I agree with Taamvan but in one game I did build an airbase in Shan State later in the game which helped to crush Japan. As it happened, Axis won in Europe in that game, rather narrowly. I think SZ37 had the USN parked in it, just with assistance from the UK.
US/UK Purchases Help Turn 1
Ethiopia isn’t that dicey:
2 Inf, 1 Mech Inf, 1 Arm, 1 Cruiser shot against: (should get at least 1 hit, if not 2 the first round)
2 Inf, 1 Art (should get 1 hit first roundProbably win with 1 Mech, 1 Arm and much less Italian headache in Africa.
A transport cannot land troops in two different territories, even in noncombat. Personally, I’d rather use the Med Transport to hit Ethiopia with 1 Inf, 1 Arm along with the Mech Inf from Egypt, Cruiser support, and Inf in Anglo-Egypt Sudan.
Damn! THought I may have struck gold on that one! I can’t pick up troops from Malta for Ethiopia so back to my previous plan!
Thanks for that. My last queston on UK is what to do about Ethiopia. My first thought is use transport in Med to take 2 units and from Egypt and the 1 from Anglo-Egyptian Sudan which is a straight 3 v 3 matchup.
I did then consider using the transport at India to move 2 troops into support. My second thought is to use that Transport to load troops on to Celebers and Sumatra (with ANZAC taking Java) and using Cruiser to do bombardment at Ethiopia to even the odds. Or do I just wait to allow troops deployed in SA to make their way up and attack in due course. In that case, I would be more inclined to take troops off Malta and move them to Alexandria or Egypt to hem the Italians in at Tobruk.
Other options ot my original plan for ANZAC is instead of buying troops. Just buy a Destroyer every turn. and position in DEI with British Fleet. By T3 I should have a US Navy nearby. Depends when Japan goes after UK/ANZAC.
If your opponent is inexperienced, he will likely disperse the Ethiopian troops (easier to pick them up on UK2, Ethiopia is a dicey battle). Activate Persia with your Egypt transport and activate Sumatra with the Indian transport. Don’t put the indian oceal British fleet in range of the Japanese fleet, or they will be wiped out. � These ships are better used in the Med and you have the option to return in the Pacific eventually.
USSR already has 4 units in NW Persia so I can activate Persia next round. As UK go before Italy, I can either attack Tobruk whre the bulk of his force is or Ethiopia. Both myself and my opponent are inexperienced (as you can all tell!) so he may well split his Ethiopia Force.
Ethiopia isn’t that dicey:
2 Inf, 1 Mech Inf, 1 Arm, 1 Cruiser shot against: (should get at least 1 hit, if not 2 the first round)
2 Inf, 1 Art (should get 1 hit first roundProbably win with 1 Mech, 1 Arm and much less Italian headache in Africa.
I did think for a minute that I could go for Tobruk but it would be even numbers and there is the Italian Navy in Sz 96 as well. Back to Ethiopia then.
I’ll attack Ethiopia with 1 Mech Infantry, 2 Infantry and 1 Artillery and move all troops from Alexandria to Egypt and leave just 1. Will then land all aircraft from Sz96/97 battle in Egypt.
Just one question. If I attack Sz97 can he scramble?
I will have 2 fighters, 1 Strat Bomber and 1 Tac Bomber, 1 Carrier, 1 Destroyer and 1 Cruiser to attack 96/97. How should I divide up my force? Was thinking
Carrier, Cruiser, Strat Bomber, Tac Bomber, Fighter vs 97 (1 cruiser, 1 battleship)
Destroyer, Fighter, vs 96 (1 destroyer)If he scrambles in 97, I don’t fancy my chances.
is your 91 cruiser alive?
and how many planes do you have left in london/scotland?
How do you have Russian troops in NW Persia if Germany hasn’t attacked yet?
How do you have Russian troops in NW Persia if Germany hasn’t attacked yet?
Is that not allowed? I will move them back. First 1940 Global game for both my friend and I so possibly a mistake.
How do you have Russian troops in NW Persia if Germany hasn’t attacked yet?
Is that not allowed? I will move them back. First 1940 Global game for both my friend and I so possibly a mistake.
Yes, Russia can not activate any neutral territory until they are at war on the respective board.
1 fighter from gib and either cruiser or destroyer from 98 to 96, malta fighter and remaining 98 fleet to 97 with strategic and either 1 or 2 fighters from london. If you wanted to do both. I might even try a 92 stack. Where is the german airforce/navy positioned?
1 fighter from gib and either cruiser or destroyer from 98 to 96, malta fighter and remaining 98 fleet to 97 with strategic and either 1 or 2 fighters from london. If you wanted to do both. I might even try a 92 stack. Where is the german airforce/navy positioned?
Pretty much gospel right here. I have stacked 98 with an air base in Egypt as well. But I prefer to take out the Italian Battleship & land all air on Malta to use in future harassment of the Italians.
1 fighter from gib and either cruiser or destroyer from 98 to 96, malta fighter and remaining 98 fleet to 97 with strategic and either 1 or 2 fighters from london. If you wanted to do both. I might even try a 92 stack. Where is the german airforce/navy positioned?
Pretty much gospel right here. I have stacked 98 with an air base in Egypt as well. But I prefer to take out the Italian Battleship & land all air on Malta to use in future harassment of the Italians.
If there is zero sealion threat, then 97/96 is good, maybe even a 98 stack, if there is still a sealion threat, 92 all the way if possible.
I will remove the Russian troops from NW Persia so no big deal. :)
What do you mean by 98 or 92 stack?
How can I get London Fighters to Sz97? By my calculation only the Strategic Bomber can make it to Sz97. There is zero sealion threat.
I will remove the Russian troops from NW Persia so no big deal. :)
What do you mean by 98 or 92 stack?
How can I get London Fighters to Sz97? By my calculation only the Strategic Bomber can make it to Sz97. There is zero sealion threat.
It is exactly 5 spaces to reach SZ97 from London, so you can bring them provided you also move in a Carrier for them to land on.
I will remove the Russian troops from NW Persia so no big deal. :)
What do you mean by 98 or 92 stack?
How can I get London Fighters to Sz97? By my calculation only the Strategic Bomber can make it to Sz97. There is zero sealion threat.
It is exactly 5 spaces to reach SZ97 from London, so you can bring them provided you also move in a Carrier for them to land on.
What happens if the carrier dies? I may move 1 to assist but I am pretty sure my friend will wipe out anything in that square with either Italy (from Sz95) or with Germany by Air.
If the carrier dies, then you lose the fighter. So, depending on how many hits the Italians get, you want to either save the carrier or lose the fighter first. Malta fighter and tac bomber from the carrier can land on Malta.
Very, very, rarely I will use the Med TT to activate Greece to provide an alternate landing spot for the SZ97 Carrier air.
It all depends if he scrambles or not!
I’m a little unsure what my strategy should be in the Pacific but I’m hoping to contain Japan and keep the Dutch Islands in Allied control and allow the UK to focus on ground troops against Japan if I can.
Looking to move ANZAC and UK Pac fleet into same square and just out of Japanese Reach. Move All US Pac fleet to Hawaii or perhaps just a square or two towards S. America but still reachable of Queensland. In US T2 move newly acquired Carriers to join up around Hawaii and then T3 have them all at Queensland.
On the Atlantic, the alternative to going Norwary is to support the British in the Med and go after Italy. Will take 2 turns to get to Southern France or Italy. Southern France has a Minor IC. I will have air assets from the British already there and if I put an IC in Egypt then the UK will be about to assist and funnel troops. The more I can land, the more it takes the pressure off the USSR and I am confident I can make small steps forward on the German/Soviet front.
Another alternative is Normandy. Easier to get to and less chance of German bombers and easier for UK to deploy troops into as well.
If I go Norway which I’ve been leaning towards, I have 2 options. Either let the British take it in T2 and hope they keep it so I can land troops there in T3 or wait and allow US to take it in T3 and follow up with UK troops so it can be kept with IC deployed in T4. I could do the latter and just soften the zone up in T2 so attack with enough troops to reduce the force in Norway but still attack with US in T3.
I guess China tries to retake Yunnan and I don#t know what Anzac does.
Very, very, rarely I will use the Med TT to activate Greece to provide an alternate landing spot for the SZ97 Carrier air.
Haven’t thought about this move. I kind of like it if the sealion threat is small. that small force in Greece (6-7 land units and 3-4 air units could be a massive thorn in the side of Germany/Italy; especially if it was a G1 attack on Russia.