• House Rules
    Canada – playable power
    7 IPC’s – Starting Income
    5 IPC’s - US is at war with the Axis powers
    5 IPC’s - Allies hold London
    3 IPC’s - no German subs in SZ’s between Canada and UK
    5 IPC’s - One Canadian land unit in Paris
    Free Minor Factory in Western Canada(British Columbia) (One time) – Japan Controls the Philippines

    Setup –
    Ontario – 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 AAA, Air Base, Minor IC
    Quebec – 1 Infantry, 1 Tank, Minor IC
    Alberta/Saskatchewan/Manitoba – 1 Infantry 
    Western Canada (British Columbia) – 1 Infantry
    New Brunswick/Nova Scotia – 1 Infantry
    SZ 1 – 1 Cruiser
    SZ 101 – 1 Submarine
    SZ 106 – 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
    UK FEC(India)
    UK Pacific is its own nation under the name of UK FEC. It operates on its own turn, has its own units and has its own money.

    New setup
    India – 6 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 3 AAA, 1 Fighter, 1 Tac Bomber, Air Base, Naval Base, Major IC
    West India – 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Burma – 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter
    Shan State – 1 Infantry
    Malaya – 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, Naval Base
    Kwangtung – 3 Infantry, Naval Base
    Egypt – 1 Infantry
    SZ 39 – 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
    SZ 37 – 1 Battleship

    Extra NO’s
    Germany –
    5 IPC’s – Germany controls London
    USSR –
    5 IPC’s – No other Allied units on originally controlled Soviet Territories
    5 IPC’s – Allies control London and Archangel, and SZ 127 is not blocked
    5 IPC’s – Russia is not at war with Japan
    Japan –
    5 IPC’s – Japan is not at war with Russia
    USA –
    30 IPC’s(One time) – Japan declares war on the US
    China –
    2 Free Artillery – China receives 2 Free Artillery if the Allies control the Burma road
    UK Europe –
    5 IPC’s – No European Axis subs west of the Baltic
    5 IPC’s – 1 UK land unit in Paris
    UK Pacific –
    5 IPC’s – The Pacific Allies are at war with Japan
    Italy –
    3 IPC’s – Italy controls Eastern Persia
    ANZAC –
    5 IPC’s – The Allies control Calcutta
    5 IPC’s - The Pacific Allies are at war with Japan
    France -
    5 IPC’s – All Original French Territory is under Allied Control
    The Pacific Allies consist of UK Pacific, ANZAC, China, and The United States.

    New Turn Order w/Canada
    Germany – 30 IPC’s
    USSR – 37 IPC’s
    Japan – 26 IPC’s
    USA – 52 IPC’s
    China – 12 IPC’s
    UK Europe – 28 IPC’s
    UK Pacific – 17 IPC’s
    Italy – 10 IPC’s
    Canada – 7 IPC’s
    ANZAC – 10 IPC’s
    Vichy France – 9 IPC’s /France – 19 IPC’s
    Free French – 0 IPC’s

    Vichy France/Free French
    4 Conditions must exist –

    1. Paris must be in Axis Hands
    2. Southern France must be in French Control
    3. Destroyer in SZ 72 must still exist
    4. True Neutrals must not be Violated

    Vichy France gets -
    Southern France
    French West Africa
    French Central Africa
    Madagascar – Add one Infantry
    French North Africa –
    (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia)
    French Units in French N. Africa get one round of Combat against the Allies( They become Free French if they survive) unless there is an Axis land unit in the territory (AAA guns excluded) In this case they roll until they die.

    Combat Involving Vichy French Units (Defense Only)
    If the Allies “Attack” Vichy French Units, before Combat Begins, They must roll a D6 to see if they join the Allied force or not. A roll of 3 or less has the French Unit absorbed into the Allied force (Get their own unit). A roll of 4 or higher they have to be fought. This rule is negated only if there is an Axis Unit in the Territory (AAA, Transports and Submarines Excluded).
    Vichy France operates as its own Country with its own money. They are treated as an Axis power that is not at war with the Allies. They can be declared on at any time (An attack of French Units in SZ 97 or Southern France is an Act of war on Vichy France.  However, anywhere else is not unless the Allies verbally declares war).
    Free French –
    If any Allied units are in a territory with French Units, those French Units become Free French Units. French Indo- China Units become Free French no matter what. Once per turn, the Free French player may place 1 Infantry on London or in any occupied French Territory with a Facility (Max one in Occupied Territory). These units must roll as a Combat unit phase to see whether Axis units detect them. On a roll of 2 or lower, they remain unknown to the Axis units. They proceed to do one damage to a declared facility. If they caught, they must fight the Axis units in the Territory. Free French Units can be Air Dropped on Territories with a UK Strategic Bomber(Max one carrying cap).

    Research and Development rules
    Instead of the 12 developments, you know get to develop up to 20 different Technologies.
    Buying the dice –
    The dice costs 5 IPC’s for a roll on a D6. If you roll a six, you then get to roll a 20 sided dice and get one of these technologies
    Super Carriers – Carriers can now carry any combination of 3 Tac Bombers and fighters
    Destroyer Bombardment – Destroyers can bombard during Amphibious Assaults
    Marines – Infantry during an Amphibious Assault get a +1 roll (Still gets a +1 with Artillery) 
    Always Active AAA - Enemy AAA guns attack while planes are flying over
    Heavy Tanks – Tanks now hit at 4
    AA Cruisers – Cruisers can now fire at up to 5 planes at 1 during a naval battle
    Towed Artillery – During Non- Combat Movement, 1 Mechanized Infantry can tow 1 Artillery
    Sonar Planes – Planes can now hit submarines without a destroyer present
    The other 12 that come with the game are the same.

    Allied Lend Lease
    Russia –
    If Russia controls Leningrad and SZ 127,126,125 are free of Axis warships, Russia can purchase Artillery at 3 IPC’s
    UK –
    If the UK controls London and SZ 101,102,103,108, and 109, the UK can purchase Tanks and Artillery at a cost of 1 less IPC
    Russia gets a minor IC on Samara when the European Axis declares war on it. The Minor IC produces Tanks at a cost of 5 IPC’s and Can produce as many as they need there.

    Can I get some thoughts?

  • '17 '16

    7 IPCs Starting Income
    5 IPCs - US is at war with the Axis powers
    5 IPCs - Allies hold London
    3 IPCs - no German subs in SZs between Canada and UK
    5 IPCs - One Canadian land unit in Paris
    Free Minor Factory in Western Canada (British Columbia) (One time) Japan Controls the Philippines

    I pretty much like your NOs for Canada.
    They make sense, all of them.
    The Free Minor Factory also make Canada a possible minor player in PTO, or a more interesting target for Japan…

    Only the no U-boat needs more accuracy IMO.

    Far East Command?
    Far East Colonial forces?
    Far East Colony or Commonwealth?

    I like also your Vichy to become Free French rules:
    French North Africa
    (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia)
    French Units in French N. Africa get one round of Combat against the Allies( They become Free French if they survive) unless there is an Axis land unit in the territory (AAA guns excluded) In this case they roll until they die.

  • I think its fair to get 3 IPC’s Instead of 5. Ill fix it for sure.

  • I see no problem on the 3 IPCs,  I only wanted to know which SZ have to be emptied of U-boats.

  • SZ - 106 , 107 , 108 , 109

  • @Hunter:

    SZ - 106 , 107 , 108 , 109

    If I may, from a geographical POV, I would add: 116, 117, 118, 119 and 123 (Iceland SZ).
    A lot of U-boats were sunk in these regions.
    That way, it may incites Germany to commit a few Subs in one of these.
    And 106 (Nova Scotia SZ) and 109 (UK SZ) might be to difficult to put a Sub in, which means only 107 and 108 as viable.

  • Seems fair enough

  • Canadian sub starts in SZ 120 not 101

  • Other stuff I forgot :-D

    Germany -
    Marines Tech Become SS Units for Germany. Cost: 4 IPC’s , Attack: 2 , Defend: 3 , Movement: 2
    German Subs in the Atlantic hit at a 3 and have 3 dice for convoys (Battle of the Atlantic)

    USSR -
    Marine Technology become Red Guard Units with the same statistics as SS Units

    Japan -
    Kamikaze planes defend at 3 when Japan has less than 30 IPC’s or in SZ 6 (Desperation)

    USA -
    US automatically gets War Bonds when they go to war
    US unlocks Improved Shipyards on round 6 (Due to Ships being produced effecently)
    US Bombers built on Western United States costs 2 Less (Boeing Factories in Seattle)

    China -
    China Starts with an AAA gun in Szechwan

    UK EU-
    Marines also act as Commandos - Same as SS Units (SAS units)
    Fighters attack at 4 and Defend at 5 when Paris has Fallen and the US and USSR is not at war (Battle of Britain)

    UK PAC -
    1 Infantry is placed in West India per turn (Punjab men recruitment)

    Italy -
    Italian Socialist Republic(See Italian Occupation)

    ANZAC -
    1 Infantry every other turn in Western Australia as long as Calcutta and Sydney are in Allied Hands(Free Dutch)

    Vichy France -
    Can only attack Free French Units unless declared war on by the Allies (Pro Axis Neutralilty)
    If the Allies land in Normandy, All Vichy French Units become French along with Free French Units

    Free French -
    Any French Territory that it taken by the Allies becomes under Free French Control

    Italian Occupation -

    If Rome is Captured by the Allies and is not taken in back by the end of the next round and there is still Italian Units in Northern Italy, The Italian Socialist Republic is declared on the side of the Axis Powers. Northern Italy becomes its capital and all Italian units become under its control.

    Spain Joins the Axis -

    Spain has the option to join the war on the side of the Axis. On round 3, Germany gets one attempt to bring Spain into the war. The German Player rolls One D6 and if it lands on a 6, Spain joins the War on the side of the Axis powers (Italy takes control).

    Sphere of Influences

    Axis -
    German and Italian units cannot move into Japanese held territories
    Japanese Units cannot move into German or Italian held territories

    US,UK,and French Units cannot move into Soviet held territories
    USSR units cannot move into Western Allied held territories

    Ural Mountains -

    Where the boards combine, the Urals mountains lye. USSR units can cross going from the Pacific side to the Europe side. No other power can cross these mountains.

    Thats all for now…

  • Cost: 4 IPC’s , Attack: 2 , Defend: 3 , Movement: 2

    Are these values correct? M2 and D3?

    Even a Tank cannot compete here.

  • @Baron:

    Cost: 4 IPC’s , Attack: 2 , Defend: 3 , Movement: 2

    Are these values correct? M2 and D3?

    Even a Tank cannot compete here.

    Oops… Movement 1 not 2… my bad

  • In case you want feedback from me, I really love Canada as a separate player. But the rest of the stuff are too much. You made too many NOs and too many special rules. It may be too much to keep track of for the casual player. This house rule is obviously designed to be used by the elite Einstein player who love complexity, and yet have some historical ignorance, or lack of knowledge.

    Lets have a look on game balance and playability. If Canada and ANZAC are separate powers with nation specific plastic units, their own income and own Turn, then UK Europe and UK Pacific should be one power with one economy. This game dont need 4 different UK players and 2 different French players. This game is complex enough as it is. For each new player you add, every Turn will take longer time. But if a long and complex game is your goal, then your house rule is very good.

  • Just a short comment on the French player. After Paris fell in the real war, France pretty much got passive. Both Vichy and Free were pretty much puppets, with no own economy or freedom of movements. The peace between France and Germany in 1940 was actually played by the book, better known as the agreements of the Geneva treaty. The capitol fell, Germany won and there were a general armistice. The remaining of the French forces would now be passive and neutral for the rest of the war. This is how the rules of war was at that time. This is confusing, because Germany did not follow this rules in the east. On the contrary, Germany tried to colonize the east, kill the local population and turn the stolen territories into homeland, in a Great Germany.

    But anyway, if our A&A game should simulate historical correct what happened, it will look like this. Paris fell, but Germany dont want to move into Southern France, because at that time they did not need to. Germany had to move into Normandy, because they were still at war against UK, but the Vichy was not a problem and they could manage them selves. But Vichy never had a separate economy or separate Turn order, since the official France had surrendered. When you surrender, you don’t keep on fighting. You cant both have a cake and eat it. And then when UK and US moved into North Africa in 1941, and threatened Southern France, then Germany had to move into Southern France to defend it.

    The French forces in Morocco had at the time status as neutrals, and defended themselves against the UK and US attack. It is very difficult to make generic rules for a game, that model correct what really happened. But it looks like, when the Allied captured the French territories, the locals in these places would volunteer and join the Allied forces, equipped with Allied rifles and uniforms, and obey Allied commanders. But almost no ethnical Frenchmen did join this Free France force. The Free French that helped liberate Normandy in 1944 were mostly colonials. But in no way can the true history justify a Free French player with its own economy and own Turn. So basically what I am saying is, the OOB rules are just fine as they are.

  • @Narvik:

    In case you want feedback from me, I really love Canada as a separate player. But the rest of the stuff are too much. You made too many NOs and too many special rules. It may be too much to keep track of for the casual player. This house rule is obviously designed to be used by the elite Einstein player who love complexity, and yet have some historical ignorance, or lack of knowledge.

    Lets have a look on game balance and playability. If Canada and ANZAC are separate powers with nation specific plastic units, their own income and own Turn, then UK Europe and UK Pacific should be one power with one economy. This game dont need 4 different UK players and 2 different French players. This game is complex enough as it is. For each new player you add, every Turn will take longer time. But if a long and complex game is your goal, then your house rule is very good.

    These house rules are by no means “Static”. They are supposed to change. I am play testing the 4 UK Powers. Another Idea is to Combine them to go at once as “The Commonwealth”. Another way is that One player takes the Europe side of the Commonwealth, while another takes the Pacific Side. The Free French Movement has changed during my play testing recently. They move with the UK as an extension of the UK turn, or in this case “The Commonwealth”. Vichy France is also an extension of the Italian player. It will no longer have a turn in the turn order. The French North Africa rules make sense as the French fought(all be it not very long)(Hence one turn battle).


    Just a short comment on the French player. After Paris fell in the real war, France pretty much got passive. Both Vichy and Free were pretty much puppets, with no own economy or freedom of movements. The peace between France and Germany in 1940 was actually played by the book, better known as the agreements of the Geneva treaty. The capitol fell, Germany won and there were a general armistice. The remaining of the French forces would now be passive and neutral for the rest of the war. This is how the rules of war was at that time. This is confusing, because Germany did not follow this rules in the east. On the contrary, Germany tried to colonize the east, kill the local population and turn the stolen territories into homeland, in a Great Germany.

    But anyway, if our A&A game should simulate historical correct what happened, it will look like this. Paris fell, but Germany dont want to move into Southern France, because at that time they did not need to. Germany had to move into Normandy, because they were still at war against UK, but the Vichy was not a problem and they could manage them selves. But Vichy never had a separate economy or separate Turn order, since the official France had surrendered. When you surrender, you don’t keep on fighting. You cant both have a cake and eat it. And then when UK and US moved into North Africa in 1941, and threatened Southern France, then Germany had to move into Southern France to defend it.

    The French forces in Morocco had at the time status as neutrals, and defended themselves against the UK and US attack. It is very difficult to make generic rules for a game, that model correct what really happened. But it looks like, when the Allied captured the French territories, the locals in these places would volunteer and join the Allied forces, equipped with Allied rifles and uniforms, and obey Allied commanders. But almost no ethnical Frenchmen did join this Free France force. The Free French that helped liberate Normandy in 1944 were mostly colonials. But in no way can the true history justify a Free French player with its own economy and own Turn. So basically what I am saying is, the OOB rules are just fine as they are.

    Again, not static. These house rules will change over time, until I get them right. Colonials did help take Normandy. If we were going off of complete Historical Accuracy, the French would have at least 1 Battleship in the Med. (This would destroy Italy and would not fly in OOB). I will add on the part about Germany taking Southern France over after the Allies take North Africa. I will change the Rules for new units for Free French to include colonials. The NO’s are optional if you want more or less income. A lot of them are “Duh” NO’s. I don’t play with all of these at once. I pick 2 - 5 to play with. It’s just a basic list of House rules I play.

  • Update -

    Combined UK Commonwealth Nation

    Works great! Played it out and it seems to be balanced and it allows for greater viability as the Allies.

    US Rules -

    The 2 IPC’s taken off from buying a bomber in Western US works fine and allows for some historical accuracy

    The Free French

    These units now move with the Commonwealth and attack and defend along with them.

    Vichy France

    Now moves with Italy instead of its own turn


    The NO’s are now an optional addition and you can pick and choose which ones are played in your game


    SS/Red Guard/Rangers/Commandos should move 1 instead of 2.

    Canadian Sub starts in SZ 120 not 101

    The Spain rule hasn’t come into play, as the German player has not been able to roll a 6, more on that later
    R&D works like a dream and creates new tactics for the powers

    Lend Lease

    Gives the Russian and UK Player a better chance against German and Italian Aggression - Works well

1 / 1

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







