In a GERM/Russia vs. everyone game, the combined Navies of US/UK/Japan is too much for Germany, who will fall first. Russia will hold out only because Moscow is the only victory city not accessible by water. Of course, you have to give them a new ally if you want to keep the game going, which will be either UK or Japan. America is too far away to help them, and UK/Japan can easily take Asia all by themselves (assuming it’s not just them vs. everyone).
US/Germ is a great team, and the UK will fall first, making them almost impossible to defeat. Therefore, you must split the deadly alliance to make it a fair game. We played this setup once, and I was Germany. US took London on turn 4 (I believe), and I picked up Japan as my ally vs. USA/USSR. Russia was able to hold me off however, and I owned all of Africa, but Japan was able to get to Moscow before I did (can you believe it)? At that point, it became a three player free-for-all, which was bad for me, because the other two teams had two capitals. Plus, USA and Japan were ignoring the Pacific. Basically, I was boxed in the whole game, and eventually Berlin fell :cry:.
Trust me though–if you try these you’ll like the results, and it might not happen exactly like I’ve laid out because dice will be dice. That’s why I love this game. It’s never the same. Check out our thread though–I’m serious