Nice way to seal East Indies reinforcements out of the Pearl assault with the UK Aussie fleet; but don;t think it is enough…
I assume you also stacked Bury with your 6 available INF to prevent a J1 seizure of Bury. Bury is critical to your anti-tranny strategy, so I assume you would protect that LZ.
Here are some initial thoughts on a Japan Counter for J1:
Build: 1 AC, 1 TRN, 2 INF
- Take China heavy. Use Kwang INF, 1 INF from FIC, 1 INF from Manch, 2 FIGS from Asia.
- Use 1 FIG to take out UK tranny (72% success) and submerge sub off New Guinea, fig to land in Pearl on Caroline AC
- Attack Pearl with Caroline fleet, Japan BB, Bomber. You have a 99% chance of winning, 38% with all of your Japan forces, 37% of the time you only lose the destroyer.
* Atack UK fleet off Kwang with 1 BB, 1 AC, 2 FIG (one from AC, one from Japan)
Non-Combat and Placement:
Tranny 1 ARM and 1 INF from Japan to Manch
Land FIC FIG in Manch
Land Manch FIG on new AC in SZ60
Land Japan FIG on new AC
Land East Indies FIG that fought at Kwang on that AC
Land New Guinea FIG on Pearl AC as well as Pearl FIG
Place new TRN in SZ60
Now, I may have missed 1 or 2 small items, but here is how Japan now stacks up:
THREE Carrier task forces:
1 AC, 1 BB, 1 FIG in SZ59
1 AC, 2 FIG, 1 BB (and maybe 1 DST) in SZ52
1 AC, 2 FIG, 2 TRN in SZ60
Land Forces:
3-4 INF in China
1 INF in FIC
2 INF, 1 ARM, 1 FIG in Manch
5 INF, 1 ART in Japan
It is not pretty, it is not glamorous. But with that much Naval power in the Pacific, the US is NOT going to be able to assist in a KJF except for that Sinkiang factory (2 units per round). UK is also lacking a navy in the Pacific and will lose the sub off New Guinea and the tranny near India very quickly.
J2, Japan starts their tranny build-up and also takes Bury with an amphib, knocking out your bomber base, and catching that US bomber on the ground as well…
Japan WILL be slowed in J1 and J2 in Asia. But their trannies are now 100% secure, and the Allies now have to come after Japan in coastal territories where Japan’s BB’s and naval air power are going to wreak havoc on the Allies with Japan’s counter-attacks.
In J3, Japan will be able to land as many forces in Asia as UK and US can build in both Turn 2 AND turn 3. Starting in J4, Japan will be landing forces in Asia at atleast twice the numbers that UK/US can build them.
Meanwhile, USSR will not be sending forces to help because, with the drain of UK resources to build and support an India factory, they are nearly alone facing Germany (not a good idea). And, without pulling forces out of India to reinforce Egypt, and with the Germany Md Fleet still in existence, Africa IPC’s are going to tilt toward Germany for a few rounds, further diminishing UK’s ability to both support the India IC and the assault on Germany.