If the Canadian transport is alive, I would move all the fleet to 109 and add one carrier to it (2 transports are a sufficient threat for UK’s second turn). I would then build some troops in South Africa with the 12 IPC remaining (3 mechs or 1 tank / 1 mech).
Build your navy to be invincible (no need for subs unless you can convoy Italy). Only then buy transports once you master the seas.
You should be able to keep Italy off Gibraltar with your fleet, and Egypt should be safe if you pump out land troops from South Africa + an IC in Egypt.
Taking Norway is a good plan, but it is more important to contain Italy in the short run while at least threatening Germany with increasing pressure.
With Russia, you can afford to build up artillery in Leningrad / Ukraine and some mechanized troops in Moscow. Be prepared to push back the Germans (the bad rolls should give you a turn or so of respite) and take Scandinavia with the Russians.
Thanks for this. Just to clarify moves then.
US T1 Move Transport towards UK.
UK T1 Attack Norway which will be taken back. Move Canadian Transport which is closer towards UK. Buy Carrier but no Fighter. Buy Troops for SA. Use Med Transport to land troops in Ethiopia. Attack Sz 96/97 with Med Fleet and Air.
France T1 Attack Sz 95.
US T2 Amphib Assault Norway.
UK T2 Follow up in Norway. Buy IC for Egypt.
US T3 Buy IC for Norway.
In USSR, I had pulled back and left only 1 Infantry in any territory bordering Germany. I have about 18 Infantry in Novogorod and 12/14 in Ukraine. I hope the UK will occupy Germany and that my friend won’t declare on USSR so I will then start moving troops to the front line. I bought 12 Infantry last time. I intend to buy 6 Artillery (3 each for Ukraine/Novogorod), After that I am tempted between some Air or Mech Infantry. I may try and send some further units down to Persia. I already have 2 Infantry/1 Mech Infantry/1 Tank in NW PErsia. I intend to activate Persia and then attack Iraq and be able to lend some troops to Egypt.
Only risk is I can see my friend trying to take out my Med fleet with German air on G2. Is that an issue.
What options should I look at for UK Pac and US purchases then?
Currently considering 3 Infantry/2 Artillery for India and try to move troops from India to Burma and try to land some troops on to Samatra. I was also considering pulling Battleship from Malaya to Sumatra just so it’s a little bit more out of range of Jap fleet.
US I was considering spending my 52 IPC on 2 Carriers, 1 Destroyer and 2 Subs all for Pacific. Moving all PAcific Fleet to Hawaii T1 and then to Queensland (Sz54) T2 and moving fighters down towards queensland on T2.
China I have no idea. I guess Japan will take Yunnan T1 so I should take that back. Buy 4 Infantry and place hopefully back in Yunnan I guess?
ANZAC, buy 2 Infantry 1 Artillery. Not much they can do I guess.