@freh Ok, I see it now. Pretty sneaky :)
Heavy Bombers…
I think the Basic game is different from global….how do Heavy Bombers work in Global? It’s not the 3 dice is it?
As I recall, they are extremely nerfed. You roll 2 dice and pick the best result.
EDIT: verifying with the 2e Europe manual, page 41, that’s exactly how they work.
Yeah, we have a house rule that Heavy Bombers roll 2 dice and use the result from BOTH dice. Possible 2 hits in combat. In SBRs both dice are added together for total damage, however we don’t add the +2 to the total.
I agree with not giving Heavy Bombers 3 dice like in Classic. That was a bit overwhelming and was almost a game winner by itself. However, I think they should get 2 dice considering the expense it can take to get them. Besides, a Heavy Bomber carries a larger bomb load so it should cause more damage. Picking the best result of 2 dice seems more like a “smart” bomb. -
The moment US get heavybombers they should buy heavybombers only. :-)
The moment US get heavybombers they should buy heavybombers only. :-)
Problem for the Allies is that Germany just got it :evil:
Heavy bombers are still good despite nerf.
Yea, you got to hate a unit that hits 8/9 :-)
I’d rather get heavy bombers than jet fighters… at least you get one almost guaranteed hit.
gamerman01 2025 2024 '23 '22 '15 '11 '10 Official Q&A Moderatorlast edited by Feb 28, 2013, 6:44 PM
In SBRs both dice are added together for total damage, however we don’t add the +2 to the total.
Dude, on a lot of rolls, that’s actually weaker than the default rules.
I think the Basic game is different from global….how do Heavy Bombers work in Global? It’s not the 3 dice is it?
in G40, regular bombers work that you roll 1d6 and add 2 to the damage. so they do 1d6+2
the rules for the strategic bombing do say that heavy bombers just roll 2d6 and pick the best of the two. BUT…we play they still get the +2 so they should be getting 2d6 (pick the best roll) and add 2.
thats not the rule for heavy bombers?
You’re playing it right, chris. Take the best of 2 dice, and then add 2 to that. So your range is still from 3 to 8 damage.
In SBRs both dice are added together for total damage, however we don’t add the +2 to the total.
Dude, on a lot of rolls, that’s actually weaker than the default rules.
Yeah, I know there is a possibility of rolling snake eyes so you only get 2 damage. However, there is also the possibility of rolling boxcars for 12 points of damage. We just didn’t feel right adding another 2 points to that.
gamerman01 2025 2024 '23 '22 '15 '11 '10 Official Q&A Moderatorlast edited by Mar 2, 2013, 4:46 PM Mar 2, 2013, 4:39 PM
I believe any time one of your dice is a 1, it would be less damage
1,1 = 2 damage instead of 3
1,2 = 3 damage instead of 4
1,3 = 4 damage instead of 5
1,4 = 5 damage instead of 6
1,5 = 6 damage instead of 7
1,6 = 7 damage instead of 8Let’s see…. so any time one of the dice is a 2 and your other dice is >1, it’s doing the same damage
2,2 = 4 damage, would be 4 anyway
2,3 = 5 damage, would be 5 anyway
2,4 = 6 damge, would be 6
2,5 = 7 damage, would be 7
2,6 = 8 damage, would be 8I’m not suggesting that you add 2 to the total of 2 dice.
I’m merely pointing out that on several different rolls your rule is actually causing less damage than the 2nd edition rules :-)So any time one of the 2 dice is a 1, you are actually nerfing heavy bombers even further. Any time one of the dice is a 2, you are not making them any deadlier than the normal rules.
Anyway, I’m not sure you realized that it’s not just with snake-eyes that you’re doing even less damage.
6 out of 36 possible rolls you are actually doing less damage, and 5 out of 36 rolls you are not increasing the damage at all.
Which means 25/36 rolls you are increasing the damage by 1 to 4 points.Your house rule does increase damage a little bit on average. It just strikes me as funny that your remedy to reduce the nerf on heavy bombers actually increases the nerf 1/6 of the time on SBR :-)
I didn’t analyze it thorougly to make sure, but I believe any time one of your dice is a 1, it would be less damage
1,1 = 2 damage instead of 3
1,2 = 3 damage instead of 4
1,3 = 4 damage instead of 5
1,4 = 5 damage instead of 6
1,5 = 6 damage instead of 7
1,6 = 7 damage instead of 8I’m not suggesting that you add 2 to the total of 2 dice.
I’m merely pointing out that on several different rolls your rule is actually causing less damage than the 2nd edition rules :-)Yes, however…
knp’s rules: 2-12 damage
actual rule: 3-8 damageSo, he’s likely to cause more damage than the official rules allow.
gamerman01 2025 2024 '23 '22 '15 '11 '10 Official Q&A Moderatorlast edited by Mar 2, 2013, 4:51 PM Mar 2, 2013, 4:49 PM
You’re right - I was editing my post while you were typing yours. I was never intending to say it didn’t do more damage on average, just that it’s funny that 1/6 of the time it does even LESS :lol:
So here’s my suggestion, knp. When you roll a 1 in SBR damage, make it +1 to the total of your 2 dice, and then you will always have the same damage or more as the nerfed 2nd edition “heavies”! :-)
Read my post again, fktard - I had edited it - thanks
My bad - my math was incorrect.
You will get the same or less damage with your house rule more often than I had previously thought!
You will get 1 less damage 11/36 of the time (you will roll a 1)
You will get the same damage 9/36 of the time (you will roll a 2, excluding when you also roll a 1)
You will get 1 more damage 7/36 of the time (you roll a 3, excluding 1’s and 2’s)
You will get 2 more damage 5/36 of the time
You will get 3 more damage 3/36 of the time
You will get 4 more damage 1/36 of the timeWeighted average calculation:
-1 * 11
0 * 9
1 * 7
2 * 5
3 * 3
4 * 1Total is 19. Divide that by 36 and you have .53 more damage on average. Now that’s probably what you wanted, and that’s great, but I’m only saying that
11/36 times it does LESS damage, and 9/36 times it makes no difference.
Please don’t take offense - I’m not trying to make you look stupid and me look smart, I just enjoyed tackling the math problem and puzzle of figuring out the difference between best of 2 dice and add 2, and total of 2 dice.
Please don’t take offense - I’m not trying to make you look stupid and me look smart, I just enjoyed tackling the math problem and puzzle of figuring out the difference between best of 2 dice and add 2, and total of 2 dice.
Well, I’m glad you don’t want me to look stupid, because I certainly don’t need your help to do that….DUUHHH! (ha ha)
Actually, you bring up a good point. It is incredibly frustrating when you finally get heavy bombers, do an SBR, get through interceptors and AA fire, just to end up rolling something like a “1” and a “3” for your trouble.
I think I will make the following adjustment to my house rule for Heavy Bombers:
If either one of the dice rolled comes up a “1”, then add +2 to the total damage.
If either one of the dice rolled comes up a “2”, then add +1 to the total damage.
This will ONLY be for the result of one die coming up with a 1 or 2, NOT BOTH.
So if you manage to roll 2 ones, you will still just add +2 to total damage for a total of 4 damage points.
If you manage to roll 2 twos, you will just add +1 to total damage for a total of 5 damage points.
Threes and higher get no bonus. -
NOW you’ve got HEAVIES! :-) :-)
Happy I could help