I can’t quite make out the board. Would you take 2 pictures, each one half of the board, so I can get a better view?
Did your group okay getting outside advice for an active game? If not, then I cannot help you as that would be unethical.
I would like to buy a bag of plastic chips for this game. My usual source, Historical Board Gaming, has dried up. Does anyone know another source for A & A parts?
ebay hasnt had these chips for several months trust me….i search daily lol. unfortantly buying a 2nd copy of the game is the only way it appears…i want another bag of these new style to use for global cuz one bag of greys doesnt quite cover it and I hate using the old style bigger chips.been using the 1914 chips so far cuz I have extra bags.been trying to trade a 1914 bag for a 42 second edition bag…no takers…