If I have time, I will go back to the google drive and look the others over. However, as I said, it would be much easier for me and others to participate in the discussion if you just embedded the cards here. Or even attached them to posts, something you should have privileges to do by now.
It is difficult for me to give you accurate feedback on the cards without a more defined scope of the game you intend for them to be used in. My impression is that this game or board does not truly exist yet, since you like the GW39 map but would like a bigger one. That is not wrong, it just poses problems because it can be difficult to evaluate individual unit or card value if you don’t know what they will be played on… or, more importantly, the rule set used. I am not saying you must define this completely, it just appears that your scale is much grander than G40 and some of the unit characteristics are different.
All that said, there are elements here that I do like and others that don’t really fit my tastes.
Salvage may be a ripoff, but it is a good and simple little advantage. I would impose some more qualifiers to the card though. Only in one territory per round, only so many times a game… something like that. Unless you intend for it to be unlimited, which may become kinda ridiculous. Like a self-regenerating army.
The French Foreign Legion is also simple and readily implemented. Gives France a minute amount of added purpose and puts a few pebbles in the way of the Axis advance.
You are correct about the Afrika Korps unit name.
The Torpedo Squadron card name just seems kind of generic. Do you intend that there will be more than one of these cards? Or that it is usable by multiple Powers?