Looking for the link to the IPC paper money that was created by sireblood. None of the YouTube videos have the link.
AA50 Interactive Online IPC Chart
I Will Never Grow Up Gaming has launched an interactive online Industrial Production chart freely available for everyone to use at our website!
This interactive chart can be used to track each players production levels throughout your game of Axis and Allies without having to worry about markers getting knocked around! And best yet, it’s FREE to use at any time!
Changes are likely to be made to it as this is the first version, but check it out and feel free to use it!
Any plans for a global version?
Indeed! revisions are underway to make it compatible with other versions of A&A as we speak.
This interactive chart can be used to track each players production levels throughout your game of Axis and Allies without having to worry about markers getting knocked around!Â
I guess EVERYTHING is digital these days? We don’t use the IPC chart/markers. We use a chart to write down your money on hand, and simply add it up at the end of each players turn (so no paper money either). Count number of IPCs that you are up, subtract the number you are down, then add/subtract from your base income.
Lots easier, and no electricity needed.
Everything IS digital! Look at all the APPS available! lol.
We’ve used the method of writing things down as well … but after a few drinks and with a lot of tomfoolery that does get pretty muddled sometimes. ;) This page is just handy for those who don’t want to write anything down or move physical counters around (and risk knocking them … i know that’s happened MANY times with our group)!
No paper money … we don’t use paper money either. We use custom poker chips! :P They’re great! You can play with them like you’re playing poker (they make a wonderfully satisfying noise as you shuffle the stack in your hand) and we usually place the purchased units on top of the appropriate # of IPC chips to make sure we’re not over or underspending.
One like this for the technology chart would be sweet as hell, wink wink!!!
I need to try it on my tablet so it can be digital AND portable.
I need to try it on my tablet so it can be digital AND portable.
Unfortunately it does not work on Tablets or touchscreens of any kind (yet). :(
Any plans for a global version?
I sent them a Global version months ago but they haven’t published it. I’ll post a link to my online version soon if they don’t post it.
Ha! It’s been on the server for a while but I guess we forgot to put up a link. /doh!
happy gaming!
––This is Another very useful item from the guys at “IWNGU”. I hope that you would PLEASE develop it further so it would also encompass the entire player payment chart as in the back of the rule book(s), with money saved, convoy interdiction, etc. This would be a VERY USEFUL accessory that I believe is needed by all gamers would undoubtably love to own/use.
“Tall Paul”
Hey Paul, thanks.
As we have time we’re working on adding things to it. It’s a slow process (with full time jobs, family obligations AND the gaming news and sales business) but it’s getting there.