Glad to help.
I don’t understand what you’re asking. The light blue Neutral pieces match the light blue Allied Supplent pieces so you basically can build a light blue colored army from scratch. I own them they don’t look bad at all.
If you’re asking if these are supposed to be directly used with 1914 the answer is no.
The two things that are missing to create a complete army out the color is a submarine and a fleet carrier (only have the escort carrier). :cry:
I don’t understand what you’re asking. The light blue Neutral pieces match the light blue Allied Supplent pieces so you basically can build a light blue colored army from scratch. I own them they don’t look bad at all.
If you’re asking if these are supposed to be directly used with 1914 the answer is no.
The two things that are missing to create a complete army out the color is a submarine and a fleet carrier (only have the escort carrier). :cry:
Yeah I know but for what I use the neutrals for it works out fine. You can always buy some of the sale pieces at HBG like the Russian carrier for example, and with a little paint you might have what you need.
As there will be a new specifically designed French set for WWI simply make it perfect! :-D
This way there will be no need for improvisation!
I own some of HBG’s Light Blue pieces, and I’d say this picture…
…represents their shade a little more accurately than this picture…
…in which they look a little darker than reality. But whichever picture you look at, HBG’s Light Blue pieces (which I also think of as baby blue or powder blue or pastel blue) are a very different shade from HBG’s French Blue pieces (which are a rich medium blue, essentially identical to the OOB French pieces from Europe 1940). As Redking said, there’s no way that the Light Blue and French Blue units could ever be confused with each other on the game board. The OOB 1940 French pieces and the HBG French Blue pieces are close in shade to the OOB 1914 French pieces (which are a little darker), but still distinctive. So depending on your requirements, you can treat those two sets of pieces as representing either units of the same country or units of different countries; the difference in shade lends itself to either one of those two interpretations, which is something I like about them because it gives flexibility.
Hopefully this helps a bit. Left to right: OOB French G40, HBG Allied Supplement in French Blue, HBG Neutral Light Blue, HBG Allied Supplement in Light Blue
Thanks, this is a good reference picture.
Anything new, Coach?
We are working on them.
We have the 2 planes modeled and will start on the others.
Thx for the update!
Great news!
-> Have you decided on the destroyer and transport yet?
-> Can you already confirm light blue (horizon blue) being amongst the colours of the set?
Thx in advance!
The light blue will match the HBG light Blue and the French OOB blue for Global 40 among other HBG colors.
Still finalizing the ships, any ideas for a transport?
See my posts on page 2 in this thread!
Is it a glitch that the second picture looks darker and relatively turquoise?
Is it really a clear LIGHT BLUE as in the first picture?I mean the WWI French are supposed to be Horizon Blue!
So if you do not want to aim matching it perfectly - regarding costs for an additional, but only slightly different colour maybe - the light blue in the first picture would do fine enough!
We are NOT matching the Blue in the 1914 game by WOTC. We are only matching the dark Blue OOB color from 1940 and HBG Colors.
So to be 100% clear: There will be a light blue set for this, correct?
Second: You did find my posts regarding destroyers and transports on page 2?
I suggest you scrap all that…
Replace the OOB naval with
New battleship, cruiser, destroyer, and transport for both Central and entente ( 8 sculpts). The OOB naval are horrible.
Then make zeppelins, Rail guns (2 sculpts), and a fortress piece. One tank for central powers could be done, 2 new artillery ( central and allies) and possibly armored car ( 2 sculpts)
16-17 new sculpts.
Why do you spoil this topic with this suggestion?
Coach’s set is fine as it is with different sculpts for each piece like A&A is supposed to be!
And you get your own game released following this pattern already!
(nice effort! +)
So there is absolutely NO need to follow this approach with the HBG set as well!
Because the OOB pieces are horrible. Why would they want all French ships?
French equipment was widely used by smaller neutral and minor nations. So this set is intended to provide pieces for Neutrals, Minors, and supplement oob French etc… That would be why all French. This is not meant to be the “end all, do all” of HBG WWI pieces.
Will they look like these?
See first post!
Because the OOB pieces are horrible. Why would they want all French ships?
Answer is simple:
So that I can buy the French set and replace ALL OOB units with them!
After that I pray that the set will be a success so that Coach decides to make the next set, namely the German one.
So that I can replace……
and so on! :-D
P.S.: In addition units like cavalry or destroyers are a welcome edition for even more WWI like play! :-)