• My guess: 1 hack deserves another.

    If a patriotic group could hack Sony’s movie files, then they can post the movie for anyone to download free.

    Just do it, announce the links, and we can see if the NK hacking group can follow up on their threats.

  • The third Hobbit installment fall squarely on the “doesn’t suck, can’t say it is good” tile. This last installment is by far the weakest of a series of films that already had issues. The whole thing is just bloated and over-produced.

  • My wife and I left the theater after watching The Battle of Five Armies torn, we enjoyed Middle Earth but disliked how the story of the Hobbit was told.

    The love story between elf and drawf and the time devoted to the coward in the film took away from the story. Not enough Beorn. There should have been a funeral for Thorin and his kin.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    My wife and I left the theater after watching The Battle of Five Armies torn, we enjoyed Middle Earth but disliked how the story of the Hobbit was told.

    The love story between elf and drawf and the time devoted to the coward in the film took away from the story. Not enough Beorn. There should have been a funeral for Thorin and his kin.

    My brother said left left out a surprisingly large amount of tying up scenes. I figured some would be in the extended edition.

  • The Hobbit movie needed a whole lot more Hobbit.

    Between those three movies there is probably a half way decent three to three and a half hour movie.

    The love triangle/forbidden love nonsense would be among the first things to get cut, along with the coward/weasel and the whole Sauron side plot.

  • Gambler sucked, Hobbit sucked. Hobbit is nothing but another battle movie like part 3. I want the next one ( there is always a next one) to say THE LAST FINAL MOVIE BASED ON TOLKIEN BOOKS.

  • What disappointed me, as a Tolkien fan, was that I thought the LOTR needed a fourth movie to fully tell the entire story.
    When I heard the Hobbit was cut into three movies I was excited that the entire story will get told. Oh, how I was wrong.


  • My problem is they tried to tell to much story and also tell a bunch of story that was just created for the movies so they wouldn’t get yelled at for being sexist and some story that is just meant to tie it into the Rings films because the story of how Bilbo got the Ring of Power isn’t tie in enough. The whole thing was product cinema by focus group at its almost worst.


  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    What disappointed me, as a Tolkien fan, was that I thought the LOTR needed a fourth movie to fully tell the entire story.
    When I heard the Hobbit was cut into three movies I was excited that the entire story will get told. Oh, how I was wrong.


    LOTR was excellent at 3 films, IMHO. What I assumed was going to happen (and there was rumor of this initially) was that The Hobbit would be effectively told in two films and the third would take material from the LOTR Appendicies to tie together events from LOTR and the Hobbit. Including backstory on Aragorn/Arwen, capture of Gollum, watch on the Shire, White Council, etc… That would have been something.

    Unfortunately it instead pulled a Star Wars. But even the prequel Star Wars films were much better than the Hobbit.


    Gambler sucked, Hobbit sucked. Hobbit is nothing but another battle movie like part 3. I want the next one ( there is always a next one) to say THE LAST FINAL MOVIE BASED ON TOLKIEN BOOKS.

    I think you are probably wrong here IL. At least there should not be any more Tolkien films in the near future. As far as I know rights to all material that are not the Hobbit or LOTR are still owned by the Tolkien Estate and if Christopher Tolkien is to believed (and he is), they are not about to sell them. He hated what was done with LOTR and I have no doubts that he felt The Hobbit was even worse. So, we should mercifully have peace from Peter Jackson and company in regards to Middle Earth.

    There was a time when I wished and hoped that Jackson would film the Silmarillion, or elements of it… but now I see what folly that was and how grateful I am that it cannot happen. Firstly, the book itself is utterly unfilmable, particularly as a movie. Secondly, his work on The Hobbit spoils any chance of Jackson doing such stories justice. I don’t know that Hollywood could treat the book with the respect it deserves. My cousin and I were having a discussion about Hollywood and “independent” films recently. She pointed out the LOTR was essentially an independent film with Hollywood financing. The more I thought about it, the more it seemed she was right. The Hobbit on the other hand has been mired in Hollywood wrangling from the get go and the formulaic screen version proves that. Did success and Hollywood ruin Peter Jackson?.. perhaps, but another debate entirely.

  • Jackson should do a spoof on his movies, just trash the whole genre of Fantasy films with cliche upon cliche in the vein of Monty Python, except Ghetto style

  • Customizer


    ––First, let me start out by saying “Unbroken” is NOT a war movie,….at least like you normally think of one.
    ----It IS a very powerful, inspirational movie that is extremely well done. It also has a enough WW2 action/scenes to be “interesting” to a WW2 buff. The CGI as well as the physical props were well done. I only noticed one inacuracy,…when returning to America at the end of the war there was a transport aircraft that still had the early ww2 red dot in the star and red/white rudder stripes. I guess it might have been possible but I doubt it. Anyway, it was hardly noticable (except to a historian) and didn’t detract from the movie at all. All summed up, a great movie that’s well written, acted, with great cinematography.

    ----My opinion,…If you want to see a well done INSPIRATIONAL movie set in the WW2 era, this is a GREAT ONE!

    Tall Paul

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