@ponef that’s okay, not an issue anymore. I’ll delete the post
Best National Advantages
Actually it was not necesity that made Germany innovate, it was Hitler waking up. From 1941 to 1943 he shut down almost all research and cut the funding for science drastically. Had he not been so stupid, he could have had Jet Fighters by 1943, and maybe even Nuclear Missles.
On the subject of Germany, i think their NA are a little underrated. The atlantic wall get decimate nearly any D-day, especially when combined with Fortress Europe, and personally, i think Panzerblitz is one of the bets NA’s. It allows hit and run attacks, so Germany doesn’t have to worry about the counter atack, since nothing will be left. If you can predict how many guys you will lose failry well, you can send just enough infantry in an assualt, send in a horde of tanks, and the run. Works well against Causcasses, since it disables the IC. Still, i think Britian has better NA’s (Radar, Joint Strike, Colonial Garrison, and Enigma can pretty much ruin any move the German’s make on Britian). -
stukas are the best! the germans have a total of 7 aircraft so they can wipe out russias income and some of britians on turn one!
How many can reach Russia and return safely? How about Britian? Just use that special before the turn you make an invasion.
only 2 fighter can reach britian but all the rest can at least reach the caucasus
I Might try using them aganist Russia.
My friend got heavy bombers and long-range with the Superfortresses. Talk about a force to be reckoned with.
Didn’t I get that at the same time?
Yes, you did.
The Brits and the Russians may have one or two good National Advantages, but you have to admit, Fortress Europe and the Atlantic Wall come in handy when the Allies are threating. The Panzerblitz (if the Jerries have enough armor :D) can blow through Moscow on turn 1 or 2 if you play real well and get those dice rolls.
Overall, US has best advantages - only one I haven’t found useful is Fast Carriers. IMO Soviets have the worst; 2 of them (Lend-Lease, Salvage) amount to garbage picking, while the Nonaggression Treaty throws balance of entire game out of whack. Japan is in the running for worst ones, too.
Fast Carriers can be good against the Japs… you can build them then move them to the coast of Japan… forceing the Japs to stay at home instead of moving around messing with the UK.
i fail to see how an NA that throws “the balance of the game entirely out of whack” would be bad. Salvage can be very usefull now that the tanks defend at three, unless Germnay has panzerblitz, and LEnd-lease is arguably the best NA in the game. It essentially lets men go twice, as long as one of thsoe moves is in the Russian front.
Definitely the big boosters is the Atlantic Wall and Colonial Garrison! The First discourages Allied landings and The latter gives Britain that disheartening Factory in India…
Colonel Garrison is definetly one of the best NAs.
i fail to see how an NA that throws “the balance of the game entirely out of whack” would be bad.
Not sure if you’re OK with game balance being tilted in favor of Allies, or you just don’t agree that Nonagression Treaty unbalances things. Here’s my take on it: unless USSR attacks Japan right away to blow the advantage, it will take 2 turns or more before Japan can build up enough force to attack any Soviet territory with a decent chance of winning. The differences in production mean that the Axis must win fairly quickly or not at all. The delay caused by this advantage gives Russia a free breathing space in the east that can be decisive, and I think it’s hard enough for the Axis to win without it. One opinion; take it for what it’s worth.
I see your point about Lend/Lease; only problem is, I’ve found it makes the other Allies reluctant to move units - especially aircraft - into Soviet territory. Could be that I just need some less stingy Allies.
i was very dissapointed at the balance of power in the NA’s. with a concensus that the allies have the advantage, why are the NA’s for them so clearly better than the axis, should have been the other way around. but i think u-boat interdiction is cool if not game breaking. i think maybe the idea behind the NA’s was to replace the bid. experience being equal, let athe axis have one each. new players on the allies? give them one. tired of the same ole’ same ole’? everybody role or ahve allies get one, axis two each
Check out Anderssons NA’s section on this. hes got good ideas. hes also known as “game master”
the problem being the relative inexperience of my group means oob rules only, i have managed to get the sbr to the lhtr standard at least but we haven’t even gotten to NA’s with only one game every two weeks :cry:
Who do you think has the best National Advantages? Which one is the best for that country?
Have to go with the U.S. Superfortress…. Â If I am playing the US… Â I also try to pick up heavy bombers. Â Between the 2, you are reducing Germany’s IPC production buy 16 IPC’s(with 3 bombers) and Japan’s by 7(avg, one bomber) every round after the 4th… Â with no risk to any of your units. Â Makes a HUGE difference by rounds 6 and 7.
Well LHTR nerfed heavy bombers a bit. Still, if you’re using LHTR, I think the craziest NA is Joint Strike. That’s like goodbye Western Europe on like turn 3 or 4……
Am I missing something here? What about bonzai charge=infantry that attack as well as they defend. If infantry defend the best for how much money they cost, then infantry attacking just as well are the ATTACKING unit for there money. A unit that is good at defending and attacking and is cannon fodder is a good unit.