Thanks for the sample pictures! Great to see these designs materializing as actual pieces that can be put on an actual game board. I agree with your assessment that, for capturing the fine details of the designs, the unpolished option is far better than the polished option and that the Detail Plastic material is far better than the Strong & Flexible Plastic. So to me, the best high-detail combination would be unpolished Detail Plastic. The higher cost of the Detail Plastic material would be well worth it, in my opinion, for players who want the nicest-looking pieces possible. I’d leave mine unpainted, since I’m not a sculpt painter and since, frankly, I think the clear plastic looks quite attractive in its own right; it certainly gives the cities a distinctive look that is unlike any of the OOB sculpt colours, which highlights nicely their special status. The single drawback to leaving them unpainted would be that the engraved city names on the base are visible from the top – but I don’t see this as being a serious enough issue that it would incite me to paint mine. For the forum’s many sculpt-painters, this naturally won’t be a problem at all.