy goal for the UK).

    I know this sounds weird, but it works in the infinite game always.

  • @wilkinson1974:

    Our gaming circle has found an easy win strategy for the Allies in an infinite game(no VC- world domination).  It takes advantage of the destroyer bombardment strategy.

    Wouldn’t ANY allies strategy  :-P win most of the time in a complete domination game?

    Certainly the odds are 80% win for the allies under these win conditions

  • @ncscswitch:

    Hey Wilk…
    As far as IC’s…
    To be honest, forget India as a place for one, Sinkiang too.
    If you want to get forces to South Asia, then have UK build up a tranny fleet and start shuttling troops to northern Europe.  If done well, this will allow Russia to bleed off forces via their Caucuses factory since UK will be pressuring Germany AND helping to defend Russia.

    If I am playing the allies, with restricted russia, I always move ONE fighter to india and I ALWAYS build an industrial complex there.  This relieves pressure from japan in the east of russia and also gives the british 9 IPCs to earn from Japan.  Plus, its not to far for british units to get online against germany from there as well.

  • 2007 AAR League



    Hey Wilk…
    As far as IC’s…
    To be honest, forget India as a place for one, Sinkiang too.
    If you want to get forces to South Asia, then have UK build up a tranny fleet and start shuttling troops to northern Europe.  If done well, this will allow Russia to bleed off forces via their Caucuses factory since UK will be pressuring Germany AND helping to defend Russia.

    If I am playing the allies, with restricted russia, I always move ONE fighter to india and I ALWAYS build an industrial complex there.  This relieves pressure from japan in the east of russia and also gives the british 9 IPCs to earn from Japan.  Plus, its not to far for british units to get online against germany from there as well.

    Restricted Russia ?!?!
    Sounds like Classic to me this is Revised version.

  • true, my bad.  But  its still what I do.

  • :-o
      Ok, here is a new strategy for the Allies;
        But not new really, the Allies did it in WWII, (my dad told me, he was there. B-17 belly gunner).
    Anyway, I see ( as they did) Great Britton is an unsinkable AC for bombers! So I buy a bomber for UK every round as well as one for the USA. And strat bomb the Nazi bastards to Hell. Sure I will be slowed up building my invaion fleets, but there will be far fewer troops to deal with when I do get there. PLUS, there will be less for the Germans to throw at the Soviet scum. Er, I mean our Dear Allies the Russian people.
    Then when Germany falls, Oh ya, Japan is going to rue the day and the night too.
      Now this is with no tech. But if tech is on, spend 10 IPC a turn until you get the dreaded "heavy bombers", this will end Germanys pain all  the sooner.
    Still, I reccomend getting the Germans out of Africa, and putting some sort of a threat for the Japanese to stay honest about in the Pacific, but I’ll let you figure out just how to accomplish that, geese, want me to do everything for ya?
      Crazy Ivan :roll:

    Mankinds greatest achievements are usually a direct result of War. Too bad huh?

  • Hmm no fans of the Two ICs for Japan on round one? I find this hard to overcome if done correctly.

    The most effective way to do this sends everything through India to Caucasas, as it is only 3 spaces from FIC, however if there is a buildup in the South which threatens FIC on turn 2, both ICs go north of FIC. Combine this with massive pressure on Cauc from Germany. If India builds an IC, Waste it with everything you have. Russia will have to try to send tanks down there to take it back. All three east China spaces are 4 away from Moscow, only FIC is three spaces from a capturable IC.

    Japan can hold off the US for 3 turns with ease, If you are attacking south, US help in the North will mean little. If the US wastes money on West Coast crap, this helps Germany tremendously. Only buy Infantry for Japan if by some miracle the US can invade with force.

    If the Lone Japanese transport survives turn 1, this makes the whole process easier. The russian stack on the pacific is no attack threat, take China with everything you dont need in the south, just in case they build a factory there (they wont with six tanks on their doorstep on turn 3 Japan.) If you Capture a factory in India, build there and in FIC, making six tanks able to get to Persia per turn.

    Defend Eastern Europe with as many guys as possible (build a few each turn with your tanks), slow down invasions with a single ship blockading Gibraltar and where ever else you can slow them down a turn. Keep up as much pressure on Southern Russia as possible, trying to prevent Russia from supporting India. If by some miracle Russia doesnt invade on turn one, an IC next to the Caucasas works well, but only if you never lose possession of it, If it is taken once, it is a waste of money. If the Allies take the Bomb the ___ out of Germany route, you may need to consoliodate INF to your factories and give up west Europe, but only if Japan is less than three turns from wiping out the remaining Russians.

    If Russia buys all INF on any of the first three turns, crack a beer, you’ve alreadly won.

  • @BigPapaSmurf:

    Hmm no fans of the Two ICs for Japan on round one? I find this hard to overcome if done correctly.

    The most effective way to do this sends everything through India to Caucasas, as it is only 3 spaces from FIC, however if there is a buildup in the South which threatens FIC on turn 2, both ICs go north of FIC. Combine this with massive pressure on Cauc from Germany. If India builds an IC, Waste it with everything you have. Russia will have to try to send tanks down there to take it back. All three east China spaces are 4 away from Moscow, only FIC is three spaces from a capturable IC.

    Japan can hold off the US for 3 turns with ease, If you are attacking south, US help in the North will mean little. If the US wastes money on West Coast crap, this helps Germany tremendously. Only buy Infantry for Japan if by some miracle the US can invade with force.

    If the Lone Japanese transport survives turn 1, this makes the whole process easier. The russian stack on the pacific is no attack threat, take China with everything you dont need in the south, just in case they build a factory there (they wont with six tanks on their doorstep on turn 3 Japan.) If you Capture a factory in India, build there and in FIC, making six tanks able to get to Persia per turn.

    Defend Eastern Europe with as many guys as possible (build a few each turn with your tanks), slow down invasions with a single ship blockading Gibraltar and where ever else you can slow them down a turn. Keep up as much pressure on Southern Russia as possible, trying to prevent Russia from supporting India. If by some miracle Russia doesnt invade on turn one, an IC next to the Caucasas works well, but only if you never lose possession of it, If it is taken once, it is a waste of money. If the Allies take the Bomb the ___ out of Germany route, you may need to consoliodate INF to your factories and give up west Europe, but only if Japan is less than three turns from wiping out the remaining Russians.

    If Russia buys all INF on any of the first three turns, crack a beer, you’ve alreadly won.

    So Jap blows 30 IPC on factories and Russia buys all infantry, with no other fixed moves, and the Axis win?


  • Um no, Japan spends 30 on IC’s wisely, not blows. And I clearly said, IF Russia buys all INF on any of the first three turns, they will lose.

  • @BigPapaSmurf:

    Um no, Japan spends 30 on IC’s wisely, not blows. And I clearly said, IF Russia buys all INF on any of the first three turns, they will lose.

    it seems like tenks for inf, as i see it

    i would like to try this strategy, sounds interesting, i mean i would like to counter it

    up for a game

    a league one?

    i ll use triple a , you can use whatever program you like

    what say you

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