Ship Placement at Naval Bases

  • Doesn’t it make sense that naval bases should be able to produce ships?

    First off, I am yet to play a game where a naval base is purchased. It is overpriced and can’t compete with the airbase’s scrambling ability.

    I think that allowing ships to be placed adjacent to naval bases without an IC would reflect the strategic importance of several territories, including the Hawaiian Islands, the Caroline islands, etc.

    This makes sense logically, as well. If a naval base has the capability to repair a capital ship, then it should be able to build one. Both require a dry dock. Of course, one could argue that islands/low IPC territories don’t have the resources or industrial capacity. However:

    1. Purchasing a naval base means that resources are being used to place materials, equipment, and personal on that base. Even though there are not enough resources to create an IC, there are enough to specialize in one type of industry.

    2. One of the reasons for Japan’s territorial expansion into China was to acquire raw materials for ships and airplanes. Convoys transport resources to the industries and territories that need them.

    There are several solutions:

    1. Allow all ships to be placed at naval bases belonging to a territory that you own; limit of three ships per turn.

    2. Same as 1, but capital ships require an IC.

    3. Same as 1, but to compensate for the resources being transported, charge a fee(maybe 2 IPC) for each ship placed at the naval base.

    4. Some combination of 1-3.

    What do you think?

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    It sounds like a good idea, but there are a few key spots where you might not want people to be able to spit out 3 ships, like Egypt, Gibraltar, Malaya, Philippines, Carolines, Hawaii, and Hainan.

  • Customizer

    I think you are confusing Naval Bases with Shipyards.
    Naval Bases are not used to build new ships, but as proper staging areas for a nation’s fleets with some repairing abilities and most importantly as supply depots to replenish the fleets.
    Shipyards are where they actually construct new ships. In this game, Industrial Complexes are used to represent any and all types of new unit construction facilities. Shipyards, aircraft manufacturing plants (fighter and bomber), automotive plants (tanks and mechs), armament plants (artillery and AA guns), ammunition plants and recruitment and basic training facilities (boot camp) are all wrapped up in the single piece of Industrial Complexes for simplicity in this game.
    Could you imagine if we had separate units to represent each unit’s construction? That might make SBRs almost useless. I mean, say your enemy comes over and bombs the crap out of your tank factory. You could decide that you just won’t build any tanks and hit him with more infantry and artillery while not spending one precious penny to fix the tank factory. And what if that SBR on your tank factory cost him/her a bomber from AA fire? All for nothing.

    While I see the logic in your idea, I don’t think it is a workable project. Especially your Option #3. People already don’t want to buy naval bases, they sure won’t want to spend an extra 2 IPCs per ship to place them there.
    Also, variance brings up a good point. Take Egypt for an example. It’s already hard enough for Italy to go after Egypt or even do much in the Med with their navy. If England could keep dropping 3 ships per turn there in SZ 98, the Italian navy wouldn’t stand a chance.

  • Some people feel like an adjacent NB should be required to build ships at an IC.
    I like that idea as well but I wouldn’t go as far as making NBs a (naval) production facility by itself, for all the same reasons Variance and knp have posted.

  • @knp7765:

    I think you are confusing Naval Bases with Shipyards. Naval Bases are not used to build new ships, but as proper staging areas for a nation’s fleets with some repairing abilities and most importantly as supply depots to replenish the fleets. Shipyards are where they actually construct new ships.

    Yes, good distinction.  An automotive analogy would be the difference between a neighborhood garage and a Detroit car factory: garages often have the equiment and the spare parts to repair a car, but they don’t have the compoments and the assembly line and the workers to build one from scratch.

  • Customizer




    I think you are confusing Naval Bases with Shipyards. Naval Bases are not used to build new ships, but as proper staging areas for a nation’s fleets with some repairing abilities and most importantly as supply depots to replenish the fleets. Shipyards are where they actually construct new ships.

    Yes, good distinction.  An automotive analogy would be the difference between a neighborhood garage and a Detroit car factory: garages often have the equiment and the spare parts to repair a car, but they don’t have the compoments and the assembly line and the workers to build one from scratch.

    ––I agree completely!

    “Tall Paul”

  • As much as I’d like to build things out at a naval base.  That would be a very powerful use of the piece and I think would total unbalance the way the game is played.
    There could be an upgrade for a house rule for the naval base that would bring it to a shipyard.  And then maybe produce a single none capital ship at that shipyard.  But I’m just spit balling here,  and I have no idea how it could really work in a game.

  • I see atleast 2 naval bases purchased in almost every game
    Japan often builds one on hainan (island off FIC)
    USA often builds one in Mexico
    I’ve also seen the axis place them in Greece several times

    I do however agree that they are overpriced, and it makes no sense that a base would cost so much more than an industrial complex

    A uniform price of 12 for minor ICs and bases makes sense to me

    Although the biggest reason you don’t see many of either base purchased is there are already so many of them.

  • Customizer


    I see atleast 2 naval bases purchased in almost every game
    Japan often builds one on hainan (island off FIC)
    USA often builds one in Mexico
    I’ve also seen the axis place them in Greece several times

    I do however agree that they are overpriced, and it makes no sense that a base would cost so much more than an industrial complex

    A uniform price of 12 for minor ICs and bases makes sense to me

    Although the biggest reason you don’t see many of either base purchased is there are already so many of them.

    I don’t understand this. Sea Zone 10 is already serviced by the naval base in Western US. Why build another in Mexico?

  • SE Mexico

  • Great idea, anyone play tested it?

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12


    I don’t understand this. Sea Zone 10 is already serviced by the naval base in Western US. Why build another in Mexico?

    It sometimes can allow you to get from Gibraltar to Hawaii or vice versa a turn quicker.

  • USA NB in SE Mexico on turn one, along with staging your fleet there, really puts some strain on the axis round 2, as the USA could go either way.
    Also gives a lot of flexibility early game to the Allies strategy

    It’s a win win for the allies, other than the 15 IPC cost that is

  • Customizer

    Okay, I’m just curious. I understand the naval base in SE Mexico now. I am just wondering why SE Mexico and not Central America?

  • @knp7765:

    Okay, I’m just curious. I understand the naval base in SE Mexico now. I am just wondering why SE Mexico and not Central America?

    SE Mexico is adjacent to the mainland and an IC, making it easier to defend and quicker to mobilize units into the seazone if the situation called for that.

  • @BulwFi:

    Great idea, anyone play tested it?

    Yes. I always build a NB in SE Mexico, Turn 1 w/the US if I’m going for KGF. You’d be surprised how many naval units and fully loaded Trans you can have within Hawaii or Gibraltar/Morroco(SZ64) on Turn 1 w/the US. If you decide to go KJF, then you can swing your navy to Hawaii in one turn. Most Axis players these days attack the Allies on Turn 2, this puts the US into position to unload a ton of troops(6 fully loaded Trans) into Morocco on Turn 2. If you build 3 Trans on Turn 1. Then, w/the NB in Gibraltar, you can attack Norway or N. Italy/S. Italy on

  • '17 '16 Customizer


    First off, I am yet to play a game where a naval base is purchased. It is overpriced and can’t compete with the airbase’s scrambling ability.

    I would venture you have not played many games with different folks then. I personally like purchasing a NB for Japan on J1 and placing it on Kwangtung. That puts Japan on India in 2 moves or Australia too if the need arises to switch directions as things develop. I’ve bought them before for other countries as well.

  • Customizer



    First off, I am yet to play a game where a naval base is purchased. It is overpriced and can’t compete with the airbase’s scrambling ability.

    I would venture you have not played many games with different folks then. I personally like purchasing a NB for Japan on J1 and placing it on Kwangtung. That puts Japan on India in 2 moves or Australia too if the need arises to switch directions as things develop. I’ve bought them before for other countries as well.

    I think you mean Kwangsi. Kwangtung already starts with a naval base for the British. Personally, I prefer to put the naval base on Hainan, but it has the same effect either way.

  • '17 '16 Customizer


    I think you mean Kwangsi. Kwangtung already starts with a naval base for the British. Personally, I prefer to put the naval base on Hainan, but it has the same effect either way.

    Yup. Kwangsi is indeed the territory I meant. I’ll have to look at Hainan when I get home too.

  • Hainan cant be captured by the chinese, and serves the same sz.

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