@sweetchops27 Surprised that Senussi isn’t on here as an Ottoman-Aligned Territory (land area could be in-between Cyrenaica and Egypt) . If you don’t want to add more territories, you could very well replace Cyrenaica with it and make it north and south instead of west and east.
First draft 1914 map file
Love it IL,
I do appreciate your time and effort, BUT my only nitpick with it is still the color of Portugal and Portuguese East Africa. They should be French blue, correct?
I really want to print this map large on vinyl, but it would be nice for consistency and also to reduce confusion with newer players especially if those territories could be fixed.
Don’t mean to sound ungrateful!!!
Thanks :)
They should not be “french” they have their own color, which is similar to neutral color and the reason is they are both controlled by Portugal.
Then why is Belgium blue, and Romania red, etc etc? And why are the Portuguese territories blue on the OOB map?
It’s just that for new players it will cause confusion, plus I will always know… :evil:
Any word on the other AA50 map and Bulge?
Ok i am very sorry. I fixed it. Portuguese colony is Africa is kept neutral color, since it has no French flag. Portugal proper is now blue.
Thank you very much IL.
I will be go to the print shop today with the file.
But, I must also harass you for a few more things:
I want to print your Bulge variant. I have the file, but I need to know the EXACT dimensions that you use (I can’t find out what the normal dimensions are either). I know on the BOB thread you say it’s like 25% larger or something, and that the front line hex pieces fit pretty close, but not exactly. I am fine with that, I prefer more space for pieces anyways. Please let me know asap, the guy at the print shop will give me a better deal if I print more maps.
Also, any word on the AA50 map file from the pic I posted from BGG above? I don’t know if you have several versions of AA50 around or what, but if so please post them!
Ok you would want to print at maximum DPI (at least 300) and not on Matte, do semi gloss and print on heavy vinyl–not the cheap thin crap. Make sure you see the fabric before you print as the print shop owner might give you that crappy banner material with ridges in it–this is very important make sure it has a smooth surface and a bit spongy. Another example is it will look like the play mats they use for tournament chess.
The print shop guy I deal with is good. I got Global 1940 printed on the exact same vinyl and to the same size as Global War 1939 so they will fit perfectly on the same table.
Thanks again for sending more files. The first one is an .ai file? Which program opens this?
I like most of what I see in these files, but I could do without the icons, convoys and the unit box thing in the Pacific.
Do you have THIS file:
If so, THIS is the one I want to print. I could do without the units box below the East Indies, but otherwise LOVE it. :)
I hate to keep bugging you, but I really want to send a AA50 map to print, and as I’m sure you can understand, it’s not cheap, so I want the map to be perfect.
I understand the need to have it perfect. I am the same way. Funny thing is when i print my copies don’t have these mistakes??><<
I really have no idea why the file i originally posted had those mistakes, but in the case of 1914 it’s fixed.
I see you printed it out in decent material, but i think you can get a heavier (thicker) pad material BTW. It will keep it flat.
I noticed i put up a AA50HE -1943 link ( i can’t even find that on my computer) haha I’ll have to download that myself.
oh and forget the .ai file you need CS3 for that.
I think you might be mistaken. The pics I posted above I got from BGG to show which AA50 map I want.
I don’t have this printed… yet!
That’s where you come in.
Do you have the map shown above?
I have it but it has only one change ( Germany has swastikas as roundels)
you want it?
ok one sec
enjoy it. Remember it has Azores and Malta. That is the only changes. You will thank me if you play with them, makes for a much better game.
Looks beautiful,
I “like” the swastikas, makes it a unique map. Malta and the Azores are welcome. I guess Azores is controlled by whoever invades it?
Does Romania now contain a Victory City? Cool. But I think it might be misspelled, it should be Ploesti, but says Polesti.
I am 99% happy with this version.
IF it were possible, could I ask for the misspelling to be corrected AND possibly remove the units box in the Pacific? The only other “complaint” I have is the SZ border between the UK and Ireland is a darker shade of blue than the others. Same with the SZ below French Indo China.
I also noticed the SZ line going through Madagascar, and the unit box in the Pacific.I REALLY want to put this to print, soon! :mrgreen:
Does Romania now contain a Victory City? Cool. But I think it might be misspelled, it should be Ploesti, but says Polesti.
I am 99% happy with this version.
IF it were possible, could I ask for the misspelling to be corrected AND possibly remove the units box in the Pacific? The only other “complaint” I have is the SZ border between the UK and Ireland is a darker shade of blue than the others. Same with the SZ below French Indo China.
I also noticed the SZ line going through Madagascar, and the unit box in the Pacific.I REALLY want to put this to print, soon! afro
Ill do this and get you a new link
Ok buddy, i fixed a bunch of things.
Check spelling and font for spelling changes. I noticed alot of other things and fixed them. sea lanes are in right place and not missing the blue component.
IL, I can’t thank you enough.
I love this version more than OOB by far, looks amazing. I appreciate the work you have done.
I noticed two things though:
1. French Madagascar has a SZ line running through it.
2. The Axis & Allies logo between SZ 32 and 31 has the SZ line over top instead of underneath.
Otherwise, spelling and everything looks great! If you could get this out to me asap I would be eternally grateful.
PS. Once I have this map I will go straight to the printers, and next week I will post ALL of the maps to showcase them :-D
Ok ill check on that and get a new link