• I live in Canada. So far the cheapest place that I can get it from is Amazon. And the price is 110 dollars. I’d rather pay something like 80-90 dollars.

    Thanks for future help.

  • @italiansarecoming:

    I live in Canada.

    That covers rather a lot of territory, so it’s hard to be sure whether you have better options than using an online retailer like Amazon.  If you live in or near a large city, you could check with local game supply stores and see if you can pick up the game there in person at a reasonable price.  They may have some copies already in stock or they might order one for you specifically.  If you’re not conveniently close to a large city, there are probably local gaming stores that could ship you a copy – but then shipping costs have to be added to the price, so you may not be further ahead.

  • I live in Saskacthewan. I’m an hour away from the capital city Regina. Not much population in this area.

    Shipping costs is what really gets me.

  • Normally I buy from starlit citadel but they don’t have it. You can try contacting them to see if they can get a copy (very friendly costumer service)
    They are in BC so shipping will be less that if you order from the US.

    As for the price, they sell AA pac 2nd edtion and AA europe 2nd edition for 80$ each. So if they manage to get some copies you should expect a price from 80-95$

    IMO, I think this game is overpriced, even if you buy it at a store for 65$ in the US.
    The best option would be to buy in th US if you happen to be there (what I will do if I buy the game)
    If not , in the best case, you are looking around 110-130$ for the game and the shipping.

  • Thankyou I will be on the look out.

    Until its under 100 I aint buying

  • '12

    Just got a copy for $95.99 plus taxes at Boutique Strategie Jeux et Accessiores in Montreal. A block from my house.

    What town in Saskatchewan, Italiansarecoming? I was born in Prince Albert, myself.


  • MooseJaw Sk.

    I haven’t even lived here two years. Plan on moving

  • Customizer

    They don’t have it yet but I’m assured they will soon. Black Knight Games in Hamilton Ontario Ships to your part of the ROC for $11.99

    Here’s a link to their shipping cost page.


  • For those who lives in Quebec, Montreal, you can get it at Le Valet de Coeur, but its at full price (99$ I believe). I’ll probably keep looking before picking it locally

  • Hopefully amazon.ca get some more sellers aside from the single one with the markup to $110 soon.  I don’t mind waiting longer for the free shipping.

  • @Omega:

    For those who lives in Quebec, Montreal, you can get it at Le Valet de Coeur, but its at full price (99$ I believe). I’ll probably keep looking before picking it locally

    La Tour de Jeux (Eaton Centre downtown) also has it.  Can’t remember the price, but their prices are typically the same as Le Valet d’Coeur.

  • At 100$ + 15% tax it’s better if you order from the US and pay 40$ shipping LOL
    Still don’t understand the MSRP price, says 100 but they sell it at 65$ in the States

  • Well I can patiently wait for a price to drop down.  No big deal if I don’t get the game right away as a few people I play with have been getting mad because I beat them a lot more then they beat me. (They don’t buy a lot of infantry)

  • Got mine for $65 at 401 Games in Toronto.

  • Customizer

    Just picked it up for $136 CDN from http://www.boardgames.ca/ including taxes and shipping.

  • @texasranger97:

    Normally I buy from starlit citadel but they don’t have it. You can try contacting them to see if they can get a copy (very friendly costumer service)
    They are in BC so shipping will be less that if you order from the US.

    As for the price, they sell AA pac 2nd edtion and AA europe 2nd edition for 80$ each. So if they manage to get some copies you should expect a price from 80-95$

    IMO, I think this game is overpriced, even if you buy it at a store for 65$ in the US.
    The best option would be to buy in th US if you happen to be there (what I will do if I buy the game)
    If not , in the best case, you are looking around 110-130$ for the game and the shipping.

    I did find 1914 on starlit citadel… except there’s one left and it is literally $5 off. You could get it for $85. I for one am going to check my local board game store in search of a lower priced one.

  • Customizer

    Field Marshal Games has recently listed this game for $80 and they don’t screw you on shipping from my experience. I wish Jeremy had posted in this forum his intentions of providing the game, I not only could have saved over $40 but I could have supported a man who I’ve personally met and respect. I made an assumption based on the company’s troubles and the fact that they didn’t carry 1940 2nd edition. Sorry Jeremy. I’ll see you in September and if the rumours about the piece count being inadequate for 1914 are true I will be buying another copy from you.

  • I got mine from Meeplemart.  $78.95 plus $10 shipping and plus taxes.  they ship anywhere in Canada ranging from 10 to 25 dollars.  Hope this helps.

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