Friends - I'm in trouble - and I need your help

  • I suggest to put up something on You Tube and link back to the donation site. But make sure the supporting documents are available as well.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Just got an update on Bear.

    He’s going for his MRI now, and whilst under the same anesthetic, they may proceed with Surgery TODAY.  I still have no information as to what this means financially, all the details are still being worked out.

    Please - please keep him in your thoughts and prayers, and thank-you for coming along this journey with us.

  • While I am not in a position to give anything financially at the moment (that may change)I send all the moral and emotional support (healing waves) that I can, Mr. Bear will be in our prayers, Good Luck!

  • @Gargantua:

    Just got an update on Bear.

    He’s going for his MRI now, and whilst under the same anesthetic, they may proceed with Surgery TODAY.  I still have no information as to what this means financially, all the details are still being worked out.

    Please - please keep him in your thoughts and prayers, and thank-you for coming along this journey with us.

    Will Do!

  • @Gargantua:

    Just got an update on Bear.

    He’s going for his MRI now, and whilst under the same anesthetic, they may proceed with Surgery TODAY.  I still have no information as to what this means financially, all the details are still being worked out.

    Please - please keep him in your thoughts and prayers, and thank-you for coming along this journey with us.

    It should save some money. One of the biggest expenses when my cat had surgery was the anesthetic. The vets fees for her expertise were pretty reasonable but the meds and tests just sucked up all kinds of loot.

    Hope everything went well.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    The scan results didn’t come in in time, so they bumped the surgery to today.

    Its 7:30am now, and surgery (4 hours long) begins at 10:00am.

    Thank you everyone for your continued support.

  • Good luck!

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Well gentleman… it’s been a roller coaster.

    Look at this picture of the before… we were told Bear was down to “weeks” of life, and that they thought they’d only get 60% of the tumor, and extend his life by a few more months.


    Made the call to go into the surgery (Much higher risk than we initially thought it would be), because all of you were committed to this campaign as much as I am, and I know you weren’t taking no for an answer.


  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Now look at the after!

    Dr. Chen managed to get better than 90%+ of the tumor.  Which means that Bear’s life expectancy is extended even farther, and now has the option of still going for a “cure” scenario, which is that we hit the area with a series of Radiation over 3 weeks.

    Fortunately, radiation is not like chemo, and doesn’t make the dog sick, and because it’s a veterinary school, someone is willing to house Bear for 3 weeks whilst he gets the treatments, reducing the cost to $3,000 for the whole program.

    Because of this miraculous medical success, and because of your tremendous support, I’m doubling down and pushing forward for the treatment. So far I’ve been matched in this campaign dollar for dollar. I’m going to do whatever I have to do to get it done, so long as there are things to do.

    Also - Bear’s recovering is going remarkably well… because of the pressure on the brain the doctor was VERY concerned about Mr. Bear neurologically.  So far, he is recovering without issue, and there is a video of him walking around outside today! less than 24 hours from surgery!

    Gentlemen, I am so honored that you’ve made this stand with me.  YOU made today possible.  Without your financial support my efforts to save Mr. Bear would have been stopped butt-cold.

    Way to stick it to the forces of cancer.  I am so privileged to call you my friends.


  • Awesome news! Glad to hear that he’s doing good and the surgery went rather well!

  • Dont let a day go buy where you dont go see him
    Have faith and exercise it. I’ll keep him in my prayers
    Kris Smith AKA “Surprise Attack”

  • '20 '18 '16 '13 '12

    Glad to hear things are going well. Looks ike bear still has a hell of a fight ahead of him though.

    Count me in for the post-op treatment.

    I’m sure today, the anniversary of D-Day, is the beginning of an assured victory for Mr Bear. So while he continues to fight. So will I. Today I’m working for Mr. Bear! Donating today’s wage to the campaign.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Excellent and Amen! Congratulations to you and Mr. Bear!

  • Customizer

    Glad to hear the news man!

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 '12

    I think this picture says it all.


  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Thank you guys for all of your support. This was impossible without every single one of you.

    That first picture is just a start… there’s a second picture coming (as soon as I have a few minutes) with the “reinforcements” who helped came to save the day, and get us to the top of the hill ;).

    I’m also working on a short video, (that could take a little bit more time,) just for the crew; and for new Mascot!!!

    The Bear General!

  • PM. me your address Gar.

  • Glad to hear everything went well.  Love the Bear General as well.

  • Congratulations Gargantua. I’m rooting for Mr. Bear all the way.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Hey guys, just a quick update.

    I’m staying at the (low) Quality Inn down the street from the WSU Veterinary Hospital tonight, and Bear has been released to spend the day with me today, and tomorrow, (To reduce stress/anxiety) and on a whole is doing great.

    The incision along his skull is 6 inches long, and the tumor they removed was the size of a baseball.  Keep in mind, his head is considerably smaller than yours… :S

    Following that  - Bear is staying with one of the medical students who has generously offered to house him for the next 4 to 5 weeks, whilst he gets radiation treatments.

    I didn’t know this at the time, but the WSU teaching hospital here is one of the top veterinary destinations in the world.  People fly their race horses for treatment here from Europe, and they have experts in all kinds of fields.  This is one of the most impressive places I have ever seen in my life - and to boot, because it’s a teaching hospital, prices are significantly reduced, and more effort is willing to be made.

    I was wholly unaware of this going in… but had I gone to any other neurologist in a 2,500 mile radius, the most likely response I would have received was that it was too-late for Bear, and that they wouldn’t operate.

    WSU has a reputation for doing whatever it takes if they believe their is a chance… this has paid off huge for Mr. Bear.  Keep this in mind for your friends and families animals later.  Huge difference maker.

    Mr. Bears case has also been so successful so far, and the staff at WSU has been so impressed by YOU HERE AT A&A.ORG! and the fundrazr, that they want to post Bear’s story on their website.  I’m going to give them permission, and obviously tell them to “protect the names of the innocent”.

    Thank you guys for make this even possible… I don’t know what else to say, other than you’ve saved Mr. Bear’s life. And that you’re a bunch of hero’s!

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