Thanks for the feedback!
The Worlds Wars Mini Series
Saw the first episode, it was decent, but as some have pointed out, there were glaring issues. I facepalmed hard when Patton was aiming his Enfield rifle…in Mexico…
I also thought the Batman-esque “origin story” for Hitler’s mustache was a bit comical.
Overall an interesting series though. It’s good to see the History Channel showing actual history, as opposed to Pawn Stars and Mysteries of the Bible�  :roll:
Patton riding on a Stewart tank.
Did I see a T-55 or 62 in a German Panzer division?
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by May 29, 2014, 2:22 AM
Oh yea Hitler only got that mustache in the first place because a young German girl wrote him a letter early in his political career saying he would be handsome. He didn’t freaking cut it because his gasmask didn’t fit in 1917 wtf.
Oh yea Hitler only got that mustache in the first place because a young German girl wrote him a letter early in his political career saying he would be handsome. He didn’t freaking cut it because his gasmask didn’t fit in 1917 wtf.
He was attempting to comply with OSHA regulations.
No mention of this, then?
––While I generally enjoyed the series I must say that on the whole, I’m Quite Disappointed!
––While the use of ‘stock’ footage might simply be an outgrowth of their lack of budget,…their are literally thousands of feet of footage of the CORRECT unit that they are discussing. Like when they showed P-47 Thunderbolt footage when discussing P-51 Mustangs, etc., etc. For such an exalted and experienced network like the “History Channel” to do this is simply BAD.
----Even worse that that are the numerous INCORRECT FACTS that were spoken. This is unforgivable as this is where people are supposed to be educated as to what really happened. For example, when they were talking about the “Battle of Midway” they attributed the sinking of all four of the Japanese carriers to the U.S. torpedo planes!,….and that ALL FOUR of the carriers were sunk within six minutes! First off, as all of you should already know the torpedo planes were completely shredded by they Japanese and NOT A SINGLE HIT was made by any of them. The Dive Bombers were the ones that made the kills. And further more, the fourth carrier, the Hiryu was hidden under cloud cover and wasn’t attacked and sunk until the second American strike.
––Also, many other production “GOOFS” that they had total control over were seemingly everywhere. Like when MacArthur was introduced he was a 5-star General, a rank that didn’t even exist until years later. And it also said “Mac” was sent to the Philippines which is incorrect. He was already there employed by the Phillippine government to train their army.
----I’m not trying to “nitpic” here,…but there were literally a hundred or so things wrong with this series. There are almost always mistakes in anything,…but to get MAJOR FACTS wrong, and thereby mislead people in what actually happened is something that a network like The History Channel should be correcting from others,…not making their own.
----Sad to say, but on the whole, I was disappointed big-time! Anyone who reads military history like I do, which I’d suspect to be most of you, should be too.Tall Paul
History Channel is a joke.
This production is revisionist history on a high school level.
It is unfortunate, but I found several mistakes as well on this last episode. I really wanted this to be a good series, but unfortunately, it isn’t. I hope the history channel doesn’t mess up the upcoming D day special. That would be tragic.
I guess I will have stick with World War 2 in Colour. That is by far my favorite series.
I thought the series was going to discuss the delay in the German advance on Moscow by encircling Kiev, now they have the Germans attacking Stalingrad.
I thought the series was going to discuss the delay in the German advance on Moscow by encircling Kiev, now they have the Germans attacking Stalingrad.
Yes, I hated how they handled the whole Eastern front. It was just a disappointing series altogether. :-(
I even got done with everything I needed to do today, just so I could finish it tonight.
What is this extended version they are talking about on June 22?
What would be the point?
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by May 30, 2014, 3:13 AM
What is this extended version they are talking about on June 22?
The extended version is the one where they broadcast movies Conspiracy and Valkyrie in their entirety, as opposed to stealing scenes from them…
What is this extended version they are talking about on June 22?
The extended version is the one where they broadcast movies Conspiracy and Valkyrie in their entirety, as opposed to stealing scenes from them…
Thanks IL, I appreciate it.
Very disappointed in this series…The inaccuracies are simply glaring…not to mention they gloss over a ton of even bigger players like Zhukov, Monty (as much as I hate to admit it), and Eisenhower! How do you leave out the supreme allied commander in Europe but then talk about Patton like he won the war himself?! WTF? Then there is the marginal mention of major German and Japanese players…This isn’t even a cliff notes on this time period… more like reading paragraphs spread throughout a semi accurate text book and simply ignoring everything in between…
Also, I guess the SMLE were the end all be all rifle on all sides of the wars! again…WTF
Stalin’s mustache was awesome in the series, that is the only positives you will hear from me.
Stalin’s mustache was awesome in the series, that is the only positives you will hear from me.
––What a great ‘one-liner’ :-D
Tall Paul
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