• after reading the whole 2nd AMD. deal i thought that i might ask if anyone in here actually owns a firearm, and if so what kind, or kinds?

    i own an M-4, an M1-A, M1 Garand, 1911 A1 in .45, a Savage bolt action 30.06, an over under and a side by side 12 G, a combat shootgun and a breeching shotgun both in 12 G and both built by me. an HK G3, and an HK USP tactical in .45. and soon i will own a single shot bolt action .50 BMG rifle, very nice.
    i was asst. range master in the core, not bad for my age, and while on ship i taught classes on the breacher ( shotgun).
    well thats me, what do any of you got, i know at least one of you owns something.

    PS i don’t hunt, i am a target shooter only, if that makes a difference to you animal friendly people in here.  :mrgreen:

  • I operate a Squad Automatic Weapon. :-D I do hunt, but very rarely. I prefer bolt action rifles.

  • I don’t hunt, only have one gun.  A 100 year old shotgun that my grandfather left me (he got it from his father).

    I am not big into guns, not my thing.  But I see the need for the second ammendment.  Because I have had a few beers I am going to share something I probably wouldn’t if I was sober.  I didn’t feel the need to own a real gun, my grandfather’s gun I don’t think can be fired any more (and we don’t have ammo anyway).

    However, recent events in my life I have felt that a gun in the house would be wise.  I live with my GF, her daughter (12) was “touched” by some white trash. I won’t go into the specifics, but suffice to say Mr White Trash made bail, and I am sure he resents being in jail.  I am worried about him “wanting revenge” for being in jail.  He is a threat, and I want a real gun (my grandfather’s gun doesn’t count).

    To the anti gun nuts, I guess I am evil because I want to protect my family (I may not share a genetic link with my  GFs daughter, but we are a family).

  • if your grandfather shorsun is 100 years old it must be a simple break open, single, maybe two shot. if i am right, then there is no reason it shouldnt work, maybe clean it ALOT, and check to see if the firing pins are still there and in good condition. if all the above is right, then you have the rifle you need to protect your family, its loud, and people are more accurate with a shot gun (if your using bird shoot that is) a shot gun can really mess a person up, but most people survive it. so you can shoot someone with out the fear of killing them, that seems to be a bouns to them.

    im drunk right now too, i dont know what i just wrote hope it helps or makes sence.

  • My (now deceased) 88 Yr old Great uncle once chased a burglar out of his house with a firearm.  Without it, who knows what would have happened.

  • I have a hunting bow w/practice tips on the arrows.

    My general instincts favor guns as tools for hunting and historic artifacts from pre-1900’s wars.

    Ownership of too many modern weapons, or any sub to fully automatic weapon will draw my suspicions regarding the owner’s intentions.  If I had kids, I will prevent them from playing with the kids from such a household.

  • A smart homeowner will properly safeguard all potentially dangerous things from children.

    This will include:

    1. any guns (have a locked gunsafe for crying out loud)
    2. chemicals that may be consumed such as household cleaners, insecticides, etc.
    3. Are the smoke/CO2 detectors working?  Are the matches (and gasoline) kept in a safe location?  What about candles?
    4. trip, fall, and other mechanical hazards within our home.

    Gun safety is only one aspect of safety in the home.  More children are injured and die from various non-gun related problems.  For example, why do we not require helmets when our kids play soccer?  Or enforce helmets when they ride bikes?  Do we always wear our seatbelts?  Do we never speed or run “pink” (yellow turning to red) lights?  I think we are over concerned with the dangers or guns and ignore what are bigger hazards in our lives.

  • guns can kill people, there fore people will think more of guns than other normal day things that kill. more people died from car related incidences, does that mean we should take all cars away too, i wonder what the gun hating people of the world would say if that was thrown on the table?

  • @Major:

    guns can kill people, there fore people will think more of guns than other normal day things that kill. more people died from car related incidences, does that mean we should take all cars away too, i wonder what the gun hating people of the world would say if that was thrown on the table?

    “gun hating people of the world” is pure polemic and useless.
    I have the grace to still answer your question, even though that comment made me much less inclined to do so, and even though it had been answered several times before the hacking of the forum.

    guns are designed to kill
    cars are designed to bring you from one place to the other. 
    They differ in their purpose. One is functioning perfectly when it kills, the other one malfunctions when it kills.

  • I thought a person had to pull the trigger to make the gun fire thus making it a “killing weapon”.  Do guns go off on their own?  I’m just curious.

    Rune Blade

  • @F_alk:


    guns can kill people, there fore people will think more of guns than other normal day things that kill. more people died from car related incidences, does that mean we should take all cars away too, i wonder what the gun hating people of the world would say if that was thrown on the table?

    “gun hating people of the world” is pure polemic and useless.
    I have the grace to still answer your question, even though that comment made me much less inclined to do so, and even though it had been answered several times before the hacking of the forum.

    guns are designed to kill
    cars are designed to bring you from one place to the other. 
    They differ in their purpose. One is functioning perfectly when it kills, the other one malfunctions when it kills.

    add to this the fact that the time and effort spent on cars, insurance, and driver’s licenses makes it pretty difficult to obtain and use one - nevermind several.
    Also it is tricky using a car as a lethal weapon several times.  A gun is pretty easy to use in this regard as this is its sole purpose.
    Unless you’re Homer Simpson and find a gun handy for adjusting the lights etc. . . . .

  • That episode was hilarious.

  • The mixing of certain things together has often been found to be bad.

    Among them:
    Alcohol and driving.
    Alcohol and guns.
    unlicensed kids and driving.
    unrestrained kids and alcohol.
    kids and smoking.  (actually anything and smoking)
    curious kids and guns.  (they always manage to find where the parents hid the bullets)

  • The fact that firearms are DESIGNED for the specific purpose of killing is what gets to some folks. I kinda doubt the designer of the Thunderbird intended for it to be a killing machine, but sometimes shit happens.

  • Hey guys. This is Lizardbaby, to those that might remember me. I sent an email to Dzrt asking him to reopen my account. To those that don’t remember me, I am an old guy with several kids.
    I only own 1 gun atm. Remington 12 gauge shootgun. When my father dies my brother and I will split many guns that our family has collected through several wars and for hunting etc over the years. Our guns are a part of who my family is and has been over the years. I have no desire to loose them. On the other hand I believe in strong legislation to prevent miss use. <shrug>I got nothing to hide and nuthign to fear. Our guns are all legal and I know how to use them. I don’t mind proving either if it helps make us safer.</shrug>

  • @F_alk:


    guns can kill people, there fore people will think more of guns than other normal day things that kill. more people died from car related incidences, does that mean we should take all cars away too, i wonder what the gun hating people of the world would say if that was thrown on the table?

    “gun hating people of the world” is pure polemic and useless.
    I have the grace to still answer your question, even though that comment made me much less inclined to do so, and even though it had been answered several times before the hacking of the forum.

    guns are designed to kill
    cars are designed to bring you from one place to the other. 
    They differ in their purpose. One is functioning perfectly when it kills, the other one malfunctions when it kills.

    Knives are designed to cut.  But they kill too, don’t they?

    As far as the gun thing goes.  My great grandfather’s shotgun is old as hell.  And I would sooner set my home on fire than fire the damn thing right now (dangerous).  However, living in the south I have met some people really intrested in my great grandfather’s gun.  All I know of it was that that gun fed my grandfather, and his siblings.  A guy I know told me if I got the “stain” off of it with some gun oil I could find a number on it that would show me (on the internet) where it came from.  Needless to say, I am very intrested in knowing that.  My great grandfather got the gun second hand (this is a handed down story, I never knew my great grandfather).

    I am a dumb ass as far as shotguns go.  The guy I talked to (and saw the gun) said it was a 20 gauge.  That was more than I knew.  :?

  • My daddy had a few guns - kept them at the cottage - mostly for bear (not “bare”).  I’ve fired a few shots from a 12 guage, and that was fun.  Is it true that the 10 guage is military issue?
    Anyway, he had a couple of rifles that i pulled a few shots from as well.
    I used to be quite into the bow-and-arrow.  I even have a compound bow here.  I don’t hunt (although my dream is to eat a man-eating tiger/lion - just to be on top of the food chain).  If i did hunt, it would be bow-hunting.  It seems so much more manly than relying on a gun.

  • AFAIK, 10 gauge isn’t military.  I don’t think the military has much use for shotguns.

    It is a rare type of civilian shotgun make.  It is rare because 12 gauge is more than enough power for anything you will be hunting with a shotgun and the problems with shotguns (kick during firing, weight, ammunition cost, etc.) are worse with the 10 gauge.

    Certainly bow hunting is more challenging that with a rifle/shotgun/pistol and thus could be considered more “sporting.”

  • What is the point in having more than one gun to protect yourself? OK i even can see having one gun if you live in like Atlanta Georgia… but if you live in Maine or Vermont or Utah you dont even need a toothpick. The power of that Ak47 is a substitute for something else IMO-

    OK wait ill take a Luger only because it was a standard issue for german officers…nevermind the above.

    (LUGAR was a typo… good grief!)

  • i don’t hunt, i don’t use my firearms to kill. i am a target shooter. I had enough of shooting at people while in the corps. and yes  guns were invented to kill and cars were not. that wasn’t my point, but thanks for pointing out the obvious. the point was that it is the person that kills, if you were to take all the guns in the world and have superman throw them into the sun what then? you actually think that people wont find other ways of killing eachother? at last with firearms around we can put our selves on the same plain as some crazy bastard out to hurt people.
    i don’t shoot for a power trip, its actually quite humbling to fire a gun. i shoot because its fun when done safely, its challenging, and competitive.
    People against guns cant get past the bad guy who shot some old woman, or robbed a gas station. there is a whole world of firearms out there, and from my experience the people that own firearms are more responsible in many aspects than people who have never fired a weapon before.
    to the ignorant people who say guns are evil and cause nothing but pain, try joining a gun club, squeeze off a few rounds, have some fun, learn to be safe, and learn to master your seances.
    by the way i started this forum for people that owned guns to get to gether and share our knowledge and experiences with firearms, not for some dim witted jerk to come in here and start preaching to me about the evil thing that is a gun.

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