Can I mobilize naval units in a sea zone occupied by2 enemy transports?

  • Can I mobilize naval units in a sea zone occupied by enemy transports?

  • Yes. Placing units happens at the end of the turn and after the Combat Round.
    It is up to the player who owns the Transports to move  them on his turn or to reinforce the SZ, killing your units which share the SZ with them.

  • @J.lloyd:

    Can I mobilize naval units in a sea zone occupied by enemy transports?


  • Like Wittmann said.

    You can place any naval unit in a SZ occupied by the enemy. Nothing happens at that time.
    Comes the enemies’ turn again he/she must -all in the Combat Move phase- fight those units, move away to initiate combat elsewhere or move away without initiating combat anywhere.

    Note that your enemy doesnt have to do anything if you placed only submarines/transports, as they may be ignored.

    Also note that your enemy is not allowed to load land units into his/her transports in such sea zones (never in ‘hostile’ SZ anyway). But they can move out, pick up land units elsewhere and return to the SZ during the same Combat Move, to initiate battle (together with other naval units that might have been moved in).

  • Customizer


    Note that your enemy doesnt have to do anything if you placed only submarines/transports, as they may be ignored.

    That’s not quite right. If player A has transports in a sea zone and player B mobilizes submarines there, on player A’s turn, he must move those transports. Otherwise on player B’s next turn, if those transports are still in the same sea zone as his submarines, the submarines will automatically destroy those transports unless player B moves them elsewhere during his combat movement.

  • In the case i mobilize new naval units in an occupied SZ…the opponent can always move his naval units from that SZ?

  • @bracconebaldo:

    In the case i mobilize new naval units in an occupied SZ…the opponent can always move his naval units from that SZ?

    Yes, he is not forced to fight your new reinforcements. He can opt but doesn’t have to. I think this is the only situation where units can (must) move during the CM without triggering a combat.

    Ofc, those units cannot move again during the NCM…

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