• What is the most effective strategy for taking Africa as the Axis? Thanks!

  • Take Egypt turn one by loading your med transport with inf+art and attack destroyer in SZ15 with BB and amph Egypt, also bring inf and tank from Libya + bomber and Ukraine and Balkan ftrs. Then just load to inf every turn into Africa with your transport.

  • Cool, thanks!

  • Taking Africa on G1 is the easy part; keeping it is harder. Africa is a nice payday for the Germans, worth an investment. It’s worth getting the UK completely out of range of the Med so that you can build a second transport off italy on G1. As I see it, Germany is going to get its money one of two ways; they can take and keep Africa, or they can savage the Russians. (or they can try for Britain, good luck).

  • A quick question, in FWA, FEA, and FC there are little words saying “Free French Troops”. What does this mean? Do I get free troops?

  • LOL, no…

    THose are just explanations of who, in historical perspective, held those territories in the early 40’s.  It is written on the board for those folks who say “Britain did not control that!” when they look at the board.

    UK gets control of all “free french” forces (since France is an axis nation in the game).

  • @ncscswitch:

    LOL, no…

    THose are just explanations of who, in historical perspective, held those territories in the early 40’s.  It is written on the board for those folks who say “Britain did not control that!” when they look at the board.

    UK gets control of all “free french” forces (since France is an axis nation in the game).

    Darn! lol1

  • Just agreeing with those who say to use German AF to take control of Africa.

    I have seen some folks (myself even at one time) advocate a 2nd TRN in the Med for Germany.

    DON’T DO IT!

    Reasons are…
    1.  The BB and your existing TRN our not in a position to defend it (they are most likely in SZ15, maybe in SZ13, but definitely NOT in SZ14 where your shinny new UNGUARDED tranny would be built, and promptly sunk before it ever boarded its first unit by Allied air power.
    2.  For just a fraction more than the cost of that TRN, you can buy another FIG, which provides offensive punch all over Europe (and Africa) as well as SERIOUS defense.
    3.  Even if you are succesful at getting the tranny built and getting it hooked up with the BB and existing TRN, you will be too tempted to pull 4 divisions a round out of Europe and pour them into Africa and the Middle East.  And that REALLY is not a good idea early on with Russia still having so much offensive punch.

    So, use a couple of FIGs from Balkans and/or Ukraine, and your Germany bomber, plus the initial tranny load of 1 INF and 1 ARM from Southern Europe, plus your Libya forces and take Egypt on the first strike.  Then land those AF in Libya and move over your INF and ART from Algeria for a seocnd strike (if UK pulls out of India to retake Egypt), and then just start walking around taking terriroties… and fly your planes back to Europe, because you are going to need them there by Turn 3.

  • Any British player who doesn’t attempt to blow the extra & undefended med tranny out of the water on B1 (regardless of the G baltic fleet) is a fool.

  • Any British player who doesn’t attempt to blow the extra & undefended med tranny out of the water on B1 (regardless of the G baltic fleet) is a fool.

    Any British player who tries to blow it out of the water with just 1 bomber and 1 fighter is a fool, which is all you can bring if Egypt is seized on turn 1. You have about 40% total chance to knock out both units if mutual destruction is ok….

  • Tri, he was talking about an unguarded tranny newly built in SZ14 while the BB and existing tranny are elsewhere…

  • Oh ok.

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