Is it possible for this game to be set it up so that every country could fight on it’s on; with one country destroying everyone else as the only victory condition? Say, combine Italy and France (with Spain and Portugal?) and let them go first? Britain goes 2nd? And perhaps add about 1 guy to every Chinese territory? What would the outcome of THAT game look like?
Favorite 1940 Global house rules?
Italy was hard enough to play as it is, why make it even less appealing?
And the rice wine for China should be the sketchiest baijo possible.
Italy was hard enough to play as it is, why make it even less appealing?
And the rice wine for China should be the sketchiest baijo possible.
Sambuca would be an alternative for Italy.
As for China: given its weak status and almost complete lack of equipment pieces, perhaps its shot should consist of Tsingtao beer rather than hard liquor like the others. One interesting potential consequence would be that, if all the other player powers get sloshed on the hard stuff while the Chinese player stays sober, China could end up winning the game.
Cruisers @ 10 IPCs :-D
Cruisers @ 10 IPCs :-D
The way I read that is… for the same amount of resources it takes to build a Fighter, you can also build a large war ship.
Cruisers @ 10 IPCs :-D
The way I read that is… for the same amount of resources it takes to build a Fighter, you can also build a large war ship.
Fighter is still better even at 10 IPCs
I think you overthink things too much ;) -
Cruisers @ 10 IPCs :-D
The way I read that is… for the same amount of resources it takes to build a Fighter, you can also build a large war ship.
Fighter is still better even at 10 IPCs
I think you overthink things too much ;)Perhaps 8-)
I prefer to leave them at $12 and give them an attack @4 when paired with an undamaged capital ship.
House Rule: Each player has to drink an alcoholic drink from their respective country on their turn.
when you declare war on a country already at war with your ally they have to do a shot with you:)
Shot must be appropriate to your nationality
Neutrals: Neutral spirits
Neutrals could be good old Moonshine.
Cruisers @ 10 IPCs :-D
The way I read that is… for the same amount of resources it takes to build a Fighter, you can also build a large war ship.
Fighter is still better even at 10 IPCs
I think you overthink things too much ;)Perhaps 8-)
I prefer to leave them at $12 and give them an attack @4 when paired with an undamaged capital ship.
Does that include aircraft carriers in Global? Interesting idea. If you have a battleship and a cruiser, you could have 2 attacking 4s. If you had enough destroyers and/or subs to soak hits, it could be really frustrating coming up against your fleet.
We came up with a house rule to give cruisers AA capabilities. When a fleet with a cruiser(s) is attacked with aircraft with or without enemy ships, before regular combat, each cruiser gets up to 3 AA shots (or the number of attacking planes, whichever is less). Each roll of 1 kills an attacking plane, just like land AA guns. Then combat proceeds normally.
However, if the defending cruiser(s) has no destroyers with them, and the attacker comes with planes and subs, the subs’ Surprise Strike goes first. So, it is possible that the cruisers could get sunk before rolling for AA.
The problem with this house rule is we often forget to implement it until we are already part way into the game. By that time we just forget it because after Germany’s attack on the Royal Navy on G1, if we forget to do cruiser AA then those battles could be a lot different for Germany. So it’s not fair to impose that rule after not using it on G1. -
House Rule: Each player has to drink an alcoholic drink from their respective country on their turn.
Marshall Plan house rule: if the game ends with an Allied victory, the US player offers a free round of drinks to all the European players.
Cruisers @ 10 IPCs � :-D
The way I read that is… for the same amount of resources it takes to build a Fighter, you can also build a large war ship.
Fighter is still better even at 10 IPCs
I think you overthink things too much ;)Perhaps 8-)
I prefer to leave them at $12 and give them an attack @4 when paired with an undamaged capital ship.
Another interesting way to manage Cruiser weakness vs its cost.
I will add it as another option in my thread which summarize different ways to give it a little humph. -
A good cruiser house rule is “flak batteries”
Roll cruisers dice separately during combat. Rolls of ‘1’ are allocated by the owner of the cruiser against an enemy air unit of his choosing. (if available)
House Rule: Each player has to drink an alcoholic drink from their respective country on their turn.
Marshall Plan house rule: if the game ends with an Allied victory, the US player offers a free round of drinks to all the European players.
Haha! Nice one Marc.
A good cruiser house rule is “flak batteries”
Roll cruisers dice separately during combat. Rolls of ‘1’ are allocated by the owner of the cruiser against an enemy air unit of his choosing. (if available)
In general, I add always somekind of AA to boost Cruiser (while lowering it at 11 IPCs).
I tried this “flak” one above a couple of time on 1942.2, it was interesting because Cruisers provided a very good cover for UK transports against German’s aircrafts with submarines.
But I realized it was somewhat strange for a ship to get 1 out of 6 chance to destroy specifically plane every round of combat. While on a SBR, all escorts and interceptors get 1 single shot vs enemy’s plane and in Global it is all 1/6 odds.
That’s why I abandon this “flak batteries” HR for cruiser and now, amongst my HRs, only Fighters get a separate roll and hit directly a plane on “1” roll.
We have a number of house rules, but my favorite three are:
1>Heavy Bombers roll 2 dice and USE both. I hate that “roll 2 dice and pick the best result”. We all like that one, well, except for the person that is getting heavy bombed of course.2>Mechanized infantry can blitz on their own. In some cases, it might allow certain countries to expand a little too quickly too cheaply, but overall this one works fine for us. We still use the Improved Mechanized Infantry tech. It simply allows Mechanized Infantry to attack @ 2.
3>Neutral Blocks. We divided all the strict neutral states into five blocks: South America, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Mongolia. This way, if a side attacks a neutral, it only affects other neutrals in a certain area. Just seemed to make more sense. We’ve been tinkering with the idea of making Argentina Pro-Axis, but just haven’t gotten around to it yet.
By the way, in HBG’s Global War 1939, an attack upon a strict neutral affects ONLY that neutral country and any of it’s colonial possessions. Most of the strict neutrals are a single territory, but a few are broken up into 2 or 3 territories and some have outlying colonies which will turn against you for attacking them. Frankly, I like that way even better than the Neutral Blocks.I had to give you a +1 on this man! If you can move 2 spaces on land you get a blitz. Secondly, heavies should actually mean something in this game 2D6 isn’t a game breaker especially in Global.
Controversial but, screw it, if you get bombarded (in my game) you turn into pink mist and you as pink mist don’t get to shoot back.
We have a number of house rules, but my favorite three are:
1>Heavy Bombers roll 2 dice and USE both. I hate that “roll 2 dice and pick the best result”. We all like that one, well, except for the person that is getting heavy bombed of course.2>Mechanized infantry can blitz on their own. In some cases, it might allow certain countries to expand a little too quickly too cheaply, but overall this one works fine for us. We still use the Improved Mechanized Infantry tech. It simply allows Mechanized Infantry to attack @ 2.
3>Neutral Blocks. We divided all the strict neutral states into five blocks: South America, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Mongolia. This way, if a side attacks a neutral, it only affects other neutrals in a certain area. Just seemed to make more sense. We’ve been tinkering with the idea of making Argentina Pro-Axis, but just haven’t gotten around to it yet.
By the way, in HBG’s Global War 1939, an attack upon a strict neutral affects ONLY that neutral country and any of it’s colonial possessions. Most of the strict neutrals are a single territory, but a few are broken up into 2 or 3 territories and some have outlying colonies which will turn against you for attacking them. Frankly, I like that way even better than the Neutral Blocks.I had to give you a +1 on this man! If you can move 2 spaces on land you get a blitz. Secondly, heavies should actually mean something in this game 2D6 isn’t a game breaker especially in Global.
Controversial but, screw it, if you get bombarded (in my game) you turn into pink mist and you as pink mist don’t get to shoot back.
Thanks dude! When I first got Revised, I was okay with them cutting Heavies down to 2 dice but when they came out with the “pick best result” that just really chapped my butt.
Can you remember Heavy Bombers in Classic? You got to roll 3 dice there. That WAS a game breaker. You could go up against a stack of 20 infantry with just 8-10 infantry and 5 heavy bombers and totally wipe him out and still have enough guys to take the territory. Or in SBRs, 5 heavy bombers would just about bankrupt any of the players.
@knp, 3D6 heavies have never been popular. Back in the early nineties we played off and on with them. It’s one of those things where if you have them, you love them if you don’t, well life is hell. I like the 2D6 and seems like most players can live with them especially on the Global scale and sheer number of units on the board.
Personally I liked it better when SBR came out of the player’s bank. People really hate that one and democracy usually rules most of the time when you have a regular group. I understand why people hated that one, however I liked it. It’s one of the things I like about disrupting convoys.
Honestly I love HBG, you can now add a lot of stuff to the game especially when it comes to tech. SPA and TDs are a must.
Anyway your thoughts on mech blitzing and both dice counting for heavies was spot on.