• I prefer 8 inf. in Yakut. Those 2 extra IPC are not worth taking the amphib hits and the aerial attacks. If you defend in Yakut at least those fighters won’t travel back to the carriers.

  • @ezto:

    THE BOMBERS ARE IN RANGE TO ATTACK BY TURN TWO. IF you dontbelieve me LOOK at the board.

    Yes, UK’s can be in range of SZ61 for UK2.  But if Japan takes Bury, the US bomber can;t be in a position to attack SZ60 before US3.  It can reach SZ61 in US 2, but then the UK bomber can;t reach SZ61.

    And then of course, you have a potential Japan strike on Sinkiang in J2, taking out the UK bomber…

  • 2007 AAR League

    Japan will not be taking Bry since theres 6 russian infantry there. Japan has but one transport and it will not do the job on J1. If japan builds transports on J1, Japan has to build an extra naval unit to protect them, and if japan spends its whole lot on naval units then the bomber does not have to attack, and can fly to russia for further movements. Either way you win…

  • @ezto:

    Japan will not be taking Bry since theres 6 russian infantry there. Japan has but one transport and it will not do the job on J1. If japan builds transports on J1, Japan has to build an extra naval unit to protect them, and if japan spends its whole lot on naval units then the bomber does not have to attack, and can fly to russia for further movements. Either way you win…

    Um, excuse me but…

    Tranny:  1 INF, 1 ARM
    1 BB support shot
    2 INF from Manchuria
    1 FIG from Japan
    1 BOM from Japan

    That is the BASIC load against Bury in J1
    Attack:  1 4 once; 3 1’s, 2 3’s, 1 4.

    Attacker:  First round 17 and 5 pieces, subsequent rating 13 and 5 pieces
    Defender:  12 and 6 pieces

    Round 1:
    Lose 1 INF to BB (no return fire)
    Lose 2-3 INF from the first round of fire.
    Lose 1-2 on the Defense

    We’ll go best case for Russia, 2 kills by Japan forces after BB, and 2 by Russia on Defense

    2nd Round:
    Lose 2 Russia INF
    Russia kills 1

    Now we have 1 Japan tank, 1 fig, and 1 bomber against 1 INF.

    Even if the INF hits it’s last attack, I lose the fig, the tank takes Bury, and Russia has NO FORCES anywhere in the area to defend.  In J2, Japan blitzes SFE and takes Yakut.  Russia can move forces to Evenk and Novo from Russia in R2 (at least 2 less INF facing Germany now).

    Using this method, Japan drops it’s build of 2 trannies and land forces in SZ60.  3 trannies and a BB against 1 bomber.  Yes, you will sink 1, then your bomber is dead.

    UK bomber can;t reach SZ61 from Sinkiang.

    My trannies keep sending forces to Asia, and Russia has a problem…

    You’re only counter is to send the Hawaii fleet against my trannies IF I did not kill it/weaken it.  Your initial strike of an AC, 2 figs, and a sub against a 2 hit BB and 3 trannies is a close to even fight (I take 1 hit on the BB to sneak, and 1 hit from the figs, you lose the sub.  I lose a tranny to figs, you lose a fig, I lose another tranny, you lose last fig.  I sink AC, with 1 tranny remaining, and BB is repaired at end of battle).  And even if you did somehow kill my Japan fleet in US1, your remaining fleet gets smashed by my AF and remaining Japan naval forces (after they crushed the UK fleet, which would happen if I ignored Pearl).

    Then I float some nice new trannies in J2, protected by other Japan Capital ships that sailed back to SZ60 or 61, and the only navy in the Pacific off the west coast of the US, 1 BB, 1 DEST, 1 TRAN…

  • 2007 AAR League

    If you do that, how are you gonna kill pearl and the scattered british fleet??? they will combine and be a pain in the AA. My strat wins either way =]

  • Wow, spirited debate, and too much to comment on piece by piece, but the short answer is this, and forgive me for oversimplifying…

    Many, many experienced players have messed with this game since it came out. The general consensus is that the Axis needs a small bid to maintain game balance. It’s hard to argue with thousands of playtesters who have spent hundreds of hours playing coming to the same conclusion.

    Yes Japan can become beastly. But in this version the result is an emasculated Germany, if two seasoned players are going head to head.

    My advice is to play decent opponents for 10 games or so and see what happens. If you’re kicking everyone’s a** with Japan everytime then maybe you know something the rest of us don’t. And in that case you can come back and fill us all in.

  • @88:

    My advice is to play decent opponents for 10 games or so and see what happens. If you’re kicking everyone’s a** with Japan everytime then maybe you know something the rest of us don’t. And in that case you can come back and fill us all in.

    Well, right now, Trihero and I are doing a game to look at some of the options.

    I am inexperienced in the new version, so have made a few strategic errors (one of them VERY costly for Germany’s navy), and Trihero has eased off on Japan perhaps a bit more than is prudent in the early part of T1.

    Game is still in progress, and the R2, G2, UK2 moves are going to set the tone of whether or not my ideas are viable at all.  Japan is proceeding well according to my ideas (including taking out the naval forces at Pearl, but pulling back to Wake to avoid continental US air force retaliation)

  • Tri and NC.

    You 2 should play each other.

    Tri, you be the Allies and show 'em how it’s done.

    NC, you be the Axis and demonstrate Japan’s crushing power.

  • Well, I think there is a lot of talking beside each others. I would still like to see the specifc moves that let the japanes take Bury, assault Pearl harbour, India, UK fleet & China in the first two turn without gambling heavy on luck with the dices. :-)

    Imagine first move: The sub outside Solomon island is destroyed, New guinea and/or Borneo is captured (2 Inf each from Australia and India) and Pearl Harbour is reinforced with a british fighter. The Russian has reinforced Sinkiang with two Inf and has assembled 4 inf in Yak and 2 inf in Bry(Bry and Far is considered lost anyway but that is only 2 IPC anyway). The Trannies outside kwang-tung is sunk by a UK Carrier & Destroyer. India still has 2 Inf (1 from Persia)

    Give me your specific japanese moves for J1 and we will take if from there…

    I also agree that Tri & NC should play a game or two at www.daak.de and report how it went…

  • @merkle:

    Tri and NC.

    You 2 should play each other.

    Tri, you be the Allies and show 'em how it’s done.

    NC, you be the Axis and demonstrate Japan’s crushing power.

    We did… And Japan played VERY well, but my Germany was NOT up to par…

    There are 2 threads in the Games section (the first game you can disregard, it was my first ever game of Revised, and I lost Berlin in Turn 2).  Then second shows better how I use my Japan forces…

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